I sat up slowly, feeling the soft embrace of the bed around me, its warmth a comforting contrast to the cool morning air. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the gentle light filtering through curtains that were unfamiliar yet strangely welcoming. Reality settled over me like a tender wave, gently confirming that the joys and surprises of yesterday were not a dream but a beautiful reality.

The memories of the evening flooded back—moments of laughter, shared glances filled with unspoken understanding, and the dance that seemed to suspend time itself. Each detail, from the elegant ballroom to the flickering candlelight and the magnetic presence of him, was etched vividly in my mind.

As I reflected on the events of the previous day, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It was a day of unexpected connections and newfound emotions, a day that had changed the course of things in subtle yet profound ways.

I shifted slightly, the softness of the bed a comforting reminder of the peaceful morning unfolding around me. The unfamiliar surroundings hinted at a world beyond the familiar confines of my everyday life, promising new experiences and possibilities.

With a sense of anticipation tinged with excitement, I rose from the bed, ready to embrace the day and all that it might bring. Yesterday's joys were real, and today held the promise of further exploration and discovery, both within myself and in the unfolding story with him.

I sat up slowly, the soft bed cradling me in its warmth, and opened my eyes to the gentle morning light seeping through unfamiliar curtains. Reality washed over me like a tender wave, confirming that yesterday's joys and surprises were indeed real.

As I gathered my thoughts, a delicate note caught my eye on the bedside table to my right. It lay there like a small treasure, its presence a quiet reassurance in this new place. With a soft breath, I reached out, fingertips tracing the smooth paper that held promises and memories in its graceful script.

"Dear Delilah,

I hope this message finds you well, greeted by the gentle morning light and ready to embrace the day ahead. It would bring me immense joy if you could join me for breakfast in the library. Your presence has a way of illuminating every corner, making even the sunlit room brighter with your warmth and grace.

__Yours Forever Eric__

"Just as I finished reading, I heard a gentle knock on the door. 'Come in,' I called out softly. In walked the same maids who had assisted me with my attire the previous night.

One of them spoke with a respectful tone, 'Your Highness, we have been instructed to assist you in dressing and accompany you to the library.'

I smiled warmly at them and swung my legs out of bed, feeling a mix of curiosity and excitement. The maids approached, their hands adorned with a selection of dresses, each more exquisite than the last. With meticulous care, they presented each gown to me, unveiling a palette of colors

I carefully selected a white dress, its fabric light and airy with layers that flowed gracefully around me. The long sleeves cascaded elegantly down my wrists, complementing the soft hues of pink woven into its delicate design. With my hair half-tied up, half-down, I felt like a portrait came to life.

As the maids attended to the intricate details of fastening buttons and adjusting folds, curiosity tugged at me. "What are your names?" I asked softly, hoping to learn more about those who had become my attendants overnight.

One of them hesitated momentarily before replying with gentle respect, "Your Highness, we are not permitted to engage in conversation with the ladies of the court."

I nodded understandingly, a faint smile playing on my lips. After the final adjustments, they guided me with utmost care towards the direction of the library, their movements as graceful as the morning breeze that brushed against the windows.

A gentle knock on the door heralded the entrance of a nobleman, likely on a mission to inform Eric of my presence. Moments later, Eric emerged from the library's depths, his tall figure framed in the soft light filtering through the windows. His attire was impeccably chosen, a testament to his status and taste, yet it was his demeanor that captivated me most—a blend of regal confidence and gentle warmth.I went inside and saw the man with whom I had danced all night. Our eyes met and I forgot how to breathe. He looked like a piece of art, he was dressed in his formal attire, with a black coat with green patches and a white shirt, which made his eyes stand out.

He took well-paced steps toward me '' good morning princess, thank you for joining me today "A gentle knock on the door heralded the entrance of a nobleman, likely on a mission to inform Eric of my presence. Moments later, Eric emerged from the library's depths, his tall figure framed in the soft light filtering through the windows. His attire was impeccably chosen, a testament to his status and taste, yet it was his demeanor that captivated me most—a blend of regal confidence and gentle warmth.

"Your Highness," he greeted me with a nod of acknowledgment, his voice carrying a calm authority tempered with kindness. "Please, come in."

Stepping into the library, I saw Eric standing near the window, the soft glow accentuating the contours of his features. His dark hair caught the light, hinting at hidden shades of chestnut and mahogany, and his eyes, a deep shade of azure, reflected the serenity of the morning sky. His attire, a tailored ensemble of subtle elegance, complemented his stature and presence.

As he turned towards me, his smile transformed his features, making them even more striking. It was not just his physical appearance that drew me in but the way he carried himself—the ease in his movements, the genuine interest in his eyes as they met mine. He gestured graciously for me to join him, and I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly he seemed to embody the grace and charm expected of a nobleman.

Taking a seat beside him, I found myself at ease in his company, our conversation flowing naturally. Each word and gesture from Eric seemed to reaffirm the impression of a man both admirable in appearance and captivating in character.

I bowed a little ''the pleasure is all mine your highness''.

''You look absolutely beautiful'' he smiled and walked towards the table where the royal chefs were serving food.

'' Thank you, Your Highness; I can say the same thing for you. '' I I blushed slightly as we both settled into our seats.

"Can I ask a question that's been on my mind since last night?" I ventured.

"Of course, ask away, princess," Eric replied, helping himself to a slice of bacon and some blood pudding.

"Does His Highness ever come out of his chambers?" I inquired.

"You mean the king?" he clarified, his expression thoughtful.

"Yes, I was curious," I admitted.

"Well, our monarch has always been a very reserved person," Eric began, his tone reflective. "Even as a child, he rarely interacted with his parents and generally avoids social gatherings."

I nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Oh, I see. So, who then handles all the responsibilities around? You can't rule a kingdom confined to a room, I assume."

Eric paused, considering his response carefully. "True. There are trusted advisors and ministers who manage the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom. They work closely with His Highness, relaying decisions and handling administrative duties on his behalf."

I absorbed his explanation, realizing the complexities that must accompany such a secluded ruler. "It must be quite challenging," I mused aloud, imagining the delicate balance required to govern effectively while maintaining such privacy.

"Yes, indeed," Eric agreed, his expression sympathetic. "But the kingdom has endured, thanks to the dedication and diligence of those who support him."

He smiled and looked at me with admiration.'' I am glad you pay attention to the kingdom's affairs, and as for the answer to your question, I take care of these things."

'' well it must be very difficult to run two roles at once '' I said and poured myself a cup of tea

"It is, but I do not mind these things at all, and you are not eating anything. Please, help yourself," Eric said warmly, gesturing towards the array of breakfast dishes.

"Why aren't the maids allowed to talk to the people at court?" I asked, curious about the palace's inner workings.

"To prevent any treachery or betrayal," Eric replied matter-of-factly, his expression serious.

I nodded thoughtfully, understanding the need for caution in such a setting. "I see. It's a precautionary measure to maintain security and trust within the court."

"Exactly," Eric affirmed, taking a sip of tea. "The palace operates on a delicate balance of loyalty and discretion. Everyone has their roles and responsibilities, and ensuring confidentiality helps protect the integrity of the kingdom."

I took a helping of bacon and mushrooms, their savory aroma mingling with the rich roasted tomatoes and beans on my plate. The breakfast spread was delicious, and I savored each bite, though I couldn't shake the feeling that Eric's gaze was fixed on me the entire time. When I finally turned to meet his eyes, he chuckled softly and glanced away, a playful glint dancing in his gaze.

"It's all part of the job," he remarked lightly, taking a sip of his tea with a smile. His demeanor was relaxed, yet there was an air of mystery about him that intrigued me. What lay beneath his charming facade? What secrets did he guard so carefully?

Once more, our eyes met across the table, and this time, Eric broke the silence by rising from his seat. "Would you like to go for a walk? It's a beautiful day outside," he suggested, extending his hand towards me.

"I would love to," I replied warmly, taking his hand in mine. His touch was reassuring, and as we walked together, the sunlight filtering through the leaves above cast a dappled pattern on the path before us. The gardens were alive with the colors of blooming flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.

We strolled together through the enchanting garden, where vibrant red, velvety black, and pristine white roses bloomed in harmonious abundance. The air was filled with their sweet fragrance, mingling with the soft whispers of the breeze that gently caressed our surroundings.

Eric paused beside a bed of roses and plucked a radiant red bloom, its petals rich and inviting. When he spoke, his voice deepened, resonating with a sincerity that seemed to echo the depth of his feelings. "For you," he said simply, offering the flower with a gesture that was both tender and deliberate.

I accepted the rose with a grateful smile, marveling at its beauty. "It is beautiful," I remarked softly, admiring the vivid hue against the backdrop of green foliage and colorful blooms.

Eric's response, however, caught me off guard in the most delightful way. "Not more than you," he replied with a warmth in his eyes that mirrored the sun's gentle rays filtering through the canopy of leaves above us. His hands remained clasped behind his back, a gesture that seemed both casual and yet subtly protective.

As we continued our leisurely walk, the ambiance of the garden seemed to mirror the burgeoning connection between us—a tranquil haven where words and gestures spoke volumes

I could not help but blush at his words, he noticed it and let out a soft chuckle

'' Can I ask you something as well, I hope you will not mind it is a bit personal '' he said

'' Yes of course and I will not mind it at all '' I said feeling nervous deep down

''I have heard from people that the princess of Brookland is titled as a cursed princess, Not that believe in rumors just out of curiosity '' he said

I sighed, taking a deep breath and then exhaling it slowly before answering '' Yes that is true, I have gotten that title ''

'' But I do not understand why, I am so sorry to bring up this topic let's change the subject I feel terrible asking that question please forgive me, princess ''

'' No actually let us talk about it, I have not said anything about this to anyone and I feel comfortable around you, please do not feel terrible ''

Eric's question hung in the air, tinged with a curiosity that hinted at deeper thoughts. His voice, though gentle, carried a weight that made me pause, considering how to respond to something so personal.

"Yes, that is true," I admitted softly, my gaze momentarily drifting to the petals of a nearby rose, their delicate beauty a stark contrast to the weight of my words. "I have been given that title."

Eric's expression softened with understanding, his demeanor reflecting a mix of empathy and respect. "But I do not understand why," he added, his voice trailing off slightly as if hesitant to delve further into a topic that carried such weight.

I took a slow breath, steadying myself before speaking. "It's a tale born of superstition and old stories," I explained, my tone quiet but steady. "Some say misfortune follows those who come close, while others believe it's just an old legend meant to keep curious minds at bay."

Eric's expression shifted, his eyes meeting mine with a sincerity that touched me deeply. "I am sorry to bring up this topic," he apologized, his concern evident. "Please forgive me, Princess."

A surge of unexpected comfort washed over me, bolstered by his genuine concern and the sense of trust that had begun to blossom between us. "No, actually, let us talk about it," I insisted gently, surprising even myself with the openness I felt in his presence. "I have kept this to myself for so long, but with you, I feel at ease."

The breeze stirred the leaves above us, a subtle reminder of the gentle passage of time in the garden's embrace. With Eric beside me, his willingness to listen and understand, I felt a new sense of courage to confront the shadows of my past and perhaps even redefine the narratives that had shaped my identity.

"When I was born, my mother passed away, and as you may know, the birth of a girl is already regarded as a grave sin," I began, the weight of years of confinement and societal expectations evident in my voice. "My mother's death only compounded the situation."

I continued, revealing the stark reality of my existence within the castle walls. "I was never allowed to leave the castle grounds or go anywhere at all. This is the first time I've ventured out in 19 years," I admitted, a mixture of relief and apprehension coloring my words.

I paused, gathering my thoughts before sharing a deeply personal belief. "According to the curse, when a girl is born and her mother dies, she may not find her true love," I explained, the ancient superstition casting a shadow over my upbringing. "This is one of the reasons why my father has been pushing me to meet different men within the castle."

Eric listened attentively, his expression a blend of empathy and curiosity. He seemed to understand the complexities of my situation, the layers of tradition and expectation that had shaped my life until now.

"It must have been incredibly challenging," he murmured softly, reaching out to gently squeeze my hand in a gesture of comfort and solidarity.

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. "It has been," I admitted, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders as I shared this part of myself with him. "But today feels different. Being outside, experiencing new things—it feels like a small rebellion against fate."

As we stood there, enveloped in a moment of shared vulnerability, I realized that in Eric's presence, I felt understood and accepted in a way I hadn't before. The bond between us deepened with each revelation, forging a connection that seemed to defy the constraints of tradition and superstition.

"I am sorry for your loss. It must have been very hard for you," Eric said softly, his voice a soothing balm to the ache in my heart. His touch was tender as he wiped away the tears that had escaped, and then gently cupped my face in his hands, his gaze full of genuine care and empathy.

I took a moment to collect myself, feeling the weight of his words and the warmth of his touch offering solace in the garden's tranquil embrace. "Thank you," I managed to whisper, touched by his understanding and the depth of compassion that flowed from him.

Eric's thumb brushed lightly across my cheek, a gesture both comforting and reassuring. "You do not have to carry this burden alone," he said softly, his voice carrying a quiet strength that resonated deeply within me. "I am here for you, Princess."

The vulnerability of the moment enveloped us, the gentle breeze seeming to echo the tenderness between us. In that serene garden sanctuary, his presence became a pillar of support, and I felt a sense of gratitude for his willingness to share in my sorrow and to offer comfort without hesitation.

As we stood there, his hands cradling my face, I knew that in Eric, I had found not just a companion but someone who saw beyond titles and tales, embracing the essence of who I truly was. And in that shared moment of understanding and acceptance, a bond began to blossom—one rooted in compassion, trust, and the gentle promise of healing hearts entwined.

 He noticed it and let out a soft chuckle. The sun was setting behind the trees, casting a warm glow on his face. At that moment, I realized how much I enjoyed his company.