Madam Beryl handed an elegantly sealed invitation letter to my father. His eyes flickered with curiosity as he accepted it, carefully breaking the seal and unfolding the crisp paper. He read through it with a furrowed brow, then glanced up at me, an inscrutable expression crossing his face. Without a word, he extended the letter toward me, prompting my own curiosity to spike.

I took the letter from him, my fingers brushing against the fine parchment. As I began to read, my mind raced with possibilities, wondering what my father had seen in the letter that he chose not to voice. My eyes traveled down the neat, flowing script, taking in each word with growing interest.

The letter was an invitation to a grand ball in Clovelly, an event that promised opulence and grandeur. It detailed the festivities, the esteemed guests expected to attend, and the lavish preparations that had been made for the occasion. It was the kind of event that most would be thrilled to receive an invitation to, yet I couldn't shake a feeling of unease.

I recalled a fleeting conversation I once overheard about the king of Clovelly. Whispers of his dangerous temper and unkind nature had spread far and wide, casting a shadow over his otherwise glittering reign. The thought of attending a ball under his watchful gaze sent a shiver down my spine.

Despite the trepidation that gnawed at me, the allure of the ball was undeniable. It was an opportunity to experience a world of splendor and to mingle with the elite. I folded the letter back up, my mind a whirl of conflicting thoughts and emotions. What lay ahead in Clovelly was uncertain, but the invitation was an offer I found impossible to refuse.

"Father, aren't there rumors that the King of Clovelly is unkind?" I asked, feeling a twinge of concern gnawing at me.

"I cannot be sure, my dear, as it may be just a rumor," he replied, his expression unreadable. "Do you plan on going?"

"It certainly sounds interesting, as I have never been to Clovelly before. I'd like to go; may I, Father?" I asked, feeling a rush of adrenaline in my bones, though I wasn't quite sure why—perhaps because I had never attended a ball other than those held in our own castle.

"I don't see a reason for my daughter not to go; you may, but only if you..."

"If I act accordingly like the lady that I should be, yes, Father, I know," I interjected, letting out a small giggle.

"You grew up too quickly, my dear," he says, getting slightly teary.

"Father, please, I am still that childish girl you used to chase around the castle," I said, knowing exactly how he was feeling. "Perhaps this ball will be a chance for you to show the world the lady you have become," my father said, wiping away a tear. I smiled, grateful for his support and encouragement as I prepared for the upcoming event.

"Haha, you know exactly what to say to make me feel better, my dear. Well, have you looked at the dates of the ball?"

"Yes, it is about a week from now, "I said, still holding the letter in my hands.

"Well, my dear, if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend. Feel free to get your gowns ready or make them yourself," he said with a slight smile, checking the time on the wall clock before turning to leave.

"Father, how did you know that I make my gowns myself?" I asked, genuinely curious yet amused.

"Orion is more loyal to me than you think, my dear," he replied cryptically, a twinkle in his eye hinting at a shared secret.

I nodded respectfully as my father departed, leaving me to ponder his enigmatic words. Turning around, I found Madam Beryl watching me with a knowing smile.

"So, am I supposed to consider this a case of treason and arrest Orion?" I quipped, trying to maintain a serious demeanor, but Madam Beryl burst into laughter, her melodious voice echoing in the room.

"Oh, my dear, if we were to arrest everyone for their secrets, the dungeons would overflow," she chuckled, shaking her head.

Her laughter was infectious, and soon I joined in, the tension of the moment dissipating like mist in the morning sun. Madam Beryl, always composed and wise, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Your father is a man of surprises, but his trust in you is evident. Prepare for the ball with joy, my dear. It promises to be an evening to remember," she said warmly.

I nodded gratefully, reassured by her words. As Madam Beryl excused herself to attend to her duties, I returned to the invitation in my hand, a smile playing on my lips. The mysteries of Clovelly and its rumored unkind king suddenly seemed less daunting, replaced by a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

"There is no need for that princess; I believe we should start stitching, don't you think?" shesays a bit slyly, giving her sentence a slight taunt.

"Yes, we should, but I am still thinking about Clovelly. What is it going to be like? a winter solstice, so should I go with red? It seems vibrant, don't you think? I said it in a pensive mood.

Madam Beryl and I go down to what used to be our secret stitching chamber and look at fabrics that I restocked last week. started sorting through the various shades of red fabric, imagining how they would look once transformed into a beautiful gown fit for the winter solstice celebration. Madam Beryl's expert eye and guidance were invaluable as we selected the perfect material for my dress, filled with anticipation for the upcoming event. The rich velvet and shimmering satin fabrics held endless possibilities, each promising to make a statement at the grand ball. As we finalized our choices,

I couldn't help but feel grateful for Madam Beryl's skill and mentorship in creating the perfect ensemble for such a special occasion. Her attention to detail and expertise truly made a difference in ensuring that I felt confident and elegant throughout the event. I will always be thankful for her guidance and support in helping me look my best. As I went down the stairs, my eyes fell on a man whom I had been longing to kill for the past half an hour. He was one of the noblemen who worked around the castle and was the only man with whom I felt comfortable, but times changed.

As I walk up to him, I take hold of one of the swords I kept in there for practice. I put the sword around that guy's neck.

"You have less than five minutes to explain why you decided to betray me, "I said with a bit of angst.

"Well, Your Highness, I have been serving your father rather than you; I don't remember that I devoted my loyalty to you, but I ought to ask or simply beg for forgiveness," he said confidently yet in the most dramatic way possible.

I lowered my sword and looked at him for a minute. "Well, according to the rules you have taught me when a trusted person commits a crime, he or she shall be punished."

"I also taught you to never let your guard down, princess, "he said, snatching my sword from me, putting it around my neck, and getting a hold of my arms and holding them. He was standing behind me. His breath was hot on my neck as he whispered, "But I suppose rules are meant to be broken, especially for someone as charming as you." The tension between us was palpable, and I couldn't deny the thrill of danger that coursed through me.

I groaned in pain. "You're always two steps ahead." He released me and then swung the sword around, which I always found amusing.

"So what color are you thinking of?" "he asked when he looked at the fabrics that were put on the shelves.

"I don't know yet. I want to know about Clovelly. How is it? Have you ever been there?" I asked a question that occurred to me as soon as I read that invitation.

"Oh, I have been there; indeed, Your Highness, the lands of Clovelly are beautiful, so rich in greenery that they leave such a purifying, ennobling impact on the eyes that they may never be forgotten even if one tries to," 'he said, giving a description that excites me, but sadly, the king died last spring, and now his son has been crowned king, which is the reason why they are holding up a ball," he added. " The new king must be eager to showcase the beauty of his kingdom to his subjects and visitors," I remarked, intrigued by the upcoming ball in Clovelly. "It seems like a wonderful opportunity to experience the charm and grandeur of that land firsthand," I thought, considering attending the event.

"But isn't it too early to celebrate or hold up a ball? It has not been long," I said, feeling uneasy. '

"Yes, Your Highness, you are right, but the people need to move on and celebrate their new king," he said emphatically.

I went near the shelves and picked up two fabrics, red and black, and spread them on the table. I laid the black one first, which was made of silk and had a soft touch to it; then I layered a red cloth, which was made out of the net; and then I looked at Orion for an endorsement.

"Isn't that a risky combination, princess?" he laughed.

"Well, it might be worth it, if you know what I mean, sir," I remarked while grinning slyly at him.

"I feel something spicy and dangerous coming up, princess," "he said while raising his hands slightly before winking at me. " I chuckled at his comment, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of what we were about to create together. With Orion by my side, I knew we could turn any risky combination into a masterpiece.

I laughed at his actions. "Just wait; it is going to be a stunning gown."

"Well, I will leave you to it; is there anything you want me to do?" he asked.

"Yes, can you please call Madam Beryl? She was coming with me, but she got called somewhere, and Hypoxia as well," I prompted him.

Of course, I will send both of the ladies down in an instant." He bowed and went back to his duties.

I sat down on one of the chairs and started tracing the length of the gown. I prepared the laydown model for my gown. It took me half an hour to cut the skirt and separate the bodice. I take the bodice, cut the red lace exactly up to its length, and stitch them both together. As I was stitching them both together, Hypaxia and Madam Beryl came down.

"It looks amazing, your grace, black with red, the perfect hint of spice." "Hypaxia said it slightly louder than I expected, which took me off guard and made me giggle. Madam Beryl smiled approvingly and nodded in agreement. I thanked them both for their kind words and continued working on the gown, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"I have to agree, Your Highness," Madam Beryl said with a spark in her eyes.

"But I cannot complete it with you two; I need " Hypaxia to cut me off.

Hypaxia "I need you to do the shoulder, and, madam Beryl, I am running out of underskirt material. Can you please get me some? We know your Majesty. Let's get it done," she said bluntly while smiling at me. "

 I was surrounded by limited people, but these limited people were true to me; I did not feel the need to have anyone else around me sometimes. I feel like maybe there is no need for a prince for a happily ever after. I have a beautiful family here, but who doesn't need love and affection from a man you want to spend your life with? I do want to get out of the castle once in a while, "I thought." I pondered the idea of finding love outside the castle walls, wondering if true happiness could be found beyond its confines. Despite my contentment with my family, a part of me longed for a connection that only a romantic partner could provide.