The Twist

By the looks of it, it appeared that Gloria would talk for some time, so Tony got comfortable. He loosened his tie and took a sip of water.

Gloria took a good look at Tony as he sipped water from the glass. Good hairline, piercing blue eyes, strong jawline, prominent Adam's apple, chest hair, long fingers…

Damn! No wonder Marcella fell for him. He is the best!

She cleared her throat. She cannot be caught ogling her friend's husband no matter how handsome he looked. She's here to accost him.

"Marcella talked about her circumstances to me… to some extent," she started. She had forgotten half of what she wanted to talk about already.

"She talked to you about it? What did she say?" Tony leaned forward out of expectation. If so, can she tell him what bothers Marcella? He wanted to clear the misgiving she had toward him.

Gloria blinked.

Why does he seem so eager to be here? Am I smiling too much?