Chapter 4

Upon returning home, Mira, sporting a broad smile tinged with a touch of excitement, exclaimed, "Impressive acting, Rahul! When they discovered our true identities, I was overcome with fear. Your skills could make you a remarkable actor. Your words nearly melted that evil being away."

Mopo Kafo intervened, urging them to let the matter rest and cautioning them to be more careful in the future, avoiding any potential mistakes.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived when all the stones had been gathered. The officials announced that the time had come to select the Ikistore. A notice was posted, and the alien population began their preparations. Curious about the competition, Rahul inquired of Mopo Kafo for details.

Mopo explained that the Ikistore was a chosen brother who would demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the king. The competition comprised two rounds. In the first round, participants had to navigate through a perilous forest and retrieve a flag hidden within a cave. The forest teemed with dangerous animals. The second round involved sword combat, with the last remaining participant earning the esteemed title of Ikistore.

Motivated, Rahul resolved to participate in the competition.

On the day of the event, Mira anxiously fretted over Rahul's well-being, while he remained calm, knowing that he possessed the gun provided by Uncle Vikrant.

The participants gathered in the grand hall, extending their greetings to Kaliponioak Lia. As the competition commenced with the drop of a red cloth, Rahul swiftly ventured into the forest. Along his path, he encountered numerous animals, skillfully avoiding them as he made his way toward the hidden flag. Difficulties arose during his return journey when he confronted a colossal beast resembling a giraffe but with white and blue hues and an enormous, malodorous tongue.

Momentarily at a loss, Rahul's resourceful mind concocted a plan involving the use of his gun. He dispatched the threatening beasts that obstructed his path, ultimately returning unharmed to the hall. Only two participants managed to reach the hall, as the remainder had perished within the treacherous forest.

The second round entailed combat. As it so happened, Earthlings possessed ancestral knowledge of swordfighting, and Rahul's mischievous nature had cultivated some aptitude in the art. Emerging victorious, he claimed the Ikistore title.

Kaliponioak Lia expressed his satisfaction and offered Rahul anything he desired, except for the throne and the stones. After a brief contemplation, Rahul replied, "My esteemed and mighty brother, I wish to witness the grand tube formed by combining the stones. I aspire to observe the process behind your remarkable accomplishments, so that I may share the tale of your great achievements with all Earthlings."

Agreeing to this request, Kaliponioak Lia instructed Rahul to return the following day to witness this momentous occasion.

Rahul returned home and relayed the events and his plans for the day of the stone combination to Mopo Kafo and Mira. As evening descended, they ventured to the backyard to enjoy the surroundings. Mira, however, appeared despondent. Concerned, Mopo Kafo inquired about her melancholy.

Mira confided in him, expressing her reluctance to return to Earth and her desire to remain on Mars. Mopo Kafo reminded her that once the stones were destroyed, humans would be unable to breathe on Mars, rendering her stay impossible. He assured her that he would continue visiting them on Earth.

Upon hearing this, Mira's spirits lifted, and she retired for the night.

Finally, the day arrived when the stones would be combined, and their powers absorbed. Filled with anticipation, Rahul prepared himself. Aliens, including Rahul and Mira, gathered in front of Kaliponioak Lia's palace. Excitement buzzed in the air as they eagerly anticipated witnessing the culmination of the combined power of the stones. However, an undercurrent of sadness ran through their hearts, knowing that they would soon become prisoners on Mars.

Kaliponioak Lia emerged at the entrance of the palace, greeted by the assembled aliens. Rahul approached him respectfully and said, "Good morning, my esteemed and mighty brother. As you graciously promised to show me the process, I would be honored to accompany you inside the palace."