No More Secrets

Rains' P.O.V.

As I stand at the back entrance of the castle watching, my mom and Jess walk down the aisle and up the stairs to the stage, followed by Odett as she throws flower petals into the air with each step. I can't help but smile and ask myself if this is what a human bride feels on her wedding day.

"This is technically a wedding. As with everything, wolves just have a better name for it." Dosha says, and I giggle a little.

"Yeah, I guess your right. So, are you ready for this?" I ask her.

"Absolutely, We were born for this!" Shy replies with such determination. And I walk out of the shadows, making my way to the double doors, and look down at the beautiful carpet with our marks embroidered on each corner. "Don't forget to smile. We wouldn't want people thinking we aren't happy." She jokes, making me laugh.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that part." I joke back, giggling at myself, as I continue to take small steps like Nikky and Krist told me. "Here we go!"

As I step out the double doors and onto the beautiful carpet, I feel surrounded by a brilliant warmth. The same warmth I felt while being dressed in my gown. Instantly I knew it was magic. As I continue walking down the aisle, I can feel the robe slowly start to turn into water lily petals as they begin to fall to the ground, revealing more and more of my dress, and I hear the gasps from the crowd, which makes me smile even more. About halfway down the aisle, I look up, instantly making eye contact with Zion, and have to control myself so I don't run to him.

"You look perfect, my Queen." He links me, and I smile and feel my face heat up, which means I'm blushing like crazy.

"You look damn good yourself, my King." I link back, and he gives me his signature half-cocked smile that he knows drives me crazy, and I get butterflies.

After what feels like forever, I finally reach him. I bow to him as a sign of respect, and he does the same, as it is tradition. He holds out his right hand, and I place my left hand in his as we embrace the amazing tingles of the mate bond. Then he helps me up the stairs with his left hand on the small of my back, and we take our place at the center of the stage and face each other.

We exchange our vows, and we exchange our rings that somehow are a perfect match. Then it's time for the binding part of the ceremony. Orian comes up to us carrying a beautiful gold chalice and places it on a small table between us, and Jess comes up holding a gold dagger and a beautiful strip of blue silk that matches Zions' shirt and places them on either side of the chalice.

He cuts the palm of my right hand and Zions' left palm. We both say our names and titles and join our hands together, then he wraps the silk strip around our hands, binding us together as our mixed blood flows into the gold chalice. Zion steps closer to me, removing the hair strategically placed to cover my mark as I unbutton his silk shirt, and we turn to reveal our marks to the guests, making them burst into howls and yells of approval.

After everyone has calmed down, the elder removes the silk strip from our hands while saying, "And so it is done. May the Moon Goddess and the Witch Goddess bless you both for many years to come, my King and my Queen." He then bows to us, takes the chalice, and walks off the stage, leaving Zion and me alone in the middle of the stage together.

Zion wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me around in the air before kissing me passionately as the guests howls and cheer of approval again. We both laugh as he places me back on my feet with his arms still around my waist to be sure I won't fall over. Orian crosses the stage to take Jess' hand, and they make their way off the stage and through the double doors, followed by my mother and Sam, and James picks up Odett and follows behind them while she giggles. Zion lifts my hand, making the guests react again before we walk behind them.

Once inside, Zion leads me along with him and gestures for the rest of the group to follow as he leads us to his office. After we walk into his office, Zion asks Sam to summon Stephanie to take Odett to the party with some guards. Stephanie arrives quickly, taking Odett out of the room. Then he tells us about him calling an impromptu meeting with the council after the ceremony, and he explains why. As he explains, I can feel my blood boiling while my body shakes.

"How dare she touch what is ours, and how dare he try to take our happiness after planning to take our life!" Dosha roars ferociously in my head, and I instantly know I can't let her gain control with her being this angry, but I also agree with her. Suddenly I feel Zion rubbing circles on my back, attempting to calm us down. "How the hell could he not tell us?" She growls in my head.

"Please calm down, my Queens." Zion says, but his voice is rough, and I realize it's Ryker taking control momentarily to help calm us down "Zion and I already took care of the spell part thanks to your mother. I'm sorry we didn't tell both of you, but we wanted this day to be happy for you with no stress. We will speak briefly with the council about the situation. Then we can go downstairs and join our party and continue your planned torture of the so-called Alpha and their would-be Lunas."

That seems enough to calm Dosha down, and I give him a nod of agreement, even though I'm still pissed they didn't tell us. But I also understand he didn't want me to worry about it. He wanted me to enjoy our ceremony without all the drama. But we're a team now, and I have a right to know.

The council meeting lasted less than ten minutes, though a few had issues with me being in the room. But as Zions' mate and future Queen, they got over it quickly, listened to the brief summary of the situation, and congratulated us. Zion said that the meeting would take place after my crowning ceremony tomorrow and the party that will follow. They all agree and leave the room. Once all the council members leave the room, I look at each and every one of them.

"From now on, I will not be kept out of the loop for any reason. We will no longer have any secret between us. Is that clear?" I ask, and they all agree and bow, including Zion. I know I probably just used my Alpha command on them, but right now, I don't care. The only one who didn't know about all of this was Jess. I can't stand the fact that they all hid this from me.