Not Trustworthy

Tony threw his jacket on his shoulder and rolled up his sleeves as he walked closer to the man tied on the chair. He was not hurried. It was as if he had already made up his mind.


Tony held out his hand. The lithe man standing beside him ran to Tony with the pocket knife they seized from him. Tony took a quick look at the knife.

"How is Bambi?" The man sitting at the table asked.

His roman nose cast a long shadow on his mouth. His hands were bloodied. He must have interrogated the poor bastards who got caught.

Randy Arena was one of the close associates of Don DeAngelo. After Don DeAngelo's indictment, some of his men left him and escaped. Randy was one of those who left out of fear. But he returned with determination after the don was assassinated. He had made a vow to protect the bloodline of Don DeAngelo.

Randy is one of such staunch loyalists of Don DeAngelo. There are a lot more. Some of them never left Don DeAngelo's side through thick and thin. Some are in pretty influential places. Their sole purpose is to protect the bloodline of Don DeAngelo.

Don DeAngelo commanded such loyalty among his men. He was loved to death by many.

Tony didn't answer Randy. Looming over the half-conscious man on the chair, he grabbed his chin. The man's eyes were puffed. "Heh," Tony scoffed seeing the fear in his eyes.

She was not afraid when she thought she was facing death. He saw a lot of emotions in her eyes. But none of it remotely resembled fear.

*Swip* *Swip* *Swip*

Holding the pocket knife tightly, Tony pierced the guy's chest and abdomen as much as he could. The man shouted in pain.

"I'll tell you the truth! Let me go! I'll tell you who paid me! Please… don't kill me…"

The man screamed.

"Oh, really?" Tony rolled his wrist with a smirk. "What made you think I need to know?"

Tony's evil grin widened seeing the man's face going pale with fear. Randy stood up. "Tony, wait…"


Tony didn't wait. He plunged the pocket knife into the man's jugular. Blood was sprayed everywhere. Tony carefully stood back. He was wearing his best suit. He cannot get it bloodied.

"What have you done, b*stard? He was going to give out names!" Randy lunged at Tony and reached out to grab his collar.

"He went for her spleen!" Tony shouted back. His entire face twitched in anger as he remembered the deep wound on her abdomen. There was a lot of blood. "He wanted her dead! If Bambi was not quick to stop him, we'd be arranging for her funeral now."

Tony pushed Randy and he stumbled back. Tony's men pulled Randy back. Randy was pushing forward ruled by his rage. "That's exactly why we ought to know who wanted her dead! He's just the arrow!" He couldn't believe Tony ruined such a perfect chance.

"I will find out who that is," Tony smirked. "Ten grown men to take out one petite woman," Tony smiled as he washed his hands in the basin. "Either, the one who wants her dead really wants her dead. Or… he's scared of her…"

He shook the water out of his hands and rolled down his sleeves. He walked to the old carpet and wiped the bottom of his shoes. Blood is sticky.

His eyes had a dangerous glint.

"Stanley, kill everyone else and handle the bodies. It cannot be traced back to the gang," Tony told his men and turned to leave.

The one who wants her dead should not know that she is still under the protection of her father's men. But there is every possibility that he had already guessed.

Still, no proof can be left that would lead to him.

Through all the commotion, one man stood on the side silently observing with one of his knees drawn up. Randy looked at him for help but he shrugged as he didn't want to get involved. Randy lost his temper and turned his attention towards Tony again.

"You know?" Randy scoffed. He stopped struggling and the men let him go. "Then tell me. Who was it?"

"Have you checked on Missy?" Tony asked Randy. "Find out where she is. She's not home. Bambi was worried for her sister."

Wearing his jacket, Tony walked out.

Randy gritted his teeth controlling his anger. "B*stard. I don't trust him." He walked to the telephone on the table and called someone.

"Missy went out dining with her husband. She's safe," Randy said after placing the handset.

'Why do you not trust that guy? Even the don trusted him," Henry Arletta, the guy who was silent till then asked walking to Randy.

Randy could only scoff. "Why do you trust him?"

Henry had a casual smile that softened his face which was littered with scars. He used to be the go-to man for Don DeAngelo when it came to tough jobs, and he had those scars as a proof of the life he led.

"Our Don was willing to trust him," Henry shrugged.

"I never understood that..." Randy shook his head. He looked around to see Tony's men butchering the other captured men just like he ordered them to.


"It was a long time ago. He was just a kid... fourteen, maybe..." Randy tapped the table. "I caught him on our Don's seat, Henry...Sitting on his seat as if he owned it... crossing his legs, with Don's cigar in his mouth, as if... I knew he coveted that seat. That boy..." Randy's eyes ended up at the door.

"He's not someone we can trust. You know who he truly is. Do you trust him entirely?" Randy asked.

Henry sighed. He didn't answer the question. "He was brave from childhood..."

But Don trusted him enough!