The Shelter

Rain's P.O.V.

After the guard burst through our door, telling us there was a problem in the basement. Zion stands up from the bed, shouting his order for everyone else to stay with me as he Eithan and Christan rush from the room. I look around the room to see everyone's faces full of panic.

"What just happened?" I ask, unsure of what's going on.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it was anything good," Mathew says, and the room goes quiet. After fifteen minutes of silence, I hear someone coming up the hall quickly, followed by a fowl stench of blood.

"Someone's coming," I say. Immediately I'm surrounded by everyone as they all form a protective barrier right before the door opens. Zion walks in, and I realize the smell is coming from him, but I know it's not his. "Why do you smell like blood?"

"There's been an incident," He says while looking at me questionably. "Lady Ezmerelda is sending some of her witches, and Sam is sending warriors."

"How bad is it?" Orian asks him.

"It's a bloody massacre," He replies, and a chill runs down my spine. This can't be good.

"What do you want us to do?" Nick asks me.

"Gather all the pups, elders, and anyone unable to fight and take them to the shelter as soon as the guards clear it. And stay with the Queen no matter what." He orders. "There's no telling what will happen next, but I would rather be safe than sorry."

"Yes, my King." Everyone says I run to him as everyone moves out of my way and wrap my arms around his waist. Goddess, I can't lose him. We need him.

"I know you won't like it, but I need to be sure you stay safe," He says, trying to calm me.

"Promise you will come back to me!" I say as I feel my Alpha aura push out without trying to.

"I promise my Queen," He answers automatically. "Was that necessary?"

"It's a precaution," I say with a small laugh, trying to hind my nervousness at using an Alpha command on my mate, the Alpha of Alphas.

"I'll always come back to you," He says before kissing my forehead and walking out of the room while I watch him walk away again.

"How the hell did you do that?" Jess asks from behind me. I turn around and find all eyes on me questionably.

"I have no clue. It just slipped out." I answer her with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You are becoming stronger by the day. Which will make the King stronger since you two are bound together." Orian says, making Jess and I jerk our heads in his direction.

"What?" We say in unison before I begin to feel lightheaded. I sway a little, and Jess wraps her arm around me, steadying me as she helps me to the bed.

"Your strength will give him strength, like how Alphas need a strong Luna in order to make their packs stronger. It's no different with y'alls situation. Even though he is the King, you still help him gain more strength." Mathew explains after Jess gets me in the bed.

"I don't feel very strong right now," I say with a sigh. "More like a nuisance."

"You're not a nuisance. If you could have seen yourself fighting Max, you would understand how strong you are. But your strength doesn't just equate to being able to fight. There are many ways you help not only the King but others as well." Morgan says, and everyone nods in agreement.

"Thank you all," I say, trying to contain my emotions. Soon there's a knock on the door, and Mia stands to answer it, but Nick stops her. He walks to the door and opens it to find the pups from the orphanage waiting at the door. I tell them to come in, and they all pile up into the bed with me except for Joshy, Eligha, and Chelsea. Joshy went to sit between Jess and Orian, and Eligha and Chelsea were drawn to sit with Morgan, making her smile so wide.

"Only one person missing from this picture." I link Morgan, making her giggle as she talks to them with love and understanding.

"You think he'll accept them both?" She asks me through the link.

"I know he will. He asked Zion for the same favor you asked me for earlier. He wants them both." I tell her, making her eyes go wide.

"So that's why you told me to trust you and go for it." She says with a laugh.

"Yup. I knew it would all work out. I'll never suggest you do anything without being sure of the outcome." I tell her, and she nods in understanding.

I look at Jess to see her and Orian listening intently to Joshy talk about something that happened in school last week. Even though he's older than Odett, he's so adorable when he's so excited. Orian tells him that when he comes to the castle, he'll start training, which makes him even more excited, making me miss Odett even more than I was. Orian explains that he will need to train hard to be the next Beta.

"She's okay, my Queen," Mia says as she sits on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on mine. "Sam and Lady Ezmerelda will keep her safe."

"I know, but it's so hard being away from her. I hope we can go home soon." I say, and she nods in understanding.

"Just wait until you have these pups. You'll be begging for someone to give you a break." She says with a laugh.

"Hopefully, you'll be coming to visit and help me out," I say with a giggle as I look at Nick, who is smiling.

"I don't see why not." He says with a nod. Suddenly he, Morgan, and Mathew stand and say it's time to move.

"Kids, I need y'all to come with us and stay quiet until we get to the shelter, okay?" Jess says as she stands by the bed, getting the kid's attention.

"Why are we going to the shelter? Did something happen?" Amilia asks. I don't think it's a good idea to tell them anything until we get to the shelter so they won't freak out.

"I'll explain everything we know after we get there, but I need everyone to listen and do as we ask for now," I say, and they nod in understanding.

"Do you need help walking?" Jess asks, and I shake my head. I take Amilias's hand as everyone else does the same with the other kids, and we walk out of the room. Soon we arrive at the shelter to see other kids, elders, and women waiting in line to enter. We're waved to the front by one of the guards.

"My Queen. You should enter first." He says, but I look around to see the panic on the growing crowd's faces and shake my head.

"Get them in first," I say.

"I can't do that. You are to enter before the others. It's an order." He says smugly, and my anger begins to boil.

"You will do as I told you, or you will have more to worry about than that damn order!" I say. "I may be the Queen, but there will be no Queen without her people."

"Yes, your majesty." He says with a bow before hurrying to let others in. I tell Amilia and the other pups to go in and that we will be there soon.

"Poor guy didn't understand who he was messing with," Mathew says, full of amusement.

"He does now," I say with a smile as I look up at Mathew, making him laugh.

"Spoken like a true Queen." He says as we wait for everyone to enter the shelter.

"Will everyone be able to fit in?" I ask Nick.

"Yes, my Queen. It will be a little snug, but we are a smaller pack, and most are able to fight." He answers.

"Good. We'll manage with it being snug as long as we are all safe." I say as the last of the line enters. We walk into the shelter, and the door closes behind us as the kids come running up. I guess it's time to explain things to them. I find a chair and sit when I start feeling dizzy again, trying to shake it off.

I sit and explain everything I know, starting from the beginning, as they give me their undivided attention. Slowly others join in and listen as I explain that we have been getting attacked and that Max, Ian, and Misty have all been helping Douglas. At one point, an older lady tried to confront me, calling me a liar, but Nick quickly puts her in her place, explaining that everything I've said is true. Most of them seem mortified to find out that their previous Alpha and Luna are capable of such things. Though I know how they truly are, I feel bad for the people who looked up to them. Suddenly, Zion is in my mind, and I can feel his frustration.

"Please tell me you are in the shelter." He says.

"We are. What's wrong?" I ask quickly.

"Max is here." He says, and I feel a shiver running down my spine at the mention of his name. "Please stay in the shelter until I come for you. Don't open the door for anyone else."

"I won't, I promise," I say before the link ends, and my mind goes into a whirlwind of what-ifs.