I asked my twin sisters to attend me in my study. I felt that it was time that I spoke to Margaret and Louise, on the subject of suitors. It was a cold early-January day, and the recent snows had been replaced by intermittent rain, so we all tended to avoid going outside.
"William, you wished to speak with us?" Louise said as they entered.
"Yes." I said, and indicated that we should move to the seating by the fire. There was a tray with a bottle of a very good Amontillado sherry and glasses on a side table.
"This looks very formal William." Margaret observed.
"I do not wish it to be so," I told her, "In fact I hope it will be the opposite, just a friendly chat." I continued as I poured us each a drink.
Sitting down I looked at them both.
Up to now the twins have managed to avoid any major scrutiny in this story. It has either been about my mother, or Charlotte or Hermione or Caroline. The twins have been mentioned in passing but I have not spent much time discussing them, apart from mentioning their mischievous nature.
If you spend any amount of time with my twin sisters that mischievousness is the thing that most people notice first. It often comes over, as far as I have observed it, as a bubbling humour. There is very little malice in them and while they can often be sarcastic, they are never cruel. Having said that, sometimes my sisters' idea of what is humorous can be wearing on the spirit. Once, they sewed up the pockets of all of my waistcoats. It was funny the first time I discovered it, less so the fourth and fifth times.
Having said all of that, they are much more than their jests and their pranks. Both girls take after their mother, with their grey eyes and fine, brown hair. Slightly shorter than me, they are of good physical form with proportionate physiques, that are nicely shaped, curving in in the correct places, and out where it is appropriate.
They are almost identical, but there are signs by which you may know them apart. Margaret has a tiny mole on the front of her left temple, and Louise has a small scar - next to her right eye, both of which conceal with powder when they are made up. Margaret is the older of the two by a space of some ten minutes, but Louise has never recognised that as an impediment.
They are less academically inclined than Caroline, less inclined to lead than Charlotte and lack the air of innocence that surrounds Hermione. And yet they are both charming, and witty and knowledgeable. Margaret plays the violin well, and Louise accompanies her upon the cello.
All in all, although they seem to have been passing characters so far, the twins are as much members of my family as the others, and I love them as much as I love Charlotte, Caroline and Hermione.
Which brings us to the place we are now.
"You are going to ask us about suitors, are you not?" Margaret asked.
"I am," I said.
"Are you going to proposition us?" Louise asked brightly.
Have I mentioned that of my five sisters they also the most direct? Where many people would be tactful when asking questions such as these, Margaret and Louise will just ask straight away. Fortunately, this happens mostly in family situations and rarely in social occasions, but they can be quite abrupt in their questions.
In this case, however, it also opened the door for me.
"I don't 'proposition'." I told her. "I have offered my services in most cases and surrendered them in one. However, the other situations are not to be discussed_"
"But!" Margaret began.
I held my hand up. "They. Shall. Not. Be. Discussed." I told them firmly. I could see the questions that were ready upon their lips to be asked, but they could see, in turn, that I was serious in my intent not to discuss the others.
"Let us start from the beginning," I went on, "tell me what you want from this coming Season? How do you envision your futures?"
For the first time I can ever recall, both of them appeared non-plussed. Neither of them appeared to know what to say, until Margaret asked "What do you mean?"
"It's quite simple really," I replied, "As you know, I promised our mother that I would ensure that all of you will be presented at court. But that is just the start of the affair. You must have plans for your lives? I want to help you achieve whatever it is that you want to do, and it would help me to know what those plans are. Do you wish to marry? Or do you wish to remain as you are?
"Hermione has her plans, Caroline and Mr Adams are talking around their relationship, how do you see the opportunities offered by your presentation?"
Once again, I was treated to the unexpected sight of both of the twins unable to speak. I took a sip from my sherry and waited.
"Did the Grand Ball not provide some potential suitors?" I asked.
"There were some admirable young men there, but none that we would like to engage any further than we have." Louise advised me.
"We have made some new friends, but none yet that we would allow as suitors." Her twin continued.
"We feel it is better to examine all of the possibilities before making such a big decision." Louise finished.
"What concerns us most _" Margaret started.
"Not 'concerns', rather, what intrigues us most." Louise interjected.
"Yes, that is a much better word, thank you. What intrigues us most is what has happened between you and our other sisters and how does that "help" their futures?" Margaret finished, and Louise nodded her agreement.
It was like conversing with one person, equipped with two heads. Fortunately, I have grown up with this, Margaret and Louise have talked like this all their lives.
"I have already stated that what has happened between the others and myself, is not a topic for discussion in any way, shape or form. However, I will tell you why it happened," I told them.
"It was suggested that my experiences of the world in general, could help you as you move to womanhood, and what is expected if and when you marry."
Both women looked at me blankly. Nothing was said, but the overwhelming impression that I got was that what I was saying was flying straight over their heads.
This was confirmed when Louise asked "What do you mean 'when we marry'? What sort of thing will happen to us?"
Well, this was awkward. But it was also suspicious.
My sisters - up to the point I arrived home - might have been described as cloistered, to coin a phrase. They were kept close to home because of my father's decisions. They might have been kept away from the world, but they were not unworldly - Charlotte and the writings of Catullus being a good example and Hermione in the hay loft being another. We have lived most of our lives on a country estate, and in London we live cheek by jowl with the great unwashed. Nature, and human nature is everywhere. It is hard to avoid seeing sights even on the streets - well, perhaps not actually upon the streets but certainly it was hard to grow up not knowing what a man and woman do when they congress.
That Margaret and Louise might somehow be naïve, ignorant of the facts of life, never occurred to me, and to be truthful, I found it hard to believe that it might be so.
"What do you mean 'when we get married', William? What will happen to us?" Louise asked softly. And at that point - with just the tiniest of glints in her eyes, I knew I was being played.
They were very adept at this form of teasing. One would see an opportunity - in this case playing ignorant about what passes between a man and a woman; and the other would take it up seamlessly, no word being exchanged between them, it was instinctual.
"I believe that our father used to chastise you by confining you to your room and saying that naughty girls do not go to dances." I said sternly, and I looked at their shocked faces.
"My dear sisters," and I said that in a sweet tone, before I reverted back to a sterner tone. "This coming year is not one of your games. It is not a jape or a jest and it certainly does not resemble a joke, in any way, shape or form. This is one of the most important things that will ever happen in your lives, and I am deadly serious about ensuring it is successful."
I did not raise my voice, neither did I get angry, but I made myself perfectly clear about how serious I was. "I cannot do anything without your complete cooperation, however. Whatever it is you want, whatever your desires, I will try to make them happen for you, but you must assist me."
The playful, slightly predatory looks that the twins had worn were banished and instead they sat up and they became attentive.
"If we did not want to marry but chose instead to live our lives out as sisters and companions, could we do that?" Margaret asked.
"If you wished."
"If we wanted to set up in our own home in London, could we do that?" Louise queried.
"That would also be possible, if it was something that you wanted," I replied. "Is it likely that you would want that?"
The twins shared a look between them and turned to face me.
"It is not that we do not love you and mama_" Margaret began.
"Or Charlotte or Caroline or Hermione_" Louise continued.
"We love you all," Margaret added quickly.
"Very much." Louise emphasised.
"It is simply, that for a long time, Louise and I _" Margaret went on.
"Have felt like we would like to live in our own house with our own rules." Louise finished.
I thought for a moment. The idea was not outlandish, I was aware of other people who did this. But knowing my sisters, and with a growing recognition of the responsibilities inherent in the title of duke - and the reputation of the family name - I had to wonder whether turning my sisters out into society was an entirely good idea.
"I believe that it would be possible to set you up in a house of your own." I told them.
They both beamed at that.
"But my first question would be - who will pay for it?"
"Pay for it?" Margaret asked.
"Why ..." Louise suddenly realised that the answer she had been about to give was no answer, and it died on her lips.
"If we have a suitable property where you can live, there will still be upkeep to be paid out, servants and carriages and clothes are not free. And if the estate has no suitable property and we have to acquire one - that is an additional cost. Do you have an income to pay for this, or will you be dependent on the Rogeringham estate?"
"But did you not say that you would try to make it happen?" Louise reminded me.
"I did, indeed," I conceded, "And if that is indeed what you want, then I shall do it ..."
"But?" Margaret said slowly.
"Exactly!" I said quietly, "But."
I had not raised my voice at all in this conversation, though my tone was still stern, slightly cold. I was quite prepared to fund their idea but I felt that I would need to retain some measure of authority. Not control, that would mean having to supervise them all the time, but some form of sanction would be useful. "What you ask is certainly something we can do, the 'but' is the question of how will you fund your lifestyle? It seems that you are asking to live in one of our properties and have us fund you as well, while at the same time rejecting us as your family and turning your backs upon us? Well? Are you?"
The twins looked hesitant, uncertain of what to do and what to say next. This was not normal; my two quick-witted sisters do not usually find themselves on the wrong foot.
"If you were, that is something that I would have to give some consideration before I agreed."
"It was only an example, William," Louise said plaintively. "We were just attempting to discover how far you are prepared to go."
"We were just testing you, brother. Turning our backs on our family is the last thing we would do." Margaret sounded genuinely upset.
"Please don't be angry with us?" Louise begged, plaintively.
"We're sorry." They both said together.
I laughed. Loudly. And at that moment they realised that they had been played in their turn.
"Oh! William!" Margaret scowled, while Louise batted at me gently with her hand. "That was cruel!"
"Ha! The biters bit!" I laughed. "I have waited for so long to turn the tables on you two!"
"Now can we talk seriously about the future?" I asked as I poured a second drink. I offered the twins one but they declined.
"I think the problem, dear brother_" Margaret started
"Most cruel brother." Louise added.
"Beloved brother," Margaret corrected. "The problem is that we have never really given it much consideration."
"We have everything we want and need here," Louise clarified. "A home, a family, servants, and no need to do anything but enjoy life."
"No one demands that we be anything other than what we are." Margaret admitted.
"And that in itself is not a problem." I told them. There are many women in our society, women of a certain social stature, on whom life makes no demands, other than to be - well - women of a certain stature. They attend balls and dances and just are. "If that is how you wish to lead your lives, I see no issues."
"Good! Then that is settled," Louise announced. "We can enjoy the Season and not worry about having to find a husband."
"But," Margaret went on, finishing the last of her sherry and putting her glass down. She moved to the couch next to me and turned to face me, her eyes eager and shining. "What was that you were saying about your expertise?"
I dismissed Margaret's query with a waved hand, "If you are not looking at marrying there is no need to discuss it. Perhaps another time."
"No! No, William." Louise moved to the seat on my other side, "We're curious - what was it you were going to say?"
"Nothing of import really. You may go now. If you are set on remaining single, and becoming spinsters, there is no need for us to discuss this further. I have things to do, letters I need to write."
By now both of my twin sisters had their hands on my arms, one upon the right and one upon the left; they were leaning in towards me.
"William?!" They sounded so forlorn at being dismissed.
"This has been a pleasant conversation, but it is done now." I could see their growing annoyance, they were obviously curious, possibly even interested in my 'talk', but I was inclined to make them work to get me to continue.
"Please, William?" Margaret said, begging me to tell them what I was going to talk about.
It was time to get some answers.
"First of all," I said solemnly, "I need to know whether you are virgins or not?"
"Why ever would you need to know that, brother?" Margaret asked, and she sounded uncomfortable as she did.
"Several reasons," I told them. "It is of no matter to me whether you are virgins or not. It would be hypercritical of me to criticise anyone for having sex before marriage. But some men still value a virgin wife, and in the unlikely case that you may want to marry, I will need to know whether I am going to have to duel an angry husband when he finds his new wife is not a blushing maiden.
"It is important, as well, that I understand how you intend to live your lives. If you remain under a Rogeringham roof, maintaining the family name is very important in these changing times. Open debauchery and licentiousness are not going to help, unless precautions are planned and taken."
"So?" Louise began, "Are you saying that you would not mind if we were not virgins?"
"I believe that I am."
"And are you saying that if we were indulging in acts of love, you would allow us to carry on?" Margaret asked next.
"In effect, yes."
"And your biggest concern is that we keep the family name out of the scandal rags and the gutter?" Louise continued.
"Precisely." I replied, "So, I ask you again. Are you virgins?"
Once again, my sisters were silent, but this time, it appeared to be while they were considering what I had said. Then they looked at each other, and they reached one of their unspoken agreements.
"I am," Margaret said quietly.
"And I am not," Louise added.
This surprised me slightly, I had imagined that if either of them was not a virgin, it would be the other way around, Margaret has always been the more adventurous of the two, though only by a tiny margin.
"Would you like to know the circumstances?" Louise asked, hopefully.
"Only if you wish to tell me." I replied.
Margaret had reached out and she rested her hand upon her sister's arm, as if in support.
"Am I going to be forced to duel someone over this or have someone apprehended?"
"No brother!" Louise said quickly, "What happened was as much by my actions as it was anything he did. So, I will not name him, or give you any indication of where it happened. Promise me that you will not press this matter, for I fear that you will kill the poor man, and that he does not deserve."
"Proceed then. I will decide when I have heard your story."
"No, William, you must promise me now." I have never seen this side of Louise. I hesitated a couple of moments so that it looked like I was considering.
"Very well then, I promise, no retribution." I said at last, both of my sisters smiled. "Tell me your story then, sister."
She began telling me that she would not be saying anything about when and where this had happened except, she said, that it had happened the previous summer. She was also very vague about why it happened, but reading between her words I intimated that the twins had been at a garden party and chanced on a young man who - they said - was needed to settle an argument between the two of them.
That assistance came in the form of the young man revealing his genitals to them.
The three of them sought out a secluded location - a summer house I believe, where they could see if anyone was approaching with sufficient time to cover up their activities. The argument between my sisters was about the amount that a young man's prick would grow when aroused.
I reasoned to myself that this was one of the flimsiest excuses I have ever heard, but then Margaret spoke up.
"You may or may not believe us, William, but that truly was what the argument was about. The gossip was that the young man we were with, was possessed of a particularly fine penis, which was one of the reasons that we approached him."
"There were other reasons as well," Louise added, "But if we tell you them, you might guess who it is."
"So, you approached this fellow and asked him to settle your wager by taking his cock out. How did this lead to you losing your virginity?"
"It transpired that he really did have a very fine prick, that grew considerably when it was caressed by a girl's hand. And the wager was satisfied _" Louise told me.
"But it would have been a shame to leave him suffering so." Margaret said, with a wistful sigh.
"As I was the winner of the wager, it was decided that I should do something about it." Louise announced.
"So, you got up on board and fucked him?"
Louise nodded.
"Until he spent?"
She nodded again.
"I take it that it was far from satisfactory?"
Both girls looked at me in surprise. "How did you know?" Margaret asked.
"From the way you touched her hand in sympathy when Louise admitted she was not a virgin, that suggested that it was something that had not gone well, or that it was something she regretted.
"Also, it is not uncommon for a young man, especially if they are inexperienced, and have been over caressed - teased, as some would have it - to not last long when fucking, leading him to spend quickly which leaves the young lady with an unfulfilling experience.
"My conclusion is that you lost your maidenhood for nothing and regret it deeply."
Louise nodded.
"Now, I shall say this very carefully, and remember that I love both of you very dearly."
They looked at me curiously.
"How foolish are you? To give up your virginity so lightly, what were you thinking?" I did not shout nor let any anger into my voice but I needed to get over to them how disappointed I was. "I told you before that I have no issue with you losing your virginity, it matters no which-way to me."
I reached out and put one arm around each of their shoulders, pulling them in towards me, "But my sweet loves, you must be so careful in what you do.
"You," I looked at Louise, "Your first time should have been special. A casual tumble in a dressing room is all well and good for an aspiring young officer, but you are the daughter of a duke.
"And imagine if you had fallen pregnant?" I said, "If that had come out into the light, how could you be presented to the queen?"
Almost as one, both of my sisters expressed their apologies. "We are sorry, William."
"This is the reason you are loathe to let us live on our own?" Margaret asked. My sisters may be pranksters and sometimes sarcastic, but they are just as astute as their mother and their other sisters.
"It was one reason," I told them, "I worry that someday a prank will blow up in your faces - just as that one might have."
As one, again - and I have absolutely no idea how they do that - Margaret and Louise leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"We love you too, dear brother." Margaret told me.
"And we apologise if we have caused you concern." Louise continued.
"If we behave ourselves over the Season, would you re-consider allowing us to live apart from the family?" Margaret asked.
"I would, but you must demonstrate that I can trust you when you are out of my sight."
Both girls sat upright facing me. They crossed their hearts and promised that they would do everything that they could to build up that trust.
Did I believe they would try? Yes, I did, the twins would work very hard to gain my trust.
Did I think that they would behave, especially when they were out of my line of sight? Did I hell.
Both girls leaned in and Margaret first, followed by Louise, gave me very unsisterly kisses, before Margaret rested her hand on my cock. "Perhaps then brother, you could settle a small wager."
I laughed. This was exactly the sort of prankish behaviour that I expected from the twins. But then I felt Margaret actually fondle me through the material of my breeches, her hand gently manipulating the hardening flesh of my prick. The teasing look upon her face suddenly became a curious fascination. Louise too began to examine what her sister was doing, her hand joining in as they both explored my cock and balls.
"You may have settled it already, William," Louise told me.
"It certainly feels bigger than the last one that we saw." Margaret added.
"And that was accounted a fine one." Louise reminded her.
"Then this must be a very fine one." Margaret concluded.
I was very conflicted. I really was not certain as to whether it would be a good idea to let it progress further, but I was also curious as to how far my sisters would actually go.
I soon found that out, as Louise's fingers tried the fastenings of my breeches, opening the front, Margaret assisting her. Soon she was tugging my shirt lap out of the way, to reveal my hard cock.
Margaret gasped. "This is definitely a much finer prick than the last one, sister."
"Much better, see how thick it is!"
"And longer too." Margaret observed.
"It is soft and warm in my hand," Louise noted, "But also so hard!"
"So very, very hard." Margaret marvelled.
"There is no need to be so lavish in your praise, sisters," I told them, though their words were enjoyable, I needed to bring them back to the reality of the situation, "It is nothing exceptional, either in length, or girth."
"But it is such a handsome one, it is smooth and fits our hands so well."
"It bothers me when you mention its smoothness, was the example you examined not so?"
"It had a certain roughness about it," Margaret told me.
"And it definitely was not as pleasing to look upon as this one of yours, William."
Their constant stroking and fondling were having the usual effect on my prick, and rather than stain my breeches, with great resolve I recovered myself and did up my fly.
Both of my sisters pouted in disappointment. "Perhaps we should have asked William to settle our wager," Margaret suggested.
"I believe that I was in Portugal battling the French at the time," I reminded her.
Louise nodded, "Still, it is a resource we should bear in mind for the future."
"Indeed!" Margaret agreed eagerly.
"With one important provision to remember," I told them, they looked at me, as I indicated my prick. "This is not mine to use willy-nilly. Or rather it is, but it also belongs to your mother. And you would need to get her approval before you do anything with it."
"We would ask mama nicely," Louise said, wistfully.
"Ever so nicely." Margaret added.
"Be that as it may, you would still need to ask." I stood up and offering my hands, drew my sisters up off the couch. As I ushered them from the office, I told them, "I am glad that we have an idea of how we will proceed. You will behave yourselves this Season and we shall look at establishing you in your own house, is that agreed?"
They both nodded and went about their day, while I went and sought out Helena.