Caught Beast

Marcella's heart sank to her stomach seeing the little red shoe on the ground. She didn't want to imagine what was going on there. She held her gun closer to her chest and her hands shook out of fear. 

Picking up Joey, she walked back to the slide. She saw Henry's men noticing her getting stressed and rushing inside the park. Marcella could wait but she didn't want to. The little red shoe on the ground gave her goosebumps. 

What was happening to the little girl stuck in the slide?

"Hello? Who is in there?" she gave a warning. She couldn't think straight. 

Was that a kidnapping attempt or something more nefarious?

She couldn't stop. What if that girl's life was in danger? She didn't want to wait. 


A dreadful deep voice echoed from the little tunnel inside the tower. Marcella's heart squeezed in pain. 

Oh, please be safe, little girl…

"Stop! Or I will slash her little throat!"