Crystal Clear

Orians' P.O.V.

"The King just linked to tell me that we aren't needed tonight," I say to Jessica. "I guess things between them are going smoothly."

"I hope he doesn't hurt her." She says as I crawl into the bed beside her. It's my favorite time of the day. To crawl into our bed to cuddle up with my mate. I pull her closer to me, nestling my face into the crook of her neck, and growl low and soft, making her laugh. Goddess, her laugh could drive me crazy.

"I'm sure he'll work hard to fix things between them. He really does want to be with Rain." I say. "Every since we were little, all Zion ever wanted was to find his mate. The one that would be his Queen when he took his place as King. Unfortunately, things didn't go the way we planned."

"What were ya'lls plans?" Jessica asked while sitting up in the bed and facing me, fully intent on listening to every word.

"Usually, at twenty-one years of age, the Prince would be crowned King and take over all royal duties. But we wanted to find both of our mates before Zion became King, and I became his Beta. So we had planned to spend a year exploring, traveling through all the packs of the Southern Kingdoms' rule, and hopefully finding our mates after our seventeenth birthdays." I say. "But a week before we had planned to leave for our year-long trip, my father, the King, and the Queen were targets in an attack while we were on the home from a banquette celebrating the birthday of an Alpha of the Blood Cresent Pack."

"What happened?" She asked.

"We were in the car behind them when their SUV exploded. By the time we got to their SUV, they were already dead. We searched the area and found that witches had placed mine spells across the road and the trails leading into the woods." I said, remembering the scene vividly. Even though it had been three years, it felt like only yesterday. "We were all targets, but they still succeeded in their task to cause problems for the royal family. Zion had to take the throne at just seventeen, and I took the position as his Beta. That's why Zion has a problem with witches."

"I'm sorry. I wish I would have known that before snapping at the King the way I did the other day." She says.

"It's okay. Zion knows you were only worried for Rain. He doesn't blame you. He knows he handled the whole situation wrong." I reply.

"So your father died with the former King and Queen?" She asked.

"Yes, he was the Kings' Beta, so it was his job to accompany the King and Queen wherever they went. But his main job was protecting the Queen. The Gamma, Sams' father, stayed at the castle to handle things in the Kings' absence." I say.

"What about your mother? When is she?" Jessica asks.

"She died a few weeks after my father passed. She couldn't handle the pain of his loss." I say, and Jessica leans over and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." She says.

"It's okay, my lovely. You would have needed to know eventually as my mate." I say with a smile.

"I'm so happy you're my mate. I'm definitely a lucky girl." She says as she tightens her grip.

"I'm the lucky one, my dear. You're the most beautiful woman in the world, and your wolf is magnificent." I say as we lay back down in the bed. I pull her close to me, and she smiles that smile that makes my stomach do flips.

"You really think the King will accept Rain?" She asks, and I nod.

"I think he already has, babe. Rain and Odett both." I say, and she looks at me in shock. It's rare for an Alpha to claim a child that isn't theirs, much less the Alpha of all Alphas.


Rains' P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning to the sun shining through the crack between the black-out curtains. I reach over only to find the bed empty where the King had slept last night. I'm not sure why I feel so disappointed. Maybe it's because of all the sweet things he was saying last night. I push those feelings down as much as I can and turn over on my other side to cuddle with Odett and find she's gone too.

I jump out of bed, not even thinking to make sure my legs will hold me up as I am filled with panic. I run towards the bathroom when I hear the flush of the toilet, and Odett comes walking out, and my legs give out, and I drop to the floor with my heart pounding out of my chest.

"Mommy, I went to the potty!" She says with such pride as she runs up to me.

"Good sweetie, I'm so proud of you," I respond.

At that exact moment, the bedroom door opens, and the King walks in. I finally realize my sight is back as I look my sexy mate up and down. His face is perfect, and his body is a sculpted masterpiece. He's fine!

"Hot damn!" Dosha howls in my head, and I feel my face heating up from blushing.

"What are you doing out of bed? I thought I told you to ask me for help?" He asks.

"Both of you were gone when I woke up, and I started to panic. I'm sorry." I say as the King walks over to the table and places the tray full of food down that I just now realized he was holding on the table before walking over to me, then picking me up with ease and placing me back on the bed. My eyes never left his, even when the sparks flooded my whole body from his touch.

"How are you feeling other than the unsteady legs?" He asked. "How are your eyes?"

"I'm feeling fine, and my sight is back crystal clear," I say while a smile.

"Really? That's great! Let's get the doctor to come and give you one last check, and then we'll get you out of this room for a bit." He says happily. "After we eat, of course."

"That would be nice," I say as he picks up Odett and sits her on the bed beside me, then goes to the table to grab the tray of food and puts it in front of us before he sits down beside me.

"I told the doctor to come to check out your eyes, and I also told Orian to tell Jessica you're eyes are doing better and for them to join us after they finish eating." He says, and I can't help but think about how sweet and thoughtful he is.

"Thank you, my King," I say.

"It's Zion to you, my Queen." He corrects me.

"Thank you, Zion," I say, and he smiles.

After about thirty minutes, the doctor knocks on the door before being told to come in. He gives me a quick check-up before turning to talk to Zion.

"She is clear to leave the room if you allow it, but I would like her to take everything slowly and continue taking her eye drops till they're gone." He tells Zion, and I'm not sure why, but the fact that they are talking about me but not talking with me is irritating me. Zion picks up on my irritation and faces me with a smile.

"You might want to tell her that since it does involve her." He says to the doctor, who agrees with a nod, then turns to me before apologizing and explains everything to me as well. Once the doctor is finished, he says his goodbyes, bows to Zion, and walks out the door.