Old Mates And New Mates

Rains' P.O.V.

After Zion and Orian leave my new office, Jess and I sit around talking and looking around while we wait for the folders to finish the plans for the orphanage to arrive. Ten minutes later, Amiliea, the new assistant Jess hired to help Ms.Blanch around the orphanage, knocked on the door. Jess lets her in, and she greets us with a smile. I ask her how everything is going in her new position.

"It's great. The kids are all so adorable and so much fun to be around. I've even decided to adopt one of the teens." She says with a huge grin.

"That's great!" Jess and I say in unison, overjoyed by her news.

"Tell us about them," Jess says.

"Her name is Isha. She's fifteen and full of life." Amiliea says with excitement.

"Do you need any help with anything for the new addition to your family?" I ask her.

"No, but thank you for asking, my Queen. My mate and I have everything almost set up. We haven't told Isha about the adoption yet, though." She says, and I can feel the nervousness coming from her.

"Why not? Why are you so nervous?" I ask, and she looks confused for a second before remembering that I can feel others' emotions.

"I forget you can do that." She says with a laugh. "I'm just nervous she won't accept my mate and me."

"Why not? You are a fantastic person, and I haven't met your mate yet, but I'm sure they are just as lovely." I tell her.

"My mate is also a woman. I'm not sure how she will react to that. Some people are very uncomfortable with same-sex mates." She states, and I nod in understanding.

"I understand that. I think people fear what they don't understand." I say, and she nods. "Maybe you should let your mate meet her and see how they bond before you tell her about the adoption. You never know until you try."

"You're right. Thank you for listening to my issue and giving me advice. You truly are a great Queen." She says with a smile.

"Thank you! Keep us updated on how everything is going, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." I say before she bows and walks out the door.

"I hope everything works out for Amiliea and her mate," Jess says.

"I have a feeling that everything will be fine," I say, and she looks at me confused.

"Is that another new ability?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"No, Amiliea is an incredible person, so I think it will all work out," I say with a laugh as she pulls the folders out of the box Amiliea brought us. I walk over to the couch Jess is sitting on, and we go through the rest of the plans. When we're almost done, there's a knock on the door, and Jess quickly jumps up to open it, and Orian walks in, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Jess asks him.

"I need the two of you to come with me, but I need to warn you first so that you're not caught off guard. The Beta and Gamma from your old pack have arrived, and Zion needs your help to determine if they are genuine in what they're saying." He says, and I nod in understanding.

"Are you okay with this, Jess? I ask, and she nods. "Okay, then let's go."

Orian nods and walks us out of my office. I notice a guard is now at my door. He bows as we walk out and then into Zion's office next door. We walk around Zion's desk, and he pulls me into his lap as Orian keeps a firm hold on Jess. They seem to be on edge about the Beta and Gamma being here. As Zion asks them questions, I don't pick up any hint of deceit, even though I am picking up some anger. But it's directed towards Max and Ian for their actions, risking the pack for their selfish desires. And the shame of having to follow their Alpha's orders regardless of how they feel about any of it.

Zion tells them that Beta Christian will be the stand-in Alpha until he can find a suitable candidate. And that he will be sending Sam and a few warriors with them back to their pack to help the transition as he looks for a new Alpha to fill the position. Suddenly, Jess says she wants to go too. My body goes ridged at the thought of my best friend returning to that place.

"What?" I blurt out.

"I want to go check on the kids in the orphanage. I want them to know that we didn't abandon them for our own selfish needs. Plus, I know the pack well." Jess tells us. I know how she feels. I hated leaving them behind with Ms.Leana.

"I'll go in Sams' place and take our new Beta with me if you permit it, my King," Orian says, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

"If you are sure that is what you both want to do, I'll allow it," Zion says, and they both nod. He turns to look at Christian and Nick. "Since both Betas have volunteered, they will be accompanying you back to your pack, along with some of our warriors. Y'all can leave shortly after our council meeting."

"Yes, sir." They all say.

"How are you feeling about this?" Zion links me.

"I don't like Jess going back there without me, but I know I can't go while pregnant. I'll only get in the way." I reply. "But I would like to see the kids."

"We will figure something out, my love," He says, trying to reassure me, and I nod.

"You two are welcome to join our meeting or stay in one of the sitting rooms," He says.

"I would like to attend the meeting," Christian says, and Nick nods in agreement.

"Very well, the meeting starts in about thirty minutes. Would either of you like anything to eat or drink while we wait?" He asks.

"Tea, please," Nick says.

"Have you finished the plans for the orphanage remodel?" He asks Jess and I.

"Almost. We have a few small things to finish up before they leave." I say, feeling overwhelmed and sad. Though, I'm not sure why I'm so sad. It could be the fact that my sister is returning to that hell hole without me, or it could be that she will get to see the kids, and I can't go. But I want to know how they are doing as much as Jess does. He nods while rubbing circles on my back. After a few minutes, there is a knock on the door. I know it's Mia, and I can feel Nick getting tense but excited, making me curious about how this will work out.

"Things are about to get interesting." I link Zion as Orian opens the door for Mia.

"MATE!" Mia and Nick say in unison.

"Oh My." He links me, and I let out a light giggle as I feel the excitement coming from Mia and Nick.

"Maybe we should let them go get to know each other." Jess links us, and we nod in agreement.

"Orian, will you escort the new mates to one of the sitting rooms to get to know each other?" Zion asks him.

"Of course, my King." He says as he walks to Mia taking the tray of teas from her, placing it on the desk, and motions for them to follow him. After they leave the room, I look at Beta Christian, seeing him with a huge smile on his face.

"He has been looking for his mate for a long time, but with Max keeping us all so busy with his orders, we haven't had time to travel around." He says when he finds me looking at him.

"Have you found your mate yet?" I ask, and his smile disappears.

"I have. Unfortunately, she and our unborn pup died a few years ago during an attack on the pack." He says, and I suddenly feel overwhelming sadness coming from him.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Zion says as he places his hand on my belly.

"Thank you, my King." He says.

"Have you thought about looking for your second chance mate?" Jess asks him.

"No. As I said, Max kept us extremely busy fulfilling his orders." He says.

"Maybe after we fill the Alpha position, you will have time for a vacation and have the chance to find her," Zion says, and Christian nods.

"I would like that." He says with a smile.

Zion and Beta Christian continue to talk as Jess and I make a plan to have a ball after everything with Douglas passes over. She thinks it would be a good idea to invite unmated people of all species from around the Kingdom to raise their chances of finding their mates, and I have to admit it sounds like a good idea.