Sweet Fight

"I am not doing this again," Marcella said fixing her clothes. 

Tony was leaning on the back of the chair with his shirt popped open and crinkled. His fly was still open, his hair was messy, and his eyes were closed in an attempt to dwell in that amazing feeling for a little longer. 

He looked angelic with that satisfied smile on his face. 

Marcella shook her head with a sigh. He didn't even listen to what she said.

After fixing her hair, she went out to have a look at the others. She didn't want to be gone for a long time. She sat with Stella and talked to her for some time. Stella appreciated her cooking and that boosted her confidence. 

"You are perfect for him," Stella said. "He is a good man and he deserves someone like you."

"Thank you," Marcella couldn't help but grin with happiness. 

"But you are enabling him too much," Stella said.

"Enabling him?" Marcella got curious.