Shocking news

Kevin askewhat the shocking news was Tom Pole betrayed us when Tom is bitten by a zombie ohh my god Kevin says in his mind then Tucker almost killed zombies in the fun zone then Kevin says that Tom Pole is bitten by a zombie oh my god what I will say to his family ok we need to inform our team members to come to the mall's varantha by through the woki Toki, ok Kevin then Tucker informed the people to come in mall's varantha then the people came and Kevin says we have sad news our teammate Tom Pole has bitten by zombie ohh my god said, Ralph ok we should all must pray for his soul ok Kevin then all prayed for Ralph soul then all decides to destroy all zombies ok then Tucker calls Kevin and ask what will we do now we need to find the people who make zombie trapper ok then we should lock all the Shatters of the mall ok we should find more trappers and accessories ok Kevin then Tucker went outside of the mall to find trap makers for zombies ok then Hank came to Kevin and asked about the food in evening we are going our house or stay in the mall ok we should think about it ok Kevin. Then Tucker came with the people who make zombie trappers then Kevin told them to make Tesla trappers and Harpoon trappers ok Kevin then Tucker we want zombie guns I want them in 15 min what all guns do you need Kevin asked, Tucker? Harpoon gun We need the upgrade because upgrades to the Harpoon are Power, which causes more damage to the zombies; and Rope length, which allows it to shoot zombies from farther away. Net Gun, Tranquilizer Gun, Freezer Gun ok Kevin I don't think it will get but I will try my best ok Tucker then Kevin calls everyone to the mall's front and says we need to stay one day in the mall please stay said, Kevin. ok, Kevin, I will provide all facilities for you then Tucker came with all guns ok take the gun to the store room of the mall, ok let's eat the food from the food court of the mall ok Then Kevin take Arranged the facilities for people then it becomes morning I will update in after few hours I have a bit of work sorry ok then the people brushed the teeth and fresh up then they eat the breakfast then Kevin and Hank take the guns from the storeroom and Kevin and Hank take the net guns and say we are going to rather zombies to hear be prepared Tucker put the zombie trappers someplace of the mall one more thing guys be safe and stay alive ok then the zombies came to the mall. Kevin said through the woki toki stay alert the zombies are coming then Kevin killed all zombies that day Kevin was the hero then Kevin said we have a mission what mission asked Tucker I will tell you tomorrow.