The Power Behind Her

Marcella nodded. She was sulking for a week and she tried to find out alternatives when she was a little rational. She had a feeling that Tony would listen to her if she told him another way. 

She didn't know whether he would take her suggestion as he did when she asked him to disperse the gang. But she decided to try. 

"Paul didn't contact you after the birthday party?" she asked. 

"No, that woman called many times. I didn't answer her. Stella said she left a message but I didn't listen to it," Tony said. 

Marcella could only sigh. That woman is his mother! But she understood why he called her "that woman". At least, he had no plans of killing her yet. 

"You're not going to ask me to talk to her, are you?" Tony asked seeing her reaction. 

"No," Marcella shook her head. "I have a pretty good life without any in-laws. Why should I willingly bring trouble?" She winked.