"Why is Dryan not coming? Has he succeeded in killing Dasya? Did the beast in Dasya awake? What is really happening in the execution hall?"

While the wedding ball was going on, everyone present was enjoying the refreshments and entertainment from the entertainers, but Zale was spacing the whole hall.

He couldn't think straight as many unanswered questions arose in his mind. He hated the fact that he allowed his betrothed to know about his plan.

If she didn't know, maybe Dasya would have been saved, and he would have been happy to be out of the castle.

"My lord, why are you spacing the whole ball for the past two hours? Aren't you hungry or tasty?" Princess Karen, who managed to find him by tracing his scent, questioned calmly.

The thoughts of seeing her alone made him feel like strangling her. "What are you doing here, and how did you find me?"