A Small Decision

Zions P.O.V.

After watching Orian and Rains' conversation last night, I have a sharp pain in my chest. It started innocently with them talking about Orians mate. But as he goes to leave her room, she says she wants to leave the kingdom. Does she really want to leave? The thought of her leaving has me panicking slightly. I don't like it!

"No, She said she wants to find her true mate!" Ryker says with a huff. "It's not her fault you haven't made yourself known to her. Instead, you want to keep her locked up in a room so she won't discover you are her mate."

"You know she's not our real mate. She's not a werewolf. She is a witch. I'm the Alpha King. I can't have a witch as a mate. She can't be the Luna Queen without a wolf. The people would never accept her." I respond.

"Then why are you upset that she wants to leave?" He retorts.

"Afake bond is still a bond. You know that just as well as I do." I say. "Don't start your shit this early. I didn't get any sleep last night, thanks to your complaining."

"Don't blame me for you being uncomfortable with your own actions." He shoots back at me, aggravated by the situation. "Or should I say inaction?"

As if on cue, I hear a knock on the door. After I said come in, Orian walked in and sat on the chair across the desk from me, staying very quiet, making me cautious about what he had to say.

"Have you come to complain about my actions as well?" I ask my beta.

"I see Ryker has already started on you this morning." He says, and I nod my head in response. "I assume you have seen the surveillance footage from last night's conversation with Rain and me."

"I have," I say, though it doesn't sound like a question.

"Have you made a decision on what you will do about her as your mate?" He asks before adding, "Your decision will affect more than just the two of you."

"What do you mean? Didn't she say she wouldn't take your mate of the pup with her?" I ask.

"She did say she wouldn't take them. But they will follow her no matter what." He says. "Jessica has already confirmed it. Rain and Jessica have been through everything together, And Odett sees' them both as mother figures. They won't let her leave without them."

"If your mate leaves, will you follow?" I ask. I don't want to lose him as my beta or friend, but I won't ask him to lose his mate.

"I'm not sure." He answers, and I can tell he's torn.

"What if I invite a witch from the Silver Nyx Coven to stay here to help her with her magic?" I say before I can even think it through, and he stares at me in disbelief, clearly just as shocked as me. He knows how I feel about witches.

"Are you sure about that?" He asks.

"If we can find someone willing to come here and help, I will allow it," I say. "If it keeps you here with your mate and the pup safe."

"And what of our mate?" Ryker snaps. "Is she not important too?"

"Not now, Ryker," I say to him. "Isn't it enough I'm trying to keep her here and get her help? Isn't that what she wanted?"

"Have you forgotten everything else she said?" He asks.

"I am doing my best!" I answer.

"If you let her go, I'll never forgive you!" He says as he disappears into the back of my mind. Once we get rid of this fake bond, he will forgive me.

"I guess I'll make the call to the coven and see if they are willing to send someone. Let's not say anything to them just yet. I wouldn't want to get their hopes up if they decide to reject our request." I say.

"Yes, my King." He says before bowing and leaving my office.

Once he leaves my office, I make the call. The Head Witch of the coven graciously agrees to send one of her top witches to help us after I explain the situation. Of course, I left out the detail of Rain saying she was a hybrid. There's no need to say anything without any evidence to back it up. Maybe they can even find a way to remove the fake bond. After a few minutes, there's another knock at my door. I say come in, thinking it was Orian, And Ashley walks in, and I mentally groan at her presence.

"What do you need, Ashley? I'm quite busy." I say, hoping she gets the hint that I don't want her here and leave. But she doesn't.

"I know you're lonely, and I'd like to please you, my King." She says, and I mentally cringe at the thought of her touching me.

"No," I say. I'm not sure when I started despising her presence, but now I want nothing to do with her.

"That's because you were thinking with the wrong head! She's always been pushy and annoying." Ryker says.

"Is my body not to your liking anymore?" She asked. "Or is it because you have a new whore?"

"It has nothing to do with your body, and I do not have a whore!" I say, growing very agitated.

"She's getting on my damn nerves Zion!" Ryker says, and I have to hold back my laughter as he mocks her.

"Then what is it? You used to welcome me into your bed, or where ever choose, whenever I offer myself to you." She says. "What's changed?"

"Is this what they call a breakup?" Ryker asks.

"Did I not make it clear that she would never be my queen? Surely she knew this would happen eventually." I respond to him.

"I'm not interested in having a mistress anymore. And you would do well not to question your King anymore!" I say in my Alpha tone. "Now leave. I have work to do."

Ashley runs out of my office crying. Suddenly I have a bad feeling about her, but I try to push it to the back of my mind so I can focus on my work. Remembering I have a meeting in a few minutes, I get up and head to my room to get dressed for the day since I'm in only my robe and boxers.