Let Me Fix It, Sunshine

"Like what?" Draven asked. He began to rub and pat her back, hoping to help her calm down.

Avelina shook her head. "I'm not sure. Food, maybe. It was something like that."

Draven sighed, grabbing a hold of her and pulling her into a hug. It must have been the smell of the meals coming from the several kitchens in the mansion. 

"Draven." Avelina lifted her head to look at him with a flushed face.

Draven smiled at her. "What is it?"

"I really like your scent. It's very comforting. I feel like I want to drown in it." Avelina pulled him closer, stepping on her tip-toe to nuzzle his neck.

Draven blinked rapidly, a bit concerned. She'd suddenly become very clingy and needy—not that he was complaining, but it wasn't always like that. He felt like something had suddenly changed in the past few weeks, almost like something they were unaware of was going on with Avelina.