The Announcement

Rains' P.O.V.

After the Doctor explains that we're expecting twins, pointing out the two beans on the screen. He tells us he can give us pictures of the sonogram and a CD containing a video of the sonogram with the audio of the heartbeats. I chose to get both, thinking it would be a cute idea to announce our pregnancy by putting it on the projector we will be using to play Shrek for our movie night. Doctor Jameson says he will be back with both in a minute before walking out the door, leaving Zion and me in the room alone. He helps me sit up on the edge of the hospital bed, and I smile at him.

"I think we should make the announcement tonight," I say, making him smile.

"How would you like to do it?" He asks.

"I was thinking we use the projector. We can play the CD before the movie." I say.

"Maybe we should play it after the movie so we don't have people interrupting us during the movie." He tells me.

"I agree. That sounds like a good idea," I say, giggling. Zion gently touches my cheek and kisses my forehead, making me blush as I look up and get lost in his beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly I hear someone clearing their throat and look over to see the Doctor standing in the doorway with a smile, holding a CD and a white envelope. I quickly hop off the hospital bed. Unfortunately, I slip and almost fall on my face, but lucky for me, Zion catches me just inches from the floor. When he helps me regain my balance, I let out a nervous laugh.

"My Queen, You may start experiencing a loss of balance due to your ovaries releasing relaxin, a hormone that softens the ligaments in your pelvis to create space for the growing fetus or fetuses, in your case. Please be careful." Doctor Jameson says, looking slightly worried.

"That's normal, right?" Zion asks him.

"Yes, it's normal. But call me immediately if you begin to experience dizzy spells or start blacking out or if you begin to feel painful pinching in your pelvic area, though some discomfort is normal." He says, and I nod my head.

"If you ever have any concerns or questions, you can link me or come in, and I'll check everything to put your mind at ease. But as of now, everything looks great." He tells us as he hands me the CD and envelope.

"Thank you, Doctor," I say with a smile. Zion takes my hand while wrapping his other arm around me to help me stay balanced, and we walk out of the room.

When we arrive at the castle, we pull around to the back at the entrance of the courtyard. Zion helps me out of the Jeep, handing the keys to one of the guards standing by the gate, asking him to return it to the garage before walking me through the gate, where I stop to look around. It's beautiful, with hanging lights, colorful palettes, and pillows that have been tossed everywhere. It reminds me of when Jess and I would have pajama parties with the kids at the orphanage. We would make little forts of blankets and all sleep in the living room after watching a movie or two.

"Just like old times, huh?" Jess asks me, walking up behind us, and I nod.

"One of the few good times at that hell hole," I say with a smile, still looking at everything beautifully decorated.

"So, how did the appointment go?" She asks with anticipation in her voice.

"You'll have to wait and see." I tease her. Orian joins us, and I hand him the CD. "Can you play this after the movie, please?"

"Of course, my Queen." He says, taking the CD while giving Zion a questioning look.

"You'll have to wait, too," Zion tells him with a laugh.

"Oh, I forgot. I got Evan to run to the store to get your favorite snacks." Jess says as she pulls out a bag of blue cotton candy and a pack of nerds from her big plastic bag.

"Thank you!" I say, more excited than I had planned, making everyone laugh.

"Let's get you to your palette, and I'll grab you a smoothie. I'll also find Odett." Zion says as he leads me to one of the palettes in the front.

"She's with Stephanie and Ms.Blanch," Jess tells him, pointing to the extra large palettes with all the orphaned pups and the coven witches' children.

"Thank you," Zion says as he helps me sit on our palette.

"You know you don't have to help me sit down, right? I can still see my own feet and bend down." I say with a laugh.

"It makes me feel better to help you, even if you can do all those things without my assistance." He says with a smile. "Humor me."

"If you insist," I say, rolling my eyes while laughing.

"What kind of smoothie would you like?" He asks me.

"Strawberry, please," I answer. He nods his head and walks to the snack bar set up at the back of the courtyard.

"You're really not going to tell me anything?" Jess asks me.

"Nope, You'll have to wait and see like everyone else," I say with a big smile.

"Well, this confidence and glow look great on you. I'm so happy for you. And I am proud of the woman you have become." She says with tears in her eyes. I launch myself at her, hugging her tightly.

"I'm happy I get to experience all of this happiness with you in my life. I'm so thankful you talked me out of leaving by myself." I say, trying hard to keep myself from crying. Zion returns with my smoothie in hand and Odett by his side with her smoothie and a bag of popcorn. She plops down beside me with a smile.

"Did you have fun playing with your friends?" Jess asks her, and she nods her head vigorously.

"Are you ready for the movie?" I ask her.

"Yes, ma'am. I've never seen a movie before." She says. I smile at the thought that my baby girl will be experiencing something for the first time, and I get to see the joy on her face. "There's going to be a little surprise after the movie."

"Really?" She asks. I nod, and her eyes light up even brighter than before.

"Is everyone ready for the movie?" Orians' voice comes over the speakers, and I hear hundreds of cheers of excitement. I didn't realize that so many people would come out for a movie night. "Can everyone see the screen well?"

After being sure everyone can see, he joins Jess on their palette and presses play. The lights dim, and the DreamWorks logo appears on the screen, making everyone become silent.

Everyone enjoys the movie, laughing and singing along to the music. Some even get up and start dancing around. Even Zion seems to enjoy it. I was worried he wouldn't, with it being an animated movie. I thought maybe he would find it childish, but that wasn't the case at all. After the movie ends, Zion stands up, helping Odett and me to my feet, and gets everyone's attention.

"Before everyone leaves, My Queen, the Princess, and I would like to make a special announcement." He says, turning to Orian, who is standing by the projector. Zion nods, and Orian presses play. Suddenly, the sound of two heartbeats play through the speakers, and the screen lights up with the video from the sonogram. Then the crowd erupts with gasps and cheers. For the first time, I feel nothing but love and happiness coming from everyone. Even the council members are happy for us. Jess and my mom rushed to me, hugging me and crying tears of pure joy at the news.

"So we get two babies??" Odett asks in the sweetest little voice, making us all laugh.

"Yup, you're going to have twin siblings," I say while smiling at her. "Did you like the surprise?"

"Yes, ma'am!!" She squeals with excitement. Soon we're surrounded by people offering their congratulations and expressing their happiness for us. I've never felt so much love and acceptance from anyone other than my little family, making my heart melt.

"I'm so happy that we've found where we belong," Dosha says.

"You've been very quiet this afternoon," I say, slightly worried.

"I was tired, so I took a little nap after you ate." She says.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yes. I've just felt drained." She answers.

"Should we talk to the Doctor?" I ask.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Everything will be fine." She says. But I decide I'll check in with the Doctor in the morning.

"Are you okay, my love?" Zion asks me.

"Yes, Dosha has been asleep since the buffet, and I'm worried about her. She says she was tired." I answer him honestly.

"Do we need to call the Doctor?" He asks with a worried expression.

"I'm not in any pain, so I think it'll be okay to wait until the morning to call him," I tell him. He nods in understanding.

"In that case, I think it's time for bed." He says, motioning for me to look at Jess, now holding a sleeping Odett in her arms. "I guess all the excitement has finally gotten to her."