He Knew Who he Married

"Is he a friend of yours?" Marcella asked. 

Would it be better or worse if Tony had a good relationship with that man, she couldn't say. 

If he was friends with him, she would question Tony's intentions. But then again, can she blame him? There are a lot of men like Andrew Mellon out there and most of them aren't even rich. They are just bad men. She would understand if Tony was just friends with him for his connections. If she expects him to be friends with only good men, he wouldn't have many allies. 

But what she did might cause trouble in the relationship. Tony might not mind it, or he might. 

Well, he wouldn't. It's Tony, right?

Anyway, if Tony is friends with him, there is a chance that this issue will be resolved rather easily. Otherwise, they might be in serious trouble. That guy looked like he would make this a big issue. 

She regretted losing her patience. She would hate it if Tony had to apologize to such a lowly man.