Find Me?

In his study room, Mr. Bennet sat opposite Aedion with a photo in his hand.


"Who is this?" he asked, showing the photo to Aedion.


Aedion examined the photo and shook his head at him. "I do not know. Where did you get the photo from?"


"The DNA on that equipment, including the gloves, belongs to him," Mr. Bennet explained.


"Huh? How?" Aedion was a bit confused.


Mr. Bennet folded his arms. "I could not find any signs that the bazooka had been fired, but the DNA on it matched the one on the gloves. It would be insane if the bazooka was thoroughly cleaned before being dumped into that porthole, but I can very well say that those gloves were worn to use the bazooka."


"Hmmm…so this man is the suspect?" Aedion queried. 


Mr. Bennet shook his head. "Not the suspect, but the culprit. Every piece of evidence points directly to him."


"I see." Aedion nodded, concurring.