Getting Swept Away

Marcella woke up with a smile on her face. It was morning and she was not feeling cold as she was cuddled by Tony. He was deeply asleep and she didn't want to disturb him. Today was his day off. He didn't get many days off and she wanted him to have his rest. He doesn't get much rest either. 

She silently stayed in his embrace and before she knew it, fell back asleep only to be woken up by Joey's screams. She rushed to pick him up and got to the living room. 

After feeding and changing him, she talked to Joey for some time. Her heart bubbled with joy seeing him staring at her wide-eyed, trying to mouth back what she was saying. Even the way he yawned was so cute, that Marcella couldn't help but kiss him. 

He has gained weight and grown some. She saw his round belly and couldn't help but give him belly raspberries.  He smiled so prettily beating his chubby legs. 

"Ah, I can look at you the entire day, Joey…" she mumbled.