Like Hell

Rain's P.O.V.

After what feels like hours of shopping, I think I have everything I need until after I have these pups. Zion has been carrying my bags for me, thankfully. I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I've bought way too much, and I'm sure the bags are getting heavy. I look at Zion and smile.

"I think that's enough shopping. I have plenty to wear for now." I say, and he nods.

"Then it's time we head for the Bule River Pack." He tells me.

"I can't wait to see everyone," I say, and Eithan, Morgan, and Mathew look at me curiously, and I feel the need to explain. "I grew up in the Blue River Pack orphanage."

"Wait, I thought your mother was Lady Ezmerelda," Mathew says.

"She is. I was kidnaped as a baby by a witch under Douglas' orders and abandoned on the border of their territory." I tell them. I can feel the understanding and sadness pouring from them.

"I'm sorry, my Queen," Eithan says.

"It's okay. I found my mate and mother. I wish I could remember my father, but I intend to make him proud, even though he's no longer with us." I say, and I can feel myself on the verge of crying. Suddenly I hear a loud growl, and Zion pulls me behind him as Eithan does the same with Morgan. No, not here! They can't be attacking right now. There's no way I can fight them off.

"Use your magic!" Dosha growls while trying to calm herself. "I will give you as much strength as I can."

"Are you sure we can fight them off? I haven't been training much lately. What if I can't use my magic?" I say, filled with doubt in myself.

"You can do this. I have faith in you, and so does our mate. Just stay calm and concentrate. Remember what our mother taught us, and believe in the Witch Goddess and our powers as the Queen!" She urges. "You can do this!"

I remember the spells my mother and I have been working on. Calming myself, planting my feet firmly on the ground, and taking a deep breath. I call to the Witch goddess to assist me and guide me as I defend not only myself and my twins but also my mate and everyone around us. I feel a calming warmth surround my body. I hold my hands up and see they're glowing bright red as I feel pure power radiating through my veins. Suddenly we're surrounded by eleven rogues. They separate, making way for someone that I fully recognize as the former Alpha of Blue River Pack, Max though he looks rough. I guess he's not living as comfortably as he used to when he was the Alpha.

"Well, Well. If it isn't the little rogue orphan." Max sneers and I can feel my body begin to shake with anger.

"That's Queen to you!" I all but yell at him, making him laugh even harder.

"King Douglas wants you alive. But I may have to disappoint him." He says in a gravely voice that sends chills down my spine.

"What does he want with me?" I demand.

"Your powers, of course." He laughs. "That was a stupid question. Though we'll have to do something about your mate and those spawns your carrying."

"Like hell! You won't touch them!" I screech as I lose my composure and send flames flying in his direction.

"Foolish girl! It's not up to you." He says as he dodges each attack.

"And you're more of an idiot than everyone thought you were if you think it's up to you!" I say as I continue my assault with flames as I hear a fight break out between us and the rogues around me. Max has a confident look of triumph as I miss him with each attack, but he doesn't seem to realize I'm missing him on purpose. He seems to believe I have bad aim. He couldn't be more wrong.

My mother taught me well. I can hear her now, telling me to keep my enemy moving with minimal effort on my part, tire them out before making my move, and trust in myself no matter the situation. Soon he begins to get winded from dodging my attacks. I find my opening and hit him with a paralyzing spell that my mother had taught me in private once we realized there was a possibility of a mole in the kingdom. He lets out a loud scream of pain, and the fighting around me grinds to a halt. Max is the only one from his side that's still alive. I feel myself being to relax and celebrate before I look at my group and almost fall to my knees at the sight before me.

Zion is laying on the ground, unmoving and covered in blood. I rush to his side and release a breath of relief when I realize he's still alive and that most of the blood that's covering him isn't his. Mathew comes running up to us, and I quickly give him the order to get everyone in our Jeep. I jump into the driver seat, which admittedly might have been a bad idea since I've never driven before. I shove the Jeep in reverse, not caring that I've run over a few dead rogues. When I look up, Max is standing in the way of the exit. I guess the paralyzing spell broke when my concentration was pulled from my fight with him. Zion grunts in pain, and I slam my foot on the gas, hitting Max hard and causing him to roll over the Jeep with a loud thump.

I can't be bothered to worry whether or not he is dead or alive as I race towards the Blue River Pack. We're closer to the pack than we are to the Castle, and Zion needs a doctor now. I pull over once we're far enough away from them, telling Eithan to take the driver seat as I climb into the back with Zion, praying to the Witch Goddess again and placing my hands on his wounds. He's breathing hard as he places a hand on my belly, asking me if we're okay. I nod and tell him everything is going to be fine before he passes out.

I have no time to panic as I concentrate on only him as I see the open gashes on his neck and chest beginning to heal as his breathing begins to even out. Less than five minutes later, we arrive at the border, and I link Orian to let him know we're almost there and that we need a doctor for Zion immediately, and then cut the link before he has time to question me. I'll explain everything to him later.

"My Queen, we're pulling up," Mathew says, and I nod in understanding.

"I've linked Orian to have a doctor waiting for our arrival," I say before he pulls up at the entrance as Jess, Orian, Christian, and Nick are all waiting for us. Orian opens the door, and Christian and Nick help pull Zion out as Jess runs around to help me out of the back seat from the other side.

"What happened?" Jess asks as the guys carry Zion into the pack house, as Mia and Morgan help her hold me up and guide me inside behind them.

"We were ambushed by Max and a group of rogues," I tell her as she sits me on a chair in the hall. "I don't understand. How did they know where we were or that we had left the castle?"

"We will figure it out, my Queen," Orian says as he walks up to us, placing his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me as he looks me over for any injuries. When he notices the blood his body freezes. I look down and realize I have Zion's blood covering me, and my body begins to shake.

"It's not mine," I say quickly, and he takes a deep breath and relaxes slightly.

"Thank the goddess. He would lose his mind if you got hurt." Orian says.

"Is Zion okay?" I ask him, unable to think of anything but my mate, my King!

"He's okay. You did most of the healing. He has wolfsbane in his system, but he's strong. It will be out of his system in no time." He answers, and I nod and feel relief course through my body.

"Can I see him?" I ask. He nods, and I stand, but my legs give out, and I instantly drop to the floor. He and Jess catch me before I can hit my head. They carry me to the room Zion is in and place me in the bed beside him. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling the sparks of the mate bond as I place my hand on his chest before I'm pulled into the darkness.