Chapter 54: The Mountains Are Hell

After walking through the woods for another five minutes I had to take a break. There is one thing I am happy about. I brought a canteen full of water. At least in this place, I won't be thirsty. I also took off my leather armor so my upper body could cool off.

I don't know when I will be attacked so I need to at least wear something. So I will keep my pants on. Sure a goblin arrow could hit my arm. I need two precious things to be protected. Those take priority.

I found a rock I could sit on. Let's see if I have anything in my mail system. Maybe I bought an item that could help me. Let's see I have potions, a pill, and books. I think stamina potions would be good to have. Man, I only have one. Better than nothing I guess.

I manifested the bottle and opened the cork and chugged the glass down. Maybe this is because it helped with my thirst a bit, but I feel like I have a lot more energy.

These potions only give you like five more status points max. So it is a placebo. I need to do whatever to get more status points. Even buying crappy potions. I need to catch up with my brothers and sister before I feel comfortable.

After catching up to my siblings maybe, Ji-woo. She is a strong girl. An adventurer that hangs around other A-ranked adventurers. My brothers and sisters are all around B-rank in strength. Combined maybe S-ranked. I wonder what the strength of that party is if you combine their power.

It has been five minutes. Break time is over. Time to stop making excuses. I have wolves and boars to kill. No time to kill. So time to get hyped!

There we go! My first demonic beasts. A wild boar and its babies. Some people have qualms about slaying demonic beast kids. They tend to forget that they want to kill you. They also destroy farm fields. Which hurts them because the food supply shrinks.

To me, they are all deadly beasts. If I can get rid of a potential problem early on. Why wouldn't I preemptively get rid of future problems? Some people are too liberal in their mindsets. So what if it is a baby demonic beast? It is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

We aren't talking about human lives. We are talking about lives that are made just to destroy. The beasts do not build. These are boars that eat, crap, and destroy. Unlike us humans, we can make something out of the supplies around us.

I manifest my blade but it caught the attention of the boars. The mother immediately ran at me. This works to my advantage a bit because she left the kids. The kids aren't aware of what is going on.

I jumped out of the way and ran up to the kid boars. The boars tried to run when I got close but with one slice I killed a boar. The other one got injured enough that it is limbing. I did hear the mother run at me even faster so I had to focus on her.

The mother almost got me but I was able to barely dodge by diving to the ground. The other child boar is getting away I won't let it. I need to take care of the mother now. I got up and readied my blade.

The mother boar turned around and charged again. This time it is slower because it is tuckered out. Making it slow enough that I can aim for a leg. It was a successful one. This made the boar stumble for a second. I took that time to attack the injured leg again.

The wild boar couldn't hold its weight and fell. Time to attack the neck! I jumped on its back and sliced its neck open and then tabbed my blade in it. The mother boar struggled. It eventually ran out of breath and the beast stopped completely.

Damn, I can't hear the other boar now. It got away. Wait, what about a blood trail? Let's see if I can follow one.