Luna, Mariella, and I went to the dining table to discuss this. My dad noticed that we had guests and introduced himself to the. Mariella pulled her skirt out and bowed with manners intact. I forgot how ladies are supposed to act around persons of influence.
It isn't women specifically but women tend to have more rules when showing respect. I honestly feel bad about all their rules. We are different but I think we are equal in our own rights. Women are good at caring and men are good at hurting. That is not always the case but that is typical.
Now the uncomfortable talks being. I am not happy about this. I was too focused on completing my quest. I spouted crap just to get it on with her. I was scared, terrified in fact. Who wants to be dumb when they could have prevented it.
"So Mr. Alphor or can I call you Rafkiel?" Mariella said with a smile.
"You can call me Rafkiel, now how can I help my guests?" My dad said with a smile. Reciprocating the guest's mood.
"Your son Sephker promised to marry my dear Luna one day. Meaning they are fiances. I never dealth with marriages between persons of influence. So I want to know what we need to get sorted out." Mariella said with a devilish smile. I knew she was going to say something I can't take back.
Why did the quest have to give me an impossible request to make this girl satisfied. She wasn't happy even going three long rounds. What sastfied her is promising to eventually married. Like I have been doing. I just have been pushing it off until I get stronger. Strong enough to protect her myself. Or at least be stronger than her.
It is a sad thing to say but most people including women and some kids are stronger than me. I don't like the idea of marrying a girl that is far stronger than me. I won't mind a girl who is a little stronger than me. Just not a girl who is so strong that she overpowers me by something like 10 times.
My dad's face shook quickly in surprise to hear those words. He must be confused about my actions. I have very weak stats. Weak stats that it makes no sense that girls want to marry me.
He thought about something for a moment before speaking up. He sounded confident but worried as well. "I am not sure if being married now would be beneficial for either party. Eventually is good, just not now."
Mariella was surprised to hear those words. Maybe she thought we would want to tie the knot quickly. I can assume Luna wants to, but I am only guessing. Luna's face sadden a bit hearing those words.
"May I ask what is your reasoning behind your answer?" Mariella said in a pissed off tone.
"My son sephker is in a very tough spot right now in life. You can look at his stats. He isn't but isn't weak either. He has skils to make up for his weak stats." My dad said immediately responding to Mariella's question.
This made Mariella bite her tongue. It is true I am weak even with my skills I have. I am still weak stat wise. Even with my skills I only have a few combat skills at most. Meaning my dad saved my ass by throwing me under the bus.
Mariella's eyes shined brightly for a moment. She then got something out her purse and spoke, "Here is a test to see if he is capable to be in marriage. This is a Skill Pill. It is a pill that will give him a random skill." Mariella said holding up a skill pill that gives a random skill ranked F-SSS.
It was like the pill I first took after having sex with Rita. I bought the first random skill pill for 100 points. Oh, man it was so little back then. Must have been a welcome bonus or something. When she took it out my dad noticed that I had a reaction to it.
He must have been curious because he humored the gift. "So you got a gift in the form of a test. What does it entail?"
Marieall spoke with passion. "This is a pill cumltiavtors make. It is a pill that gives a person a random skill. Guaranteed a skill. Is it a good skill? Perhaps not, the skill is randomized."
"Um, isn't this a form of bribery? I don't want to force marriage on a loved one." The cute Angel Luna said.