
Marcella alighted from the taxi. She checked her watch. She was thirty minutes early.


Tony had something to handle at work and so he asked her to leave first. He promised that he would join her for sure but he will be a little late.

She looked at the large iron gate in front of the estate. The last time she was here was to attend her father's funeral. A lot happened after that.

She pushed the gate and it opened with a loud screech. They had a security station by the gate and she saw the roof of the station collapsing.

Her sister inherited the house after her father's death. The savings from her father must have been enough to maintain the house, but Melissa loaned the funds to the Romano family when they were in a tough bind. She considered it her duty to help her in-laws when they were in need.

Marcella was not sure if the Romano family repaid the loan. Two million dollars is a lot of money.

The garden was still fresh. She was relieved. Her parents loved the garden and spent most of their time there. Near the garden was a small building her father's men considered the canteen/ bar. There was food for everyone at all times in the canteen. Her father never shied away from spending money on others. He liked everyone around him to be happy and well-fed.

That was the man she knew. That was her father. He was her hero.

Taking in a deep breath, she walked to the house. She never remembered walking this far. Yeah, she used to get there by car. She never walked.

She wouldn't lie. She was a little scared to walk here alone. After how she was treated by the Romano couple in their home, she could guess how she would be treated here. Not to mention Mark Paulo. He will not take his humiliation lightly. He will try to get back.

She put her hand in her purse. She didn't forget to bring her weapons. She was not planning on dying anytime soon.

She saw two gangs of men standing in the courtyard. Her heart skipped a beat seeing Mark Paulo. He was smoking a cigar and his men all shouted seeing her. But Mark asked them to stand back.

That's when she recognized Henry Arletta on the other side.

Henry smiled at her nodding his head. The men with Henry all turned at her. Those who were wearing hats took them off and pressed them on their chest as they bowed to her, with the same reverence they showed her father.

She felt goosebumps on her skin.

She used to feel so alone and abandoned. But the scene in front of her…

She knew what that meant. Henry is here to support her and he brought his men along.

Marcella walked with a skip in her steps. "Henry!" She hugged him. "You're here! I'm so glad you're here!"

"Anything for you, Bambi," Henry smiled patting her shoulder. "It's so…" he held out his arms and she could see the goosebumps on them. "You're back here, Bambi. I'm so happy to see you back here."

Marcella smiled.

"See the canteen over there, Bambi? Remember that?" Henry pointed. "You used to dine with us almost all the time. We spent a lot of time there. It used to be a chore for us to keep you from hard liquor…"

Henry went on. His eyes reddened.

Marcella could see how much Henry loved her father. His love for her is an extension of his love for her.

The men beside Mark Paulo sneered at the teary reunion. They made nasty hand gestures and shouted profanities. Marcella asked them not to respond. They were not happy but listened to her word.

When those men started to mock her, however, the situation went out of hand. Henry and all his men pulled out their guns. So did Mark's men. Marcella knew that even if one bullet went off, there would be a bloodbath.

"Go inside, Bambi. We'll make sure no one who dared to talk about you, breaths again," Henry said.

Marcella sighed. She loved her father's men. But all of them are hot-headed. They loved vengeance and retaliation more than they loved pizza.

"Think of the business, Henry. Please do not go back to your past life just for me," she tried to reason with them. But it didn't work.

She knew the only way to get these hot-headed men to listen. She decided to use the secret weapon.

Surprisingly, Mark stepped forward and apologized on behalf of his men. He even slapped the sh*t out of the one who called her the c-word. He chided them for being rude to a lady.

The situation de-escalated within a few minutes. After asking Henry to be calm, she went in. She held no hopes for Henry. He told her that he and his men would even give up their life if she needed it.

She was in no position to ask anyone for their life. Isn't there enough life already lost?

She went in as there was only ten minutes left for the reading. Uncle Karl does not suffer tardiness. He was sitting at the table with a briefcase. Seeing her, he nodded. He looked relieved to see her there.

Paul Romano and his wife were already there. Maggie glared at Marcella as she entered and Paul outright ignored her.

She heard the baby and was surprised. Mrs. Murphy was by the side holding the baby. Marcella knew it would be best if she takes her seat. But hearing the baby cry, she couldn't walk away. Her heart squished with pain.

She wanted to take a peek at the baby. He was the last thing that is left of her family. He was very special to her. She wanted to see whom the boy takes after. Her heart skipped with excitement.

Will he have Mellissa's eyes? Or her smile?

"Stay back!"

Mrs. Murphy waved her hand. Marcella didn't expect Mrs. Murphy to react this suddenly. Her hand was coming at her eyes and she leaned back turning her face. Still, she couldn't get away from her sweeping hand that raged to hurt her.

"Ouch…" Marcella touched her cheek. She could feel blood trickling down her cheek.

Mrs. Murphy showed no remorse even when she saw the blood. She wiped her fingernail that had scraped her skin with a tissue. Her face contorted with disgust.

"You didn't have to scratch me," Marcella furrowed her brows.

What a mean woman!

Holding her cheek, Marcella searched for a wipe in her purse. But Mrs. Murphy came and grabbed her hand.

"That ring…"

Marcella yanked her hand from that woman's grip. Mrs. Murphy appeared to be shocked.

"How did you..." Mrs. Murphy pointed at her finger. She was lost for words.

Marcella didn't know what to think of that.

Is the prospect of her getting married that awe-inducing?


Do they know the content of the will just like she does? Is she shocked that they are going to lose custody of the baby?