The Wedding Kiss

Congressman Feinstein conducted the ceremony. Marcella was too overwhelmed to even listen to anything. He was reading something or was saying something.

Marcella's thoughts wandered off to the image of her sister in the mortuary. She couldn't accept that she was getting married in such circumstances. But she was in a position that needed it.

Tony was standing by her side. She felt his hand slightly grazing against hers snapping her out of her reverie. She turned to look at him. He was looking to his front. She bowed her head thinking it was accidental.

But she was in for a surprise. This time Tony pinched the tip of her forefinger with his fingers gently. She jerked her head to look at him. She was sure of it this time. He still was looking to the front as if nothing was wrong.

Is he teasing me?

She couldn't help but smile.

By Tony's side, Gladys laughed covering her mouth. She punched his arm. "Tony, your bride can't keep her eyes off you!"

Tony smirked shifting his legs. His shoulders shook as he tried to control his laughter. "Don't be jealous, Gladys. I still love you," he winked.

With a smile, Marcella looked at Gladys.

"Oh, don't say 'I love you' to me. Your bride is not very happy about it," Gladys quipped.

Tony turned and looked at her. Marcella shook her head with a smile. "Not me," she waved. Everyone around lit up with a bright smile.

Marcella laughed along with them. For a moment she forgot everything around her and was there in the moment.

"Don't mind her, Marcella," Tony held her hand. There was a bright smile lingering on his face. She nodded. Her spirit was lifted and she smiled from her heart. Looking at him, in that moment, she forgot everything else.

"You're perfect," Tony said interlocking his fingers with hers. A layer of mist formed in his eyes and she noticed the slight twitch in the corner of his lips as he tried to smile. He looked honest and vulnerable at that moment.

Marcella's smile froze on her face and she couldn't find a reply. When was the last time someone told her that she was perfect, or even that she was better? She couldn't remember. Everyone thought she was lacking something, except maybe her mother.

Tony leaned closer to her. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. Earlier he saw her totally out of it. It hurt him to see her that way. He tried to bring some cheer to her face.

He couldn't believe such a simple statement would bring out such a strong reaction from her. She was always perfect. Did she not know that? Did I not make that clear to her in the past? Or… did someone else made her believe that was not the case?

He hasn't seen another perfect specimen like her all his life.

Ah, he wanted to kiss the bewilderment out of her face.

"Now, for the ring exchange…"

Thankfully, Congressman Feinstein made him compose himself. Words; he needs to use words with her. He must hold back his beastly urges. He should be perfect in front of her.

"Here," Tony took out a ring from his trouser pocket. He then turned to Marcella.

Marcella looked at Tony. She was already bewildered and she couldn't believe that he had a ring. Tony held her hand and she felt his hand shaking. His fingers were cold out of sweat.

"With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow," he said as he slid the ring into her finger.

Marcella hasn't heard this vow before. But it was beautiful. It made her giddy. She looked at her finger. The ring fit her perfectly.

She recognized the ring and looked at Tony out of astonishment. He nodded with a smile as if he was assuring her that everything was fine.

He didn't have to give me his grandmother's ring!

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Congressman Feinstein said looking at Tony.


Marcella wetted her lips. This would be her first kiss with Tony. He is the first boy she wanted to kiss. He refused her and a lot happened afterward. And yet, here they are… married. He's officially her husband.

He did ask her for a kiss a day!

Her heart raced out of excitement and she stepped closer. Tony wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She didn't know what to do with her hands and placed them on his arms.

Her eyes met his alluring sapphire orbs. He gulped. He didn't lean forward and was waiting for something. He must have been waiting for her permission. Just as she nodded, he moved closer to her.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt his breath on her nose. Her slender fingers clenched around his arms. Before she knew it, she was standing on her tiptoes to make it easier.

Then it happened. His gentle, soft lips landed on her lips. She found her heart skipping a beat. Her abdomen was feeling weird with the butterflies as his scent enveloped her.

He tasted like cherry, or it could be the taste of her lipstick. But she didn't want to let go. She nibbled on his lips and she felt his hand on her lower back. He was pulling her closer to him.

Everyone clapped and cheered. She could pull herself back only after it hit her that they were not alone. She didn't have the guts to look at Tony. He must have thought she was coming on hard onto him.

But she did not regret it.

The ceremony was officially over and Gladys recorded the marriage. Gladys was a little surprised to see her changing her name to her husband's. It was the time when women were fighting for their place in society. And she had a feeling that Gladys could guess that she was Don DeAngelo's daughter. She must not have thought of her as traditional, following old customs.

But she loved her new name.

Marcella Crawford.