Dasya, who knew Taliyah would never agree to grant him what he wanted, echoed softly. "What about I grant your desperate wish, and you grant me your favor in return?"

His request made her roll her eyes in amusement as the thought of having Mel knock her hard.

"Will you give me what I want without looking back?" She took a step closer to him before she asked with sincerity in her sweet voice.

"I will give you anything you ask for if you agree to do me this huge favor". He paused.

Glaring at her, a curl smile, which was rare, made its way to the corner of his lips before he continued. "I promise you won't regret granting me the favor".

Taliyah was not just amused, but afraid. She has never seen him this desperate, and submissive. "Since you agreed to my terms, can I hear the favor you ask of me?" She asked curiously.

Even though she hid the expression on her face, Dasya could read her heart. He knew she wasn't just curious, but ready to do anything he asked of her.

"Will you be—"

"Taliyah, what are you doing with him?" The question of Dryan, who just walked into the scene, interrupted Dasya.

"Anything with that? Why can't I yell at him, and threaten him?" She bit her lips as she lied.

She has no choice other than to lie because if she doesn't, she might end up facing Aro wrath, which she doesn't want.

"Taliyah, let's talk somewhere else". Without waiting for her to respond, he dragged her hand before walking out on Dasya who just stared at him with a cruel smirk on the corner of his lip.

'I think I will find out what I want by myself'. He concluded before he walked back to his room.


For hours, Luciana had been pacing around her room with many thoughts, which she didn't want to believe, flooding her head.

"Where did she go? What about Dasya?" She paused as she rolled her eyes continuously.

"Did they plan this out? Is he going to make her his mistress?" As fear engulfed her, she became sad, and nervous.

After several thoughts without an answer, she walked to the wooden chair which was designed for her, she cleaned the chair with the unused silk on the mirror before she sat down.

Facing the mirror, she smiled brightly as she glared at the replica of her beautiful face in the mirror. Gently, she unpacked her hair before combing it slowly.

Her brown wavy hair, that touched her shoulder, made her blush shyly at how long her hair had grown.

After she combed her hair, she stood up and walked up to where she hid a gown, which she didn't want her maids to see.

"All thanks to Azirin, I have something to make him know I am a woman too. I'm prettier than Tani". Feeling jealous, she said slowly before she put on the brown glittering gown.

It is made from cotton, but it is the most beautiful gown anyone would ever wish to put on without caring if it was made of silk, or cotton.

After she put on the gown, she combed her hair once more. She let her hair touch her bare shoulders before putting on the jewelry which she wore when she first came into this castle.

"You look pretty". A loud masculine voice distracted her as she heard stamping footsteps approach her.

"I got that a lot". Knowing it was Dasya, she ignored him before she walked towards her bedside.

"Luciana, don't tell me you use about an hour to dress up only to sleep with it?" Dasya, who found it funny, asked amusingly.

"Did I tell you I wasn't going anywhere? Besides, have you been watching me? Uh?!" She raised her brow shyly as she asked.

"You will look pretty under the scorching sun. Did you mind staring at the sun with me?" His question made her burst into loud laughter that turned into a cough.

"Did you want me to get burnt? Did you know how hurt it is out there?" After she managed to suppress her laughter, she asked anxiously.

Dasya only smiled at her anxiety before he took her small hand into his. "You are Anthia. A flower that blooms regardless of where and how hard it is". He echoed.

This was the first time someone would speak sweetly to her apart from lying, and cunning to her.

Apart from Azirin, no one has ever given her reason to live in this cruel world she wished to disappear from.

Staring at someone who just gave her a reason to live no matter how hard or hopeless it is, she felt like hugging him without breaking from his hug.

"You are right. I'm Anthia, and I should live like that". She muttered before she walked out alongside Dasya, who was smiling as he glared at her.

He had met many pretty, intelligent, sexy, and crazy ladies, but only Luciana was what caught his attention.

"Dasya''. A loud voice called out from the edge of the hall which they were walking through.

He rolled his eyes, searching for the voice which looked familiar. After a few minutes of searching without finding the owner of the voice, he continued walking.

"Dasya, don't you recall my voice?" Zale, who finally appeared in front of Dasya, asked with a frown on his face.

"Why is your face like this? Did something happen on your way back?" Dasya asked after he took his hands off his.

"No, but something is happening here in the palace, which I don't seem to understand". Zale echoed sadly.

"Luciana, please wait for me at the flower garden". After she got Dasya's order, she walked out of the hall.

"What is happening in the palace? Is it about the king?" He asked hastily.

He knew Zale would never suspect him, or consider him to be the murderer.

Zale was the only person, who truly knew him in the castle, and stood by him even though his siblings were pins in his throat.

"Marriage". The single word Zale uttered was like a thousand shattering words to him.

"What did you mean by marriage?"