
Beautiful! Was the first word that crossed Draven's mind. She looked breathtaking like the most lovely painting heaven had ever created.

In his eyes, she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever glimpsed. Her gummy smile, her hazel eyes, her curly ginger hair, her petite stature, her non-elegant free laughter—everything about her was beautiful. It fascinated him.

She would make a lovely painting… he thought.

Avelina stood in front of him. She was peering at him, trying to figure out why he was staring so intently at her. What was going on in his mind? Did she have something on her face? Did she look different today? I mean, yes, she had never packed her hair in a bun, so could she possibly look terrible in it?

She began to fidget, deeply nervous and insecure.

Draven abruptly smiled. He wanted to touch her, but having used those gloved hands to feed the fishes, he was unwilling to taint her, so he hid his hands behind his back.