Always Be Our First

Rains' P.O.V.

After I open the door to let the doctor into our suite, Zion leads us to his office, where he walks us around to his chair. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap as the doctor takes a seat in the chair across the desk from us. He congratulates me, making me realize I'm still wearing my crown.

"Am I supposed to wear this all the time?" I ask Zion, making him laugh.

"Only for formal events, my love," He says as he removes the crown from my head.

"Oh, thank the Goddess. It's beautiful but so heavy." I say with a giggle. He smiles at me before turning to face the doctor.

"So, Doctor, what seems to be the problem with my mate?" He asks Doctor Jameson. I squeeze Zions' hand as I place my other hand on my stomach, feeling nauseous again. The doctor looks tense but isn't giving anything away. I guess his calmness helps him be such a good doctor, but it's not helping me relax at the moment.

"Well, after checking and rechecking the results of the blood tests I took to be positive, it seems that the Queen is pregnant." He says, and my body goes ridged as I'm sure my face contorts in shock.

"Holy Hell." I breathe out after a moment as Dosha is howling and jumping for joy in my mind. I begin to grow nervous all over again when I realize Zion hasn't said anything yet, but I'm too nervous to turn my head even the slightest and see his reaction. My mind begins to race with thoughts of him rejecting me and the pup, and what will Odett think? How will my mom and Jess react? Will they be happy? What if no one wants us?

"I'm sure he's just in shock. It will be okay." Dosha tells me. "Don't stress."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I say aloud as I run to the bathroom across the hall from Zions' office. I make it just in time to puke my guts up. I can hear everyone outside the bathroom door asking if I'm okay as Zion walks in and closes the door behind him. He kneels beside me, pulling my hair up as he slowly rubs circles on my back.

"The doctor says this is what they call morning sickness." He says finally. "It should stop in the second trimester."

"I'm sorry," I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For all of this," I say, motioning to all of me.

"My love, I couldn't be happier. It may not be the most ideal timing, but the Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes, and she put this little pup in our lives for a reason. We are simply growing our family." He says as he leans in to kiss the side of my head, and my body instantly relaxes.

"You're really okay with this?" I ask, turning my face to look at him, and he nods.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I thought you might want to reject me." I say, making him give out a low growl at the mention of rejection.

"I would never reject you, my Queen." He says sternly. "You are my mate. We were made for each other, and I'm overjoyed to be growing our family."

"You promise?" I ask, mentally kicking myself for not being able to feel his emotions.

"Absolutely!" He says while laughing. "Ryker is going crazy with excitement. I can't get him to shut up."

"How do you think the others will react?" I ask him.

"I think they will be overjoyed, and if they aren't, they can fuck off." He says, making me laugh.

"How long do werewolf pregnancies last?" I ask him. I know there are differences between werewolf pregnancies, witch pregnancies, and human pregnancies, but I don't know what those differences are.

"I'm not sure. Would you like me to bring the doctor into the bathroom, or should we go back to my office to talk to him?" He asks with a laugh.

"I would rather not discuss anything with him while I cuddle the toilet," I say, making him laugh even harder. I stand up and rinse my mouth out with water from the sink before we walk out of the bathroom, but before we can make it back to Zions' office, we get bombarded by the others with worried expressions. I tell them I'm okay, that we need to get back to the doctor, and that we will explain everything soon before we walk into his office.

We make our way back around Zions' desk. He offers the chair for me to sit on as he stands behind me. I crinkle my nose and shake my head. He lets out a laugh as he sits down in his chair, and I take my place on his lap. After getting comfortable, we both look over to Doctor Jameson and see that he has a huge smile on his face.

"Feeling better, my Queen?" He asks.

"Much better, thank you. Zion says it's called morning sickness." I say.

"Yes. Since this would be your first pregnancy, I should explain a few things. Nausea is very common. Most of the time, it will end after the first trimester, but that's not always the case, the same as its name. As you can tell, morning sickness can occur at any time, not just in the mornings." He says, and I nod.

"Kind of stupid to call it morning sickness when it happens all the time," I say, and he and Zion laugh.

"Yes, it is. But it's an unfortunate side effect of pregnancy. There are things that will help with it. I can give the chefs a list of ingredients, such as ginger, that will help with it. Also, you will have mood swings due to changing hormones and begin experiencing cravings for different and sometimes unusual foods. It would be completely fine to give in to those cravings since you will need the extra carbs and proteins." He says.

"How long will my pregnancy last?" I ask, and he stays silent for a moment while thinking.

"Unfortunetly, I'm not sure how witch pregnancies differ from werewolf pregnancies. Your case is exceedingly different since you are a hybrid. I would like to talk with your mother about her pregnancy with you to get a little more insight." He answers.

"After we make our announcement to everyone waiting in the living room, I will let her know that you would like to talk to her," Zion tells him.

"I would also like to see you at the hospital later today or in the morning for some tests." He says. "Werewolf pregnancies are usually much shorter. Human pregnancies last nine months, but werewolf pregnancies usually only last four to five months, depending on how many pups the female will be carrying. It could be shorter or longer with you because of your specific species and hybrid bloodline."

"We should be able to squeeze in a visit between the buffet and movie night," I say, and Zion agrees.

"I'll go ahead and prepare the V.I.P. suite in the hospital for you and let the head nurse know to expect the both of you." He says, and I thank him.

"Shall we tell the others?" Zion asks me.

"Just our group for now. I don't want to give a huge announcement yet." I say, and he nods. We all get up and walk into the living room, where everyone is still waiting to know what's happening.

"Are you okay, hunny?" My mom asks as they all jump on their feet and rush to us.

"It's just a little bit of morning sickness," I say, waiting for them to understand. After a few seconds, my mom and Jess' faces light up, and they both become extremely excited while the guys stare, completely unaware of what that means.

"Really?" My mom and Jess squeal in unison, and I nod while giggling.

"Will someone explain what's going on?" Sam says in his confusion.

"We're pregnant," Zion says with a smile. It finally clicks for the guys as they become excited as well.

"Oh, My Goddess!!" Jess squeals while jumping up and down in place. I look over at Odett to see she's looking a little upset.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"Zion asks her as he picks her up, and we both sit on the couch with her.

"Does this mean you'll send me back to the orphanage now that y'all have your own baby?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper, and my heart shatters. How did we not think about how she would react? I feel horrible as I begin to cry and mentally curse these hormonal changes.

"No! You are our child. The new pup won't change that you are part of our family. We're just giving you a sibling." Zion tries to explain.

"You were the one who made me a mother and Zion a father, regardless of if you are our biological child or not. You're still our little princess. And you're not going anywhere, sweetie." I say, making her eyes dry and a smile appear on her beautiful round face.