
Zions' P.O.V.

After we got to our suite, we got Odett tucked into her bed and made our way into our room. She walked over to the window as I closed the door, then walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist and asking if I should start the shower. But I didn't expect her reaction. When she bit into my collarbone, I knew I would end up losing control. She knew exactly what she was doing when she looked up at me through her lashes with that smile as she bit her lower lip.

At first, I was worried that she would be scared if lost control and got too rough or dominant, but she seemed to be more than happy to play with my more animalistic side and play the submissive role as she kept trying to pull it out of me. When I finally let go, she was more than excited, and it was amazing to be able to do what I'd been craving since I laid my eyes on her. I can't believe I thought she was so fragile.

After we finished I told her I would get the bath ready as I got up from the bed. I looked up at the headboard where I had her pinned just a few minutes ago and laughed silently, seeing the claw marks she left. I walked into the bathroom and started the water, making sure it wasn't too hot before adding some lavender bubble bath and turning the water off when the tub was full. I walked back into the room and picked her up, carried her to the bathroom, and sat us both in the hot water.

We soak for a while before I clean her off with the loofa and some body wash. She looks up at me with a smile even though she's starting to fall asleep. "I love you, Zion." She whispers as she lays her head on my chest.

"I'm pretty sure she just fell asleep," Ryker says with a laugh.

"I'll let her sleep, she has a busy day ahead of her, and we'll only be getting a few hours of sleep as it is," I say with a smile as I look down at my beautiful mate asleep on my chest. I let the water out of the tub and stand up while gently holding her to my chest so I don't wake her up, somehow wrapping a towel around the both of us as I walk into our room and place her on the bed and cover her up. She's amazing! I think to myself before getting in bed beside her. After I lay down, she scoots closer and curls up next to me. I wrap my arm around her and let sleep take me.


Rains' P.O.V.

Waking up to the sun coming through the window, I sit up in our bed, looking over to find Zion has already gotten up. I decide it's time to get up and get my day started, so I make my way to the bathroom for my morning routine. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up after I pee. I walk to my walk-in closet and pick out a pair of black leggings and a simple black tank top with my combat boots. As I'm getting dressed, Zion walks into our room.

"Good morning, my Queen." He says as he walks over, kissing me on the forehead.

"Good morning," I say with a smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"A little nauseous but well rested," I answer him with a smile as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

"Should I call for the doctor?" He asks. I shake my head, but before I can say anything, I feel the need to throw up, so I run for the bathroom. I make it just in time to lift the lid to the toilet and puke. He walks into the bathroom, grabs a small rag, and wets it with cold water before walking over to me and holding the cold and wet rag against my forehead while holding my hair back with his other hand. "I'm calling the doctor."

"I'm okay. I just need something light to eat." I say.

"Would chicken soup be okay?" He asks, and I nod. He kisses me on the back of my head before standing and walking out of the bathroom.

After a few minutes of waiting to make sure I wouldn't need to puke anymore, I get up and make my way to the bed. Zion comes back into the room with the doctor and my mother, and I mentally grown. He shouldn't have bothered them. My mom has a whole coven to look after, and I'm sure the doctor has more important patients to deal with.

"What's wrong, my dear?" My mom asks with worry as they walk over to the bed. It caught me off guard that her concern for me made me warm and happy. I guess it filled a void that was left in my heart, not having a caring mother that would look after me when I was sick as a child.

"I'm fine, Mom," I answer her. "I think it's a stomach bug."

"Let's check you out then." Doctor Jameson says, stepping closer to me. He leans over to check for a fever before checking my vitals. A few minutes later, he stands up straight and turns to Zion before saying, "We'll do some blood work to be sure, but everything seems fine."

"Thank you, doctor," Zion and I say in unison.

"I'll be back in thirty minutes to draw the blood for the tests." He says as he walks to the door and out of our room. A minute later, Mia walks in with a tray filled with a bowl of soup, bread, a cup of hot tea, and fruit. As the smell of the soup reaches my nose, I smile.

"Thank you, Mia," I say, smiling at her as she places the tray on the edge of the bed.

"You're welcome, my Queen." She says. We discuss the new menu for our movie night as I ate. I suddenly remember that I still need to talk to Nikky and Kristy about setting up the blankets and palettes for everyone in the courtyard. I asked Zion to call them to our suite so I could talk to them, but Jess and Orian walked in at that moment.

"I've already talked to them, sis," Jess says with a smile. "It's all been taken care of."

"Thank you, Jess," I say while giggling.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Better now," I answer her as I stand from the bed. "It's about time for us to prepare for our ceremony."

"We will let y'all get prepared then. Stephanie will be here with Odett soon as well as the hair stylist and make-up artist." Zion says as he kisses me on my cheek, and Orian does the same with Jess.

"Thank you, my King," I say, smiling as they walk out of the room.

"So, Shrek?" My mom asks, making Jess and I laugh.

"Apparently, Zion has never seen it," I say. There was a knock at the front door, interrupting our conversation, and Jess ran to open it. The stylist and make-up artist walks into the room, bowing to me with smiles. "Hello, ladies."

"Hello, my Queen." They say in unison. We talk for a bit about the crowning ceremony before we start getting ready. We decided to do my make-up light, letting my freckles show through lightly, and my hair pinned in a half up and half down style to let my curls flow down my back. Odett comes running into the room, jumping into my lap as Stephanie walks in after her with a smile as she bows. Odett moves to my mom's lap as the ladies were preparing to on their jobs.

After about an hour of them taking turns working on Jess and me, their job was complete. I look into the mirror with a smile at my reflection. My make-up is perfect, and my hair looks great as it flows with every movement I make. I turn to them and thank them for this masterpiece as they smile.

"You look stunning," Jess says.

"Right back at you," I say, making her blush. My mom walks over to us, smiling, with Odett at her side.

"You both look so beautiful." She says. "I'm so proud of you two." I look over at Jess to see that she was beginning to cry, handing her a Kleenex so that she doesn't ruin her make-up. Then it was time for our gowns.

"What color would you like your dress to be?" My mom asks Jess.

"Silver, please." She says with a big grin. My mother nods and asks us to stand in front of the mirrors. We did as she asked and closed our eyes. Jess gasped, and I knew she was feeling the cloke of my mother's magic.