Worst Thing That Could Happen To A Couple

Stella picked her coat up and pondered whether she should wear it or not. This usually becomes her dilemma in that time between winter and spring. She considered that time much worse than the fall. 

She decided not to wear the coat. It was cold in the morning and so she wore a thick coat and now it had turned a bit hot. Her coat would be too stuffy. But it still was cold and she could not go outside 

With a sigh, she picked up her purse and coat. She thought of checking on Tony. They weren't busy the past week and she was told Tony still stayed in the office. He's been making odd mistakes in the office too. The rumor around the office was that he had problems at home. She didn't think it would be true.

Why would everyone think that when a man acts different, his wife must be the reason? Isn't that misogynistic?