The Reason He Refused The Kiss

He sulked for some days. He even scored very low on a midterm test. He got straight Ds. He's usually a straight-A student. He didn't remember getting even an A- or B+ on any of his tests. His grandmother was worried and brought him to Don DeAngelo to straighten him up.

Don DeAngelo talked to him for some time; not about his studies but about other things. He asked if he was getting bullied or if anyone was abusing him or saying hurtful words to him. When he said no to all of that, he asked who was that girl he found attractive.

He couldn't answer him this time. He was not a youngster who was innocent enough to be open with his thoughts.

He lied. He lied that he was not attracted to any girl. He was not interested in dating, he lied.

'Are you plotting on how to take my seat?' Don DeAngelo asked.

Tony thought he must be mad and filled with hatred for him but there was no such expression on Don's face. He was smiling just like he always did.