His Blessing

Rain's P.O.V.

I woke up to find Zion's side of the bed empty again. It's been like this since we got home from the Blue River Pack weeks ago. He's been letting me sleep in while he leads the older pups in training while Orian leads the younger pups in training. I feel so useless being able to do nothing but sit in the room all day and night, but I know it's the best thing to do for now, plus I've been so exhausted since the twins are taking up most of my energy as they continue to grow at an alarming rate.

I slowly climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom for my morning routine. I know Annie will be bringing my breakfast up soon, so I move as quickly as possible to avoid her seeing me struggle to do simple tasks like brushing my hair and getting dressed. I don't need anyone to see me like that. Soon, there's a knock at the front door, and Annie links me to let me know she has my breakfast. I tell her to come in as I walk to the living room while making sure to stay out of sight until the door is closed.

"Good morning, my Queen. How are you feeling?" Annie asks as she places the tray of food on the kitchen table.

"Good morning, Annie. I'm feeling fine. How are you this morning? The pups aren't making things hard on you, are they?" I respond with my own question while lying about how I'm feeling.

"Of course not. They're little angels, the lot of them." She answers with a laugh.

"That's good to hear," I say with a smile.

"Do you need anything?" She asks, and I shake my head in response. "Okay, I'll leave you to eat and go finish up breakfast for everyone in training. If you do need something, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Annie," I say as she walks to the door.

"You're welcome, my Queen. I'll be back later to collect your plate." She says before sliding out of the crack she made in the door.

"I know they're worried about me, but I hate how everyone is acting like I'm so fragile and can't do things for myself," I say to Dosha, but she's still asleep. She's been sleeping so much lately, but I know she's trying to keep me as healthy as possible, and it's taking a lot out of her.

I sit at the table, eating my breakfast as I read articles on my phone and respond to texts from my mom and Jess. When I finish eating, I move to the couch, turn on Netflix to watch a movie, and relax since I begin to feel tired. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I woke up to Zion gently lifting me and sliding under me on the couch to lay with me. I sigh as I take in his scent, relaxing into him as I nuzzle my head into his chest and fall back asleep.

I'm woken up again when there's a knock on the door. "Come in," Zion says as he helps me sit up on the couch. Doctor Jameson walks in, followed by Jessica and Annie with our lunch.

"How are you feeling today, my Queen?" Doctor Jameson asks.

"Extremely tired and uncomfortable. Dosha hasn't woken up at all today, and honestly, I haven't been able to stay awake very long either." I answer as he begins to check my vitals

"I think we should be able to induce labor in the next few weeks as long as you can hold off until then." He says. "The twins should be fully formed in the next week, but I would like to keep them in for as long as your body can handle without causing irrelievable damage."

"I understand, Doctor," I say, trying to smile, but I'm honestly too tired.

"On the positive side, your body seems to be holding down your weight better than it was now that we have you on the right diet." He says, but he's looking at Zion.

"That's good." We say in unison before we both laugh lightly. Zion clears his throat before continuing. "How were the last results of her blood tests?"

"Still no trace of the poison. With as much research as Doctor Mikka and I have been doing, we still have no idea how it happened, but I think it's safe to say we can end the testing now. I would, however, like to test the twins when they are born. To be safe." He says, and we both agree quickly. "We would only need to take a small amount from both of them instead of the two tubes we have been taking from you."

"Do you think it's affecting them?" I ask, placing my hand on my belly, worried about my pups.

"If it is, they aren't showing any signs of it. They are growing faster and faster, so I think it's safe to say they aren't affected in the least bit. The test is simply a precaution." He answers, making me feel relieved, and I feel the tension leaving my body.

"Thank you, Doctor Jameson," I say with a genuine smile.

"I'll start to prepare the extra bedroom for the delivery of the twins. If that's okay with both of you." Annie says while looking at us. I hadn't even thought about the fact that I couldn't go to the hospital for the delivery, and judging by the look on Zion's face, he hadn't thought about it either.

"Thank you, Annie. That would be helpful." I say, and Zion nods in agreement.

"I'll start discreetly bringing equipment over as well, so we will have everything we need here." Doctor Jameson says, and we nod in understanding before he turns to leave.

"Thank you, Doctor," Zion says, walking him out of our suite.

"So, how are you feeling mentally?" Jess asks as she hands me the plate of food she's been holding since she walked in.

"Drained. I wish this would be over with already. I don't know how much longer I can stay stuck in this room. I feel like I'm being locked away." I tell her honestly.

"I'm sorry. I can't say I know how you feel. But I'm always here if you need me." She says with a sad smile.

"Thank you, sis," I say as she walks to the door. Zion walks in as she leaves with a smile.

"What are you smiling for?" I ask him with curiosity.

"I had an idea. Well, Ryker and I had an idea." He says proudly.

"What kind of idea?" I ask.

"It's a secret. I need you to get dressed after we eat." He answers.

"For what? I can't leave our suite." I say as I eat my lunch.

"Just trust me." He says with a smile as he sits to eat his lunch with me.

"If you insist." I retort, though now I'm curious about what he has planned.

We talk about the pup's training and the upcoming supernatural council meeting, where the residing Kings of each species will also be attending the meeting with their council representatives while eating our lunch. I try throwing in a few questions about his plans for this afternoon, but he dodges the questions like he never hears me. After about an hour of talking, we finally finished eating, and Zion shooed me into our room to get dressed. When I came out, I saw my mom at the table with multiple ingredients.

"Hey, Mom. What's all of this?" I ask while looking between her and Zion as I hug my mom.

"This is all the ingredients we will need for a cloaking spell. You have a date tonight outside of the castle, so you'll need this spell to be able to leave your suite without others being aware that you are still alive for the time being." She says, and I blink a few times, trying to understand the situation.

"This was your plan?" I ask him.

"I know being in this suite is getting to you, so Ryker and I thought it would be good for you to get out for a bit." He says, making me smile. He's so thoughtful, and I keep wondering what I did to deserve such a supportive mate.

"Thank you, my love!" I say as I begin to cry. He rushes to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, letting me cry into his chest while rubbing circles on my back until I calm down.

"You don't have to thank me, my Queen. I love you and will always have your best interest at heart. I will always be there to protect you and support you no matter what. You, Odett, and these twins are my number one priority, and the Kingdom is a close second, of course." He says with a laugh. "You and our kids are my blessings from the Goddesses."