How It Ends

 Rain's P.O.V.

 Opening my eyes, I look around to find someone has laid me down in our bed next to Zion. He's covered in bruises and has bandages wrapped around his chest and down his left arm. I try to reach over, but I realize my body is sore and stiff, and I can barely move.

 "Oh, thank Goddess, you're awake." Jess gasps, walking through the door.

 "How are the pups?" I ask the first thing that crosses my mind.

 "All three are safe and sleeping. Lady Ezmerelda is in the nursery with the twins, and Odett fell asleep watching a movie with Sam in the living room." She answered while walking over to my side of the bed.

 "Is Douglas dead?" I ask, slowly starting to remember everything that happened.

 "You leveled everything in the area. Orian found you unconscious, covered in blood, but he didn't think it was yours. He said it smelled like Douglas and his minions. You didn't even have a scratch on you." She said with a smile, helping me to sit up.

 "How is everyone?" I ask as I reach out to put my hand on my mate's chest, calming instantly when I feel those failure sparks starting at the tips of my fingers and running up my arm.

 "We lost a few warriors from each species, but overall, we came out pretty good." She says, sitting at the edge of my bed. "Orian said that the witch who kidnapped you was with Douglas. Like with him, with him."

 I nodded and started telling her everything that happened, including my talk with The Moon Goddess Selene, not leaving out a single detail. By the end of explaining everything, Jess was almost in tears as she thanked Selene for saving her family, and I couldn't help but do the same before asking how long we'd been out. 

 "It's been three days since Orian found you. He, King Arnald, and a group of warriors from different species refused to return to the castle until they found you." She said with a smile as she shook her head. "It took them two days of searching."

 "How long has Zion been out?" I ask as I look over at my mate. He still hasn't woken up, but his breathing is steady, and I can hear his heart beating.

 "A few of our warriors brought him back after the fight, and he hasn't woken up yet." She says, her voice laced with worry.

 "What aren't you telling me?" I ask, sensing her worry and feeling she wasn't telling me something.

 "Lady Ezmerelda couldn't feel either of your life forces or heal your wounds, and we can't sense your wolves." She says, looking down at her hands as she fidgets with her fingers. "That's normal for you but not him."

 "I can feel Ryker and Dosha, though. And his wounds are healed." I state, confusion clearly written on my face at her statement.

 "His wounds started healing when Orian and the others finally found you and brought you home. We aren't sure why he didn't heal until you were by his side, but I think it has something to do with what you discussed with the Moon Goddess." She says right before Zion begins to move.

 "Dosha, what's going on with Ryker and Zion?" I ask her.

 "It's the bond that Selene gifted us with. We were given a choice and chose to return to the world of the living to continue leading our people and helping anyone in need. She gifted us both with a stronger bond to help us accomplish the tasks to come and a stronger connection to her and a few other gifts that we will discover in time." She says. "They are fine and will wake up soon. It's taking them a little longer for their bodies to adapt to the changes."

 When I'm in the middle of explaining what Dosha said to Jess, there's a knock at the door. Jess tells me it's Orian and my mom as she gets up and opens the door for them. My mom looks happy and relieved, while Orian is tense and worried as he looks at Zion.

 I repeat Dosha's explanation in hopes of reassuring him that everything will be okay, and I think it works as he visibly relaxes into Jess. We sit and talk for a while until I feel Zion's aura shoot out and engulf everyone in the room. Orian jumps up and is by his side in seconds as Zion's eyes open for the first time, and his hand grips the hand I placed on his chest. 

 "Hello, my love," I say with a smile as his eyes find mine.


 Eight Years Later

 Zion's P.O.V.

 "Odett, where are Zander & Zerina?" I ask her as I walk into the suite.

 "I think EE is making them fix the rose bushes they messed up in her garden." She answers as she continues working on her vampire history homework.

 It seems like it was just yesterday that they were born, but in actuality, it's been eight years. In that time, Rain has completed the challenges and become the reigning Witch Queen of the South, uncontested, and has brought all of the supernatural species in the South together and helped guide King Arnald to create his own union of supernatural species in his region. She has accomplished so much in such a short time, but she has truly made everyone who knows her proud.

 "I swear they're always getting into something. Hard to believe they're only eight years old." I say with a laugh as I sit on the couch beside her.

 "They don't turn eight until tomorrow, Dad." She corrects me.

 "You're right, as always. How's your history lessons going?" I ask. Rain and I decided it was vital for her to know the history and traditions of the vampires, and Lord Demetrius agreed to send over a summer tutor to ensure she got the proper details.

 "It's better than I thought it would be. Miss Ashera is a great teacher, and her mate is really cool. Did you know he was a witch from EE's coven?" She asks. "I didn't think we could have mates outside of our species. Obviously, I knew we could have babies with different species, but I didn't think it would be the same for mates. Not to mention that as a vampire, I've officially become an adult and can find my mate too."

 "From what the Moon Goddess has explained, you and your mother are the first, but it will become more common as you get older because the gods and goddesses have decided it would be best to strengthen their connection to all supernatural species," I explain. She nods in understanding, and I decide to change the subject since I don't want to think of my baby girl being grown, even if she has passed the maturity threshold of an adult for a vampire. "Are you ready for Zander & Zerina's birthday party tomorrow?"

 "Yes, but I wish she didn't have to make such a big show of it." She says as she shakes her head and lets out a small laugh. "Things always get out of hand."

 "You're right, but we do the same for your birthday every year," I say with a laugh, remembering last year's birthday party when they caused a massive food fight in the banquet hall.

 "Not like we know when my actual birthday is. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the effort you, Mom, and everyone else put into making it a special day for me." She says with a small smile, but I can tell she wishes she knew more about herself and where she comes from. She's grown so much and has become a beautiful young woman.

 "I know Princess. You will discover things about yourself and your past with time. Keep your head up and remember that we are always here for you and will support you no matter what." I say, giving her shoulder a light squeeze before Rain links that she needs us in the kitchen. "Let's go see what your mom wants before she comes to hunt us down."

 As we walk into the kitchen, Rain turns to look at us, and I can tell she's slightly flustered, making Odett and I sigh. We know when she gets like this, it most likely has something to do with the twins. 

 "What did they do this time?" I ask as I hug her into my chest.

 "They took all the canned goods and stipped the labels off, and now Annie and I have no clue what is what, and we're trying to prepare for their birthday dinner." She says with a huff. "I swear your kids find different ways of causing problems daily."

 "At least they aren't blowing things up anymore," I say with a laugh. In hindsight, it might not have been the best course of action since she smacked me upside the head.

 "It's not funny!" She growls. "What the hell are we supposed to do about these cans and their dinner?"

 "You're right, sweetie. I'm sorry." I say. "What can I do to help?"

 "Find a way to fix this!" She all but yells as she storms out of the kitchen while yelling something about dealing with the twins her way.

 "Real smooth, Dad." Odett laughs. "So I guess we crack everything open and see what's inside each one. I'll go ask Annie for a list of ingredients we need."

 After about fifteen minutes, Odett stood up and was on high alert as she carefully scanned the kitchen. I ask her what is wrong, only to be ignored as she sprints from the kitchen. I follow her while linking Rain to let her know that something is wrong with Odett and that she might need her help. She tells me she's in the front garden with Sam, who just returned from the Northern Kingdom, and that they would head toward the entrance to the castle and meet us there.

 They reach the entrance at the same time as I finally catch up to Odett just in time for Rain and I to witness Odett jump into Sams's arms as they both growl, "Mate." Holy Hell! This is not how I thought this would go. We knew he was her mate for eight years, but this is not how I envisioned my baby girl finding her mate. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how their story plays out.

 The End, For Now.