Helena's return had caused my conversation with the twins to be postponed a day or so. That was corrected when they found me reading and enjoying the sun in the garden.
The moment I saw them progressing towards me, I realised that something about them had changed. While they wore their usual dresses, there was a different air about them as they walked, and when we talked, any sign of their previous air of naïveté had gone, they no longer posed themselves as innocent girls, with a wide-eyed unawareness of the world. Instead, they seemed to be more purposeful, more mature in their manner and conversation, as if they had suddenly grown in the few days between our last night together and this bright pleasant afternoon.
"Good day, William," Margaret greeted me.
"Margaret. Louise." I greeted them as they each kissed my cheek.
"William." Louise said as they sat down beside me.
"We have come to discuss the future." They announced simultaneously. I nodded.
"About the possibilities of living on our own." Louise completed.
I took a drink from the cup of chocolate in front of me, though to be truthful it was quite cool by now. "I think," I said slowly, noticing the anticipation on their faces, "That I have not changed my mind."
They both looked extremely put out by this, I supposed that they had been anticipating me allowing them to move straight ahead with their plans. Louise looked particularly upset, Margaret went to say something but before she could speak, I continued.
"My plan is still to look at how to make this go forwards for you. To provide you with a house and a living, to allow you to live together, away from the family." Their faces were suddenly wreathed in broad smiles. "But not until after the Season is done, and possibly even then there might be a delay.
"Do not fear," I told them. "I will do as I have said I will, but once I am sure that it will all proceed without issues. AND ..." I told them as they went to speak, "After I am sure you have met the conditions we agreed."
I half-expected some argument, some attempt at negotiation on those conditions, but instead I was wrapped in warm embraces, and sweet thanks.
I will not lie, I was surprised by the changes in my sisters, not just their comportment but their attitude. They seemed to be willing to work with me to achieve what they wanted, instead of constantly trying the edges of my patience.
"Have we surprised you, William?" Louise asked.
"Indeed, you have," I told her. "But it is a very pleasant surprise."
"It was you that wrought the change." Margaret said, "You treated us as women instead of girls."
"It felt wonderful!" Louise interjected.
"Indeed," Margaret continued. "We realise now that being grown up has its advantages."
"Indeed." I laughed. "The time we spent together this last week is time I will always treasure, my sweet loves."
"May we do it again some time?" Louise asked hopefully.
"That," I laughed, "Is something you will need to negotiate with your mother."
They sat back, and I can truly say that for the first time I saw them both as grown women, and smiled. One of those all-knowing looks they share passed between them, before Margaret said solemnly, "We shall ask her."
"Thank you, William," they said. And with that they had gone.
I sat a little stunned for a while, obviously our conversations had had the desired effect, either that or it was some miraculous power in my cock to make changes in people. No, I thought, that would just be silly, wouldn't it?
I was about to rise and return inside when Charlotte found me.
"Have you seen the twins?" She asked.
I told her that I had, and that they were now going to visit a friend. "May I ask why?"
Charlotte said that she had seen them earlier and they had appeared 'different' somehow.
"More mature?" I asked, she nodded. "We had a few long discussions about their future last week. I believe that they have come to a decision."
"A decision?" I told her what I had discussed with Margaret and Louise.
"That ... that is an option? You would allow them to live that way?" Charlotte sounded surprised.
"If they meet my conditions, yes." I could see her drawing breath, and I expected an explosion.
"I asked them how they saw their lives - in the same way that I asked you - and that was what they told me."
The explosion never occurred. It was, she recognised, that the twins had asked for something that she had not. "It never occurred to me as a real opportunity." She said wryly.
"So, am I to assume that you no longer wish to go to an Ottoman harem?" I asked.
Charlotte had to think for a moment before she recalled the conversation, that we had had in this very garden a few months ago. "Why should I go abroad for that, when you have a fine one here already?" She laughed.
"Touché!" I said as she leaned in and kissed my cheek, before standing up to go inside.