The Northern King

                      Rain's P.O.V.

   Waking up in our bed, I find Zion still sleeping beside me. I get out of bed, feeling the urge to pee, and rush to the bathroom. After doing my business and finishing my morning routine, I walk out of the bathroom and see Zion getting out of bed. He looks up at me with his amazing smile.

 "Good morning, my love." He says, walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss before falling to his knees and placing a kiss on my belly. "And good morning to you two."

 "Good morning, my King. What's on the agenda for today?" I ask as he stands again.

 "King Arnald and his Beta will arrive in less than an hour. And some council members have already arrived along with their current leaders and warriors." He says as he walks into the bathroom, leaving the door open to continue talking as he gets ready for his morning. "I think it would be best for you to join the meeting with King Arnald before our meeting with the council."

 "Are you sure? It sounded like he wanted to keep what he has to tell you between y'all." I say quickly.

 "You are my Queen, as such, anything I am told, you will know about. I think you should be there, not only to be able to tell if he's being honest but also to show that we are a united front." He says as he walks out of the bathroom, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.

 "If you think I should be there, I will," I say, looking up to meet Zion's eyes. "I guess we need to get dressed then."

 After getting dressed, Odett, Stephanie, Jess, Orian, Joshy, Sam, James, Evan, and my mom come in, and Annie brings our breakfast. I really enjoy having our private breakfast, but I can't wait to eat with our people in a hole in the dining room downstairs again.

 "King Arnald and Beta Mark will be arriving within ten minutes. I made sure the halls are clear of anyone that doesn't know of Rain's survival so the path is clear for us." Orian says as he stands.

 "Okay, I guess it's time for us to head to the office," Zion says as he holds his hand out to me. I take it quickly and stand from the couch with his help.

 "Odett, stay with Stephanie and Sam. We love you, and we will see you at lunch." I say as I kiss her before Orian does the same, and we walk to the door. When I realize Jess hasn't moved, I look at her questionably. "Are you coming?"

 "I didn't think I would be coming." She says nervously.

 "You are my Beta. A Royal Beta, who should be at any meeting I am attending." I say.

 "Okay, but I must tell you something before we go." She says, looking down at her hands nervously.

 "You know you can tell me anything, sis," I say, walking over to her.

 "I'm... I'm pregnant." She stutters. Odett jumps across Sam's lap and into her arms in a flash.

 "I'm getting a little cousin!" She squeals, making everyone laugh.

 "This is great news. I'm so happy for you! Why are you so nervous?" I ask as I hug her.

 "I don't want to worry you while you already have so much to deal with." She says through the tears that are now pouring down her cheeks. 

 "Jess, I am fine and can handle everything. I'm glad you are happy, and I can't wait to meet this little one." I say as I place my hand on her belly.

 "I love you, Sis!!" She says as she hugs me.

 "Okay, ladies, I'm sorry to interrupt such a beautiful moment, but we need to get going," Zion says, pulling our attention away from each other. He offers his hand once again.

 "Right, let's go, Jess," I say, and She and Zion help me up, and we make our way to Zion's office.

 After getting to the office, Zion sits behind the desk, pulling me onto his lap. I look over to see Orian and Jess standing to our right, but I feel uncomfortable knowing Jess is standing, so I link Orian to get her a chair to sit in. He nods and does as he's told, but Zion gives me a questioning look.

 "I know the Betas usually stand to our right, but she's pregnant and will be sitting. If King Arnald doesn't like it, he can kiss my ass." I say with a shrug of my shoulders, making Zion and Orian burst out in laughter.

 "I'm sure he will be fine with it, my Queen," Zion responds right before I hear footsteps approaching the door.

 A second later, there is a knock on the door, followed by Zion calling for them to enter. Evan and James walk in, followed by a talk muscular man with honey-brown eyes and neatly shaved silvery hair that is shorter on the sides and a bit longer on the top, and a man a bit smaller in frame but just as tall as the other with green eyes and brown shoulder length hair, looking a little worse for wear.

 I stand to let Zion greet the men as James makes the introductions. The man I now know is the Beta, who stares at me, making me feel uncomfortable. Zion quickly clears his throat, pulling the Beta's attention back to him. 

 "This is my mate, Queen Rain, and her Beta and sister, Jessica. She's also my Beta's mate." Zion says. The men both greet us appropriately. "Please sit so we can start this meeting."

 "I would rather have this discussion in private." King Arnald says.

 "My Queen and her Beta will both be present for this conversation. It is their right to be in any meeting I and my Beta have with anyone." Zion says with a tone that tells them it's not up for debate. They both nod in acceptance. 

 Zion dismisses James and Evan, asking them to check on Odett for us. I know he's trying to show that since we have a daughter of our own, we will be sympathetic to Beta Mark's situation. 

 "The wolf head you received does indeed belong to my Betas daughter. She ran away over a month ago due to finding out she wasn't his biological daughter. We've been searching for her since she left, but we suspected she had left my territory." King Arnald states while Beta Mark stares at his hands. I can feel the honesty in King Arthur's words as well as the guilt and sadness from Beta Mark.

 "I am sorry for your loss, Beta Mark," I say.

 "Thank you, Queen Rain." He says, finally, looking up from his hands, and I can see he's holding back his tears.

 "Do you know why Douglas would have sent her head to us and why it remain in wolf form even after her death?" Zion asks.

 "No, she didn't have many friends, and the ones she did have said they had never heard her speak of anyone named Douglas." Beta Mark answers. "The only thing I can think of is that she ran into him when she fled the territory. But I'm not sure why he would kill her."

 "I have learned that Douglas doesn't make much sense in his actions. He has one goal, and that is for total control over all supernatural species." I say, making Zion, Jess, and Orian nod in agreement.

 "How do you know it was this Douglas person that killed her?" King Arnald asks.

 "We did some tests and found wolfsbane and water hemlock poisoning in the blood. He also tried killing my mate with the same poison recently. Thankfully, we discovered it in time, and there were no complications that we know of." Zion answers while holding me tightly to him. "We also have one of his minions on our security cameras watching the delivery."

 Zion goes through the whole story of our journey and my life before meeting him, including my bloodline. And they both seem shocked to hear that I am not only an Alpha female but also a hybrid. They asked many questions about my abilities, and I explained to the best of my knowledge. They then ask about our daughter and if she is also a hybrid.

 "She is a hybrid but not the same as me," I tell them honestly when I feel only curiosity coming from them with no ill intentions.

 "How can she not be like you when she is your daughter?" King Arnald asks.

 "She is our adopted daughter. Rain and Jessica took her with them when they fled the orphanage in their old pack. She is a wolf/vampire hybrid." Zion says, and they look at us in awe.

 "I've never heard of hybrids, yet two are in your Kingdom." King Arnalds says.

 "Soon to be four. But these two will be like me." I state as Zion's hand rubs my belly.

 "That's incredible. How far along are you?" Beta Mark asks with amazement.

 "I'm not even two months along, but they will be coming any day now," I say, and they both look confused, so I explain. "We're not sure how it's possible, but they are both fully formed and are ready to be born. Odett has even been having conversations with them." 

 "Gentlemen, as much as I love discussing my amazing mate and our children, we should get back on track. We know Douglas is on the move and preparing for war. We believe he thinks if he can control Rain, he will be able to take all the kingdoms and reign over everyone easily." Zion says honestly.

 "Then it seems we need to stop him from taking your Queen." King Arnald says, shocking us all.

 "We?" Zion asks.

 "Yes, I can have my men here in less than a day to assist in any way possible." He says, and I'm grateful he is such a kind and supportive King, and his people are lucky to have him.

 "As much as I appreciate your offer. We don't have any more rooms available for them to sleep." Zion says honestly.

 "That won't be necessary. My elite warriors are used to the rough terrain of the north and will happily set up tents around your border." King Alnarld insists. "That way, they can help your patrol guards and any neighboring packs that could be caught in the crossfire."

 "I think we should let him assist us. I get this overwhelming need to help from him." I link Zion, and he nods in agreement.

 "Thank you for your assistance, King Arnald," Zion says.

 "My King, the council members have all arrived and are waiting in the war room," Orian says.

 "Thank you, Orian," Zion says, helping me stand and wrapping his arm around my back. "Shall we get this meeting started, gentlemen?"

 King Arnald and Beta Mark nod and stand with us as we make our way out of the office and toward the war room. After that meeting, I have a sense of ease and calmness, and I'm not sure if it's coming from me or someone else, but I'm grateful nonetheless. I have a feeling that this is precisely what we need at the moment.

 "The Moon Goddess told you everything would work out as it should," Dosha tells me with a comforting laugh.

 "You're right," I say.

 "As usual," She says, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh.