Adorable Brother

Tony was insanely mad when he heard of what happened. Marcella had to control him from killing that man who dared to threaten her. 

Although Marcella made him promise not to do anything rash, she was not sure of Tony's words. She hoped Rourke didn't get within a mile radius of her. 

Why get a restraining order when she had the most efficient network of people around her? She didn't and couldn't put her trust in the government mainly seeing the procedures Tony goes through for a simple issue. Before she filled out the necessary paperwork for her protection, she would be dead. 

She wanted to be alive. For that, she would trust her people more.

They didn't know how much Joey understood. When Tony said that his mother has his little sister in her belly, Joey cutely touched her belly. 

"Are you in there, baby?" he said in his cute baby ramble. "Please be a boy. I want a brother to play with."