It's Beautiful

Rains' P.O.V.

After my small emotional breakdown and Stephanies' arrival to get Odett for their busy day, we discover my new hybrid ability to hear better than others when I heard Stephanie at our door before she knocked. Orian suggests that I start writing them down, and I have to admit that it's probably a good idea because it's starting to get slightly overwhelming with all the changes that have been happening in my life in such a short time. Stephanie and Odett walk into the living room, dressed and ready for their busy day.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you excited for your day with Stephanie?" Zion asks her as he picks her up.

"Yes, sir. Ms.Stephanie said we're going to the park." She says, full of excitement.

"Make sure you stay with her and listen to everything she tells you, okay?" I say before we give her a kiss. I then turn to Stephanie. "Evan will be waiting downstairs for y'all."

"I will, Mamma." She says after Zion puts her down, she runs over to Stephanie, takes her hand, and walks out the door.

"Should we head down to the kitchen now?" Zion asks, and we all nod our heads.

As we leave the suite, Zion and Orian discuss the council meeting planned for later today while Jess and I talk about the rest of the plans for the orphanage. We plan to head over after breakfast so that we can finalize the planning and get it all sent to the contractors. Zion informs me that we have a meeting with the contractor in the morning for the shelters, so we can get the plans finalized today and give them directly to them in the morning.

"Oh, and I have a surprise for you, too," Zion says, and I look at him, confused as to what it could be. "It was ready yesterday, but as you know, a lot happened, and we couldn't get around to it. After breakfast, Orian and I will take both of you to see it since I'm sure both of you will be using it quite a bit."

"You've given me so many surprises. You don't have to keep doing it." I say. He looks at me, tilting his head to the side.

"I do it because I want to, not because I feel like I have to." He says with his signature cocky smile. "I enjoy making you happy in every way possible."

"If you insist, but never feel like you have to do anything for me," I say, and he shakes his head as we walk into the kitchen. We're greeted by Mia and Annie bowing with a smile when they see us.

"Good morning, ladies," I say with a smile as Zion leads me to the kitchen island, pulling out a stool for me to sit on.

"How are you feeling, my Queen?" Annie asks me.

"Better after my morning sickness stopped for a bit," I say with a light laugh. "Though, I did have a little bit of a breakdown earlier."

"Oh no! Are you okay? Is there anything we could do to help?" Mia asks, full of worry. I put my hands up and shake my head.

"No, it wasn't that bad. Just a little freak out over my close not fitting." I say, slightly embarrassed, while Zion looks through the pantry to find the oatmeal.

"Oh, mood swings. I remember those days. It will get better, my Queen." She says.

"I hope so. I'm not sure how much Zion could handle my crying." I say with a laugh. Zion looks at me and smiles.

"I can handle anything, my Queen." He says.

"That's why you had to call me in to help?" Jess says, making Orian laugh, spitting out the orange juice he was trying to drink.

"That's the first time I've ever seen her cry like that, and I didn't want to make it worse," Zion says while shrugging his shoulders before looking at Orian. "And you! Just wait until Jessica is pregnant. You'll understand."

"I was horribly moody while I was pregnant with Annie. Her father panicked every time I would shed a tear." Mia says with a laugh. "I remember one time, King Zions' father sent him on a mission that took him away for a whole week. When he came home, he found me sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room, balling my eyes out while looking at all the tiny little clothes we had already gotten from friends and family. He thought something had happened and tried rushing me to the hospital. I finally got out that they were all so tiny and adorable. He couldn't believe I was crying over something so small and laughed so hard I threw a plate of cookies at him."

"That sounds like something I would do," Jess says, and we all laugh.

"You could throw a car at me, and I would still love you!" Orians tells her as he kisses her cheek, making her giggle.

"Is there anything we could help you with, King Zion?" Annie asks him.

"Would you cut up some fruit for me to mix with my Queens oatmeal?" He asks.

"Of course." She says as she opens the refrigerator, grabs the mixed fruits, and starts to cut them.

"Would you like some oatmeal, Jessica?" Zion asks her.

"Yes, please." She says as Orian grabs bacon and eggs from the refrigerator and a pan from the cabinet. While he cooks the bacon, I begin to feel nauseous again.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I say, getting up and running to the closest bathroom. I hear Jess say she'll take care of me. I assume Zion tried coming after me, but he was cooking. After getting to the bathroom, I stand over the toilet, but the feeling is gone.

"You okay, sis?" Jess asks as she walks in behind me.

"I think so. I smelled the bacon and got nauseous." I say. I've never had that problem before.

"That's strange. Maybe it's a pregnancy thing." She says. "You used to love bacon."

"I know. I was even thinking about eating some with my oatmeal." I say, pouting.

"I'll be okay." She says while rubbing my back. "Zion will make you as much bacon as you could handle after you have the pups."

"You're right," I say with a laugh.

"Are you okay to go back to the kitchen now?" She asks me.

"I think so," I say. We walk out of the bathroom and start walking back to the kitchen. When we walk in, Zion gives me a worried look. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure, my love?" He asks, and I nod my head.

"It's probably the strong smell of bacon cooking in the pan," Mia says, and Zion and Orian look at her, confusion written all over their faces.

"Sometimes strong smells can make a pregnant woman sick." She says, opening the windows to let the smell out.

"Luckily, I'm done cooking bacon. From now on, I'll make sure to have it cooked and the kitchen aired out before you come down to the kitchen." Orian says.

"Thank you," I say with a smile. Zion places the bowl of oatmeal and fruit in front of me on the counter, kissing my forehead gently.

"Will you be okay with me eating bacon beside you?" He asks.

"Yes, I think it's just the smell of it cooking," I tell him, and he nods. Makes a plate of bacon and eggs and sits beside me.

"Will you be up for the council meeting?" He asks me.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it." I answer him, smiling.

After eating, he takes my bowl, puts it in the sink, and helps me off the stool. He then leads us out of the kitchen and down the hall. For a minute, I think he's taking us to his office, but when we walk past the door, I begin to get more curious. We come to a stop two doors down from his office, and he motions for me to open it. I turn the nob and let the door slowly swing open, and I'm shocked at what I see.

It's a beautiful office. The walls are blue and light brown. There is a dark wood desk with gold hardware and a large fluffy black couch with blue throw pillows. And the best part is the three massive bookcases matching the desk, and full of books that line the back wall.

"Do you not like it?" He asks when he notices that I'm crying.

"I love it!" I say with a smile while still crying. He lets out a laugh as he wipes the tears from my eyes.

"I know you like the style of the suite, so I thought you might like the same style in your office." He says. Taking my hand and leading me into the room as I look around in amazement.

"How did you get this done in such a short time?" I ask in wonder.

"I told you. Anything is possible for you!" He says, leaning in to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tiptoes, deepening the kiss, only pulling away when Jess lets out a giggle.

"Thank you, it's perfect!" I say excitedly.