Bounded, Intertwined, Soulmates...

Valentine knelt, staring at him. Slowly, he stood up to his feet, turned around, and walked to the edge of the sky tower. 

"Don't reach for my hand, Olive. That way, you won't have to let go." He spared such a charming last smile at him, cackling. "In my next life...Olive, my heart would be yours once again." With one last look at the Milky Way, he spread his arms as if a free bird and slipped off the edge of the tower. 

Off he fell and began to head for the ground, quite far away.

"VALENTINE!!!!" Olive, with eyes widened in horror, rushed off, and without thinking, he jumped off the tower and began to fall after him.

At that moment, Valentine, whose eyes had sprung open at the sound of his name, widened in shock. Olive...fell after him? He'd never expected that. A glimmer of awe flickered in his emerald pupils. He was sure he'd glimpsed an angel—one reaching out to him.