Chapter 1

Mars is commonly referred to as the "Red Planet" due to the distinctive red coloration resulting from the presence of iron and other minerals on its surface. It possesses a tenuous atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. Mars experiences extensive dust storms, the largest in the Solar System, lasting for months and enveloping the entire planet. Additionally, it harbors one of the most colossal volcanoes known in our solar system, recognized as Olympus Mons.

Mira and Rahul concluded their study of planetary features by reading a paragraph of their assigned holiday homework. They were both situated in the living room at the time. Later in the evening, as they were preparing to venture outside to join their friends for playtime, their attention was captured by the ringing telephone. In his eagerness, Rahul hurried toward the sofa and noticed that the call was from their Uncle Vikrant.

Due to the limited network connectivity in their area, it was a rare occurrence for them to receive calls from outside the city. Filled with excitement, Rahul accidentally dropped the call, much to Mira's chagrin. Angered by his carelessness, Mira decided to proceed with going out to play on her own. The park, adorned with beautiful flowers, was her preferred destination whenever she found herself upset. Meanwhile, Rahul headed to his friend's house to engage in online gaming.

At 8 pm, both siblings returned home and discovered a letter placed in front of their house. This time, Mira was quick to retrieve the letter to prevent any accidental damage by Rahul. It turned out to be a letter from Uncle Vikrant.

"House no. 12


New Delhi

30 May 2021

Dear Rahul and Mira,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health. I am doing well myself. Upon reading the contents of this letter, you will be both shocked and excited.

During my recent exploration of marine life, I stumbled upon a colossal spacecraft at the seashore. The vessel was concealed beneath a layer of dried leaves and mud. I brought it to my laboratory and meticulously cleaned it. To my astonishment, I discovered an alien inside, possessing ears resembling a bat and a nose resembling a mosquito. The alien had three fingers on each hand and foot, with a blue complexion. I shall provide further details when you both visit the lab.

I eagerly await your presence. Stay joyful.

Your uncle,


After reading the letter, both Rahul and Mira commenced packing the essential items they would require. Rahul took great pride in his packing skills, considering it one of the many tasks he excelled at more than anyone else. He emphasized this fact to Mira, asserting that she should entrust the entire matter to his expertise. However, Mira reclined on the comfortable armchair, misunderstanding his intention. Rahul had meant for her to assist him under his guidance. Her interpretation of the situation irritated him. Nothing irritated him more than observing others idling while he worked diligently. He wished to oversee the process, stroll around nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets, and instruct Mira on what to do. Nevertheless, he refrained from saying anything and proceeded with the packing. It turned out to be a more time-consuming task than he initially anticipated. Nonetheless, he eventually completed packing the bag and sat on it, securing the straps.

"Aren't you going to include the boots?" Mira inquired. Rahul looked around and realized he had forgotten to pack them. He reopened the bag and placed the boots inside. Just as Rahul and Mira were preparing to exit the house, they heard the sound of breaking plates. Hastening back inside, they discovered Peter, the mischievous rabbit. Despite his adorable appearance, Peter possessed a mischievous disposition. Rahul decided to take Peter the rabbit to his friend's house and entrusted his care to them.

Peter's life ambition was to be a constant nuisance and create chaos wherever he went. His greatest satisfaction came from being in places where he was least wanted, causing frustration and annoyance to those around him. If he could make someone stumble or provoke them into cursing him for an extended period, he considered his day successful. Once he achieved this, his conceit knew no bounds.

After handing over Peter to his friend, Rahul and Mira proceeded to the railway station.