As I stride towards the awaiting carriage, my gown unfolds in a symphony of pagan-inspired opulence intertwined with the grandeur of Naxosian craftsmanship. The heavy floor-length overskirt, adorned with intricate crimson lace that weaves a story of its own across the bodice and skirt, parts elegantly at the center to reveal the daring contrast of fitted pants beneath. Each step is guided by heeled shoes that delicately graze the ground, adding a subtle allure to the ensemble.

The sleeves, intentionally short, find balance with the cascading length of gloves that envelop my arms, their fabric intertwining with the lace to create a seamless transition. The back of the dress is fastened with meticulous care, ensuring the neckline rests just shy of my collarbone—a modest yet confident departure from traditional courtly attire.

This creation, neither bound by convention nor confined to the trends of the court, reflects my desire to innovate and challenge norms. Its exquisite details and bold silhouette set it apart, a testament to the fusion of modern sensibilities with a reverence for timeless elegance. As I wear it, I embody a statement of sophistication and individuality, drawing every gaze with its audacious yet refined presence.

Adorning my neck, a black heart pendant glimmers with the allure of black crystals, a subtle touch of mystery amidst the vibrant tapestry of my attire. Together, these elements harmonize to create not just a dress, but a narrative—a bold declaration of personal style amidst the backdrop of tradition and expectation.

"I bow as I approach the carriage, where my father stands waiting at the door. His presence is a comforting anchor amidst the lively anticipation of the evening ahead.

'As always, you continue to look beautiful,' my father says, a wide grin spreading across his face. His words carry the warmth of pride and affection, echoing through the quiet admiration of those nearby. His approval is a cherished affirmation, grounding me in a moment of shared joy and familial connection."'As always, you continue to look beautiful,' my father says, a wide grin spreading across his face. His words carry the warmth of pride and affection, echoing through the quiet admiration of those nearby. His approval is a cherished affirmation, grounding me in a moment of shared joy and familial connection."

"I believe every father desires nothing more than to see his daughter happy, starting a new chapter in her life with joy rather than risking heartache by falling for the wrong person. This concern may be amplified because my mother isn't here, and he never remarried, convinced that no one could ever measure up to her memory.

Despite introducing me to several potential suitors, my father never imposed his will on me. Instead, he gently encouraged me to meet different men, hoping that I might find someone who resonated with my heart. I deeply appreciate his approach, which balanced traditional expectations with my own desires and autonomy. His support and understanding have been unwavering, guiding me through the maze of relationships with wisdom and care.

His unconditional love and devotion have profoundly influenced my growth and shaped the person I am today. I hold dear every effort he's made to ensure my happiness and well-being, knowing that his intentions have always been rooted in love and a desire to see me thrive."

''Thank you, your highness. I spoke clearly.''

''Please do take care of yourself; I believe Clovelly is not much away,'' he asked, inquiring about it.

"Yes, Father, it is about 17 miles from Brookland," I answered him.

''Princess, the carriage is ready. I believe we should leave so we can reach our destination before it gets dark. Orion comes and informs me. ''

"Au revoir, father," I said.

"Farewell, my dear." My father kissed my head, and then I got in the carriage and waved him goodbye. As the carriage started moving, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about the journey ahead. The thought of finally arriving at Clovelly and starting this new chapter in my life filled me with anticipation.

After a while

As I sit here, I am feeling incredibly bored, so I decided to ask Orion some questions just to kill time.

"Orion? " I poked at his shoulder.

"Yes, princess?" he asked, looking to his side.

"What do you prefer more, horseback riding or archery?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, Your Highness, I enjoy archery a lot, but horseback riding is more calming, so I would have to say both. What about you?" He smiled warmly this time.

"Horse riding definitely," I replied, sitting up straight. "Hey, Orion, what's your favorite childhood memory?"

He chuckled softly. "Wow, I almost forgot we grew up together. I'd have to say it was the first time I snuck you into the kitchen. We talked all night and ate so much. Remember?"

"How could I forget? And do you remember when we finally got caught by Madam Beryl?" I chuckled, recalling the mischief.

"Yeah," he chuckled back, "she was so furious, it seemed like smoke was coming out of her ears."

The shared memories brought a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie, reminding us of the bonds forged in our youth"Well, Your Highness," Orion replied with a thoughtful expression, "I find archery exhilarating, the focus and precision required are quite satisfying. But there's something about horseback riding that soothes the soul, the rhythmic motion and the bond with the horse. So, I'd have to say both have their own charm. What about you?"

"Horse riding definitely," I responded with a smile, adjusting my position to face him directly. "Hey, Orion, what's your favorite memory from our childhood?"

He chuckled warmly, his eyes reflecting fond recollections. "Ah, our childhood. I'd say one of my favorite memories was the first time I managed to sneak you into the kitchen. We stayed up all night, talking and raiding the pantry. It felt like a grand adventure."

I nodded, a grin spreading across my face. "I remember that! We thought we were so clever until Madam Beryl caught us."

"Ah, Madam Beryl," Orion laughed softly, a hint of mischief in his voice. "I can still picture her face when she found us. She was absolutely livid; I thought steam might actually come out of her ears."

We both chuckled at the memory, the shared mischief of our youth bonding us even closer in the present moment. Those carefree times seemed distant yet vivid, reminding us of the enduring friendship that had shaped both our lives.

"We talked the whole evening about various things; this was the first time I had seen Orion smile so much; it seemed that he was comfortable rather than on duty; I missed our friendship; I grew up to be a princess, and he was one of the most trusted men in court, but our friendship was turned into a formality in a period."

While I was lost in my thoughts, Orion announced, "We are here, princess."

I looked out from the carriage and saw a beautiful castle from afar; it was painted in a dull silver color with shades of blue mixed in. The surroundings were just as beautiful; it was like heaven on earth. The lands were lush green and spread as far as one's eyes could see. As we entered the city, we were welcomed by little girls who were throwing white flowers at the carriage. I smiled and waved at them; they had wide smiles on their faces.

Oh, how lovely it was to see this! It was utterly enchanting. We reached the castle, and Orion, ever the gentleman, opened the door for me and extended his hand. I took his hand and stepped out of the carriage, my eyes immediately drawn to the grand structure before us. The castle looked magnificent, bathed in the warm glow of lanterns and the soft hues of twilight.

This was not merely a ball for the royals but for the locals as well, as I noticed townsfolk and nobles alike making their way through the grand entrance. How sweet of him to include everyone; perhaps the new king might not be as unkind as I had thought.

As we approached the entrance, my excitement and anticipation grew with each step. The sound of music and laughter floated through the air, adding to the magic of the evening. The melodies were inviting, and the gentle hum of conversation created a symphony of delight that set my heart racing. The castle, with its towering spires and intricate stonework, seemed to pulse with life and promise. Every detail, from the lush gardens to the ornate banners fluttering in the breeze, spoke of a night that would be remembered.