Witch Royalty

After we're both back at the suite, we decide to sit on the couch in the living room and talk about the ceremonies. Apparently, the mating ceremony was basically like a human wedding. We say vows to each other, and instead of exchanging rings, we mark each other, but we've already done that, so we'll be exchanging rings in their place and then reveal our marks to everyone. And then the run of the wolfs, led by Zion and Myself, which I'm nervous about. What if something happens and I can't shift?

The crowning ceremony will be like all the others. I'll say my vows to the kingdom and the royal family, promising to fulfill my duties as queen and protect the people. I'll be crowned and join the royal pack fully, then spend hours meeting with every Alpha and Luna in the Southern Kingdom territory. We then decide we should discuss what we'll be doing about Alpha Max and Ian.

"I want to make sure we invite them both to the ceremonies," I say.

"Care to explain why, my love?" He asks.

"I want them to know how bad they screwed up. And cause them to panic too." I say with a smile. "They will be too busy worrying about what we know and what we'll do to enjoy anything, But they won't be able to leave for fear of offending us."

"I like the way you think, my Queen." He says with that amazing smile of his.

"That's good because you are stuck with me now," I say with a giggle as I climb onto his lap and start kissing him.

"Okay, my love, It's time for us to get back to the office," Zion says as he pulls away from the kiss. "It's time to bring the coven home." I nod as we get to our feet and make our way out of the suite and to Zions' office. Once we arrive, I notice everyone other than James is already there.

"Where's James?" I ask Zion as monitors pop out of the walls, and James' face comes into view with a smile.

"I'm here, my Queen." He says through a speaker on Zions' desk.

"James is our enforcer. He will be running point on this operation." Zion says, and I nod in understanding.

"James, when will you be in position for the extraction?" Zion asks him.

"Ten minutes max, my King," James answers. "How long will it take the coven witches to get to us?"

"They are on their way as we speak. They should arrive a few minutes after you." My mom says.

"Okay, I'll check in once we arrive at the extraction point," James tells us.

"Keep your eyes open for anything," Zion says, and James nods before the screens go blank. We all sit in the office in silence for a moment and wait for James to report back in. Zion and Orian call for a late lunch for everyone to be brought to the office, and a few minutes later, James is back on the screens as they pull into the extraction point.

As the witches come into view on the screen, everyone breathes with relief. The busses open up, and the worriers step out and start helping everyone pack their things into the back of the busses and get everyone seated. It lasted less than five minutes before everything was secured, and they were pulling out and heading home.

"We're headed home, sir. GPS says three hours and thirty-five minutes." James says to Zion.

"Good job, James." Zion reply. "Keep the visuals up and your eyes open, and we'll keep watch from this side."

"Yes, my King," James says as our food arrives at the office.

"James, can you do a head count for me?" My mom asks, and he nods as he begins to count and get one of the men on the other buss to count as well.

"Thirty-eight, Lady Ezmerelda," James says, and my mom thanks him before returning to her seat to eat while looking slightly worried.

"Mom," I ask as I walk over to her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pretty sure some of the coven witches have left to join Douglas' army." She says, and we all freeze.

"What makes you believe that?" Zion asks her.

"I've been getting feelings in the pit of my stomach, like when an Alpha feels someone denounce the pack and passes over the border." She says, and Jess and I look at each other for a moment in silence. "Sence I left the coven to meet my daughter, I've felt it quite a few times."

"Howhad said there were sixty-four in your coven to begin with, including Lady Lana and yourself." He says, and she nods. "How many died in the attack on the coven?"

"Nine, including Lady Lana, while we were attacked on the way back." She says.

"So seventeen witches have left the coven. But that doesn't mean they all went to Douglas." Jess says, and I give her a thankful smile.

"No, not necicerally. Witches do not need to live together in a community like wolves. Many choose to live in isolation though they are still required to register with the Witch King or the closest coven to them in our case since we no longer have a king." She says.

"What happened to the King?" I ask.

"The previous King died ten years ago without him naming a successor to the throne. He cast out his only heir after having a disagreement. Now to crown a new ruler, the head of each coven will have to agree on that person." She answers.

"So there was no one that everyone could agree on?" Zion asks.

"There was one. She was the Kings' daughter, but after losing her husband and their daughter, she isn't as strong as she had been before." She answers.

"Who? Could we find her and help her regain her title?" I ask.

"Me." She replies simply.

"What? Does that mean that your father was the King of witches? Why would he cast you out?" I ask in disbelief.

"I married a wolf and gave birth to a hybrid. That's unheard of in our community." She says. "It was thought to be impossible."

"Mother, take the crown," I say.

"I am no longer strong enough to complete the trials." She says. "After losing you, your father wasn't the only one affected. But after losing him too. I lost too much of my strength."

"How many covens are left in the Southern Kingdom?" I ask her.

"Six, including my coven." She answers.

"Got room for six coven leaders on our guest list?" I ask Zion, and he nods with a smile.

"What are you planning?" Jess asks with a smile of her own.

"I think it's time they have a Queen to unite them with the wolves!" I answer her. Zion walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I think you will be the perfect Hybrid Queen." He says before crushing his lips into mine. Suddenly I hear everyone agreeing with him, and cheers erupt all around the room, even through the speakers as the wolves and witches on the busses.

"Then we should get started on your training." My mom says.

"What exactly are the trials?" I ask her.

"Fire, air, earth, and water. It is an elemental trial. You will have to master and cast the strongest of spell for each. Only the strongest of witches can call and hold them in place." She answers me.

"Okay, let's do it!" I say with excitement and determination.