This Feeling

Rain's P.O.V.

I felt a rush of relief as we pulled up to the front of the castle. Hearing Odett's giggles as she, Sam, and my mom walked down the stairs to greet us was like music to my ears. After a few minutes, the bus carrying Jess, Orian, and the orphans pulls up. Zion points them out, and Odett takes off to see them.

My mom then asks me how I really am. I can't bring myself to tell her how terrified I am or how I feel like I will be erased from everyone's mind. So instead, I tell her that I'm tired, frustrated, and motion sick before changing the subject and asking if Doctor Mikka has spoken to Doctor Jameson yet.

"I believe so. Doctor Jameson said he would be here in a few minutes. But he didn't seem like something was wrong." Sam answers.

"Good. I assume you have filled everyone in on the situation?" Zion asks Sam.

"I have. Many were worried about the Queen, but they have agreed to stay within the castle to be available for anything she may need until the twins arrive." He answers.

"That's not necessary," I say. I don't want others to change their lives so drastically for me.

"Until you give birth, I would prefer that everyone that knows about your condition stay close. Plus, it will help you not feel invisible." He says. I can tell he's trying to make everything easier on me during all of this.

"Okay," I say, taking his hand. He pulls me into his chest and asks if I would like a bath after getting the orphans settled into their new rooms. I nod, excited about a nice relaxing bath, making him laugh.

"I think it would be best to keep the events at Blur River pack quiet around Odett. I don't want to scare her." He says, and everyone agrees as we look over to find Odett talking and playing with the others.

"Can we go inside? I'm getting dizzy and don't feel well at all." I say while tugging on his shirt. He nods and lifts me into my arms, carrying me into the castle. I lean into his chest, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent, relaxing me instantly, and the dizziness and icky feelings fade away.

He takes us to the kitchen and sits me on one of the stools at the end of the counter before asking if I want anything to eat since I emptied my stomach on the way home as Annie walks in, bowing to us. I nod and ask for a smoothie.

"You do love your smoothies," Annie says with a laugh as she walks to the refrigerator. "Strawberry like usual, or would you like to try something new?"

"Maybe strawberry and banana this time," I say with a smile, and she nods while grabbing the carton of strawberries and the jug of milk out of the refrigerator and placing them on the counter.

As Annie starts preparing my smoothie, Doctor Jameson walks in with a smile, letting us know that my test came back clear though he and Doctor Mikka were puzzled as to why the poison still hadn't shown up on my blood test and asked if he could come back in the morning and take another sample to run the test, again. We aren't sure why he was so worried, but we agreed to his request. He said he would do more research and talk to us more in-depth about it when he came to get the samples in the morning. We thanked him, and he left.

Soon after Doctor Jameson leaves, Odett runs into the kitchen, followed by some of the younger pups and Jess. She tells us that Orian is getting the older kids settled in their new rooms. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by people that care so much for others. Annie asks us if she needs to make more smoothies for everyone else.

"Maybe that's a good idea. I'll help cut up some fruit." I say as I start to climb off the stool before getting stopped by Odett.

"We'll do it, mommy. EE, Aunt Annie, and Sam have been letting me help them cook." She says with a giant smile as she runs into the pantry to grab a stool to stand on.

"Who is EE?" I ask her.

"That's what she calls Lady Ezmerelda," Annie answers.

"That's cute," Zion says as he places his hand on my lower back. I look up and smile at him before nodding and leaning into his chest again.

"It is." I agree. I couldn't be happier that I found my family. Not only did I find my mother, but I also found my wolf, our mate, our daughter, my sister. Even though I've been through hell, my life has fallen into place. I've finally found my happiness, and there's no way in hell I'll let Douglas take that away from me again.

"He's done enough!" Dosha says with a growl.

"Yes, he has. And he will pay for every bit of it." I tell her.

"Are you okay, my love?" Zion says, pulling me from my thoughts of revenge.

"Yes, sorry I spaced out for a minute," I say as I look up and see everyone staring at me in confusion.

"You didn't just space out. You were vibrating." Jess says.

"What do you mean, Vibrating?" I ask her.

"You didn't respond when Annie placed the smoothie in front of you, and then you started growling and shaking when I asked if you were okay." She answers.

"Oh. I don't know. Dosha and I were talking. I didn't hear anything." I say.

"What were y'all talking about that would upset you so much?" Zion asks, and I look at the orphans who were visibly listening to every word.

"I'll tell you later," I tell him, and he nods. Clearly understanding, it's something we shouldn't discuss in front of them. I link him. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, my love. But we will be talking about it later." He says back, and I nod.

"Dosha, what was that about?" I ask my wolf.

"I'm not sure. Maybe our anger taking over our senses and getting the better of us." She answers, clearly as confused as I am.

"We're gonna need to get a hold of that. We don't need to be lashing out at everyone for someone else's actions." I say, and she agrees.

After the smoothies are made, Orian walks in with the older pups, all sporting smiles. They seem to be happy with their rooms. Orian explains that he put them two in a room. Zion explains the older ones will be participating in the new training program starting next week, making them all even more excited as they sip on their smoothies. Odett lets out a huff drawing our attention to her.

"What's wrong, Princess?" I ask her.

"I want to train too." She says, slightly annoyed that the older pups will be getting to train, and she can't.

"The younger pups' training will start later this month," Zion tells her, gaining a shrill laugh from her as she jumps up and down while clapping. "But it won't be fun and games. You'll have to put in the work and show discipline."

"Yay!!" She squeals again, completely ignoring the last thing he said, making everyone laugh.

"Okay, Orian and Sam will give y'all the tour tomorrow morning. But right now, it's time for bed, so finish up your smoothies, and we'll take everyone to your rooms." Zion says, and they all nod in understanding.

About ten minutes later, everyone has finished their smoothies, and we make our way to their rooms. After making sure everyone is comfortable and tucked into their beds, we finally walk to our suite. By now, Odett is asleep in Orians's arms. He hands her to Zion gently, trying not to wake her up, and he takes her to her bed. I say good night to him and Jess and walk to our room, relaxing and pushing away all the stress of the past two days.

"Time for that bath," Zion says as he wraps his arms around me, placing his hands on the sides of my growing belly.

"Bubbles?" I ask in my most innocent voice as I turn around in his arms.

"Anything for you, my Queen." He says with a laugh before kissing me and walking into our bathroom, and hear the water running. Suddenly, I'm hit with the amazing feeling of having all the pups safe and in one place close to me, and I wonder if Jess is getting the same feeling.

"Everything is working out perfectly," Dosha says.

"I feel like everything we've been through was worth this feeling," I tell her as I rub my growing belly, feeling a flutter of movement and laughing. "I guess they agree."

"What's so funny?" Zion asks, walking out of the bathroom. I take his hand and place it in the same spot I felt the movement seconds before. After a few seconds, he looks into my eyes with the biggest smile. "Ohh."