I remained motionless for a while as Eric drew on the paper. His eyes were intense, and he had a look of dedication on his face. It took him around 45 minutes to finish the sketch; at that point, he exclaimed, "Done!''

"Let me see," I asked him.

"Not yet," he said with a wink.

''What why? Oh, come on, love, please,'' I begged him.

''I will give it to you later. By the way, this came in the mail today; I think it is from your father." He handed me a letter.

''Oh, thank you dearly." She held the letter and opened it.

My dear daughter,

Your good health makes me pleased, and the fact that the young man is treating you well makes me much happier. Orion has told me about that place and what happened at the ball, so please let me know if anything is bothering you, my child. Have a safe trip, and use caution at every turn, especially when exploring new surroundings. Remember to trust your instincts and reach out if you need any help or guidance. I love you always and am here for you no matter what.

Your safety and well-being are always my top priorities. Take care of yourself, and know that I am just a phone call away if you need me. I am sending you all my love and support on your journey with regards

your father.

I smiled and folded the letter Eric made forward, held my hand, and said, '' Are those invisible tears?'' he asked with concern.

I let out a soft giggle. "Hehe, no, not at all."

Our lighthearted moment was interrupted by Adrian's voice. "My king, it is time for you to meet Duke Mais," he stated bluntly, his eyes darting between Eric and the letter in his hands.

"My king?" I teased playfully, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

Adrian stumbled over his words, his face quickly flushing with embarrassment. "Uh, I mean... er... what I meant to say was... it's time for our king to meet Duke Mais. That's the message I was reading," he stammered, his cheeks turning various shades of purple, blue, and pink in rapid succession.

Eric burst into laughter, his amusement clear as he looked fondly at Adrian. "You do make excellent excuses, Adrian," he chuckled warmly.

Adrian's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, she knows?!?" he exclaimed, his voice rising slightly in disbelief.

"Yes, I am very well aware that Eric is a king," I confirmed with a giggle, enjoying Adrian's flustered reaction.

"And yet you had to make me anxious," Adrian muttered, taking a deep breath to compose himself.

"He certainly did," Eric affirmed, leaning over to kiss my hair affectionately.

"Oh, Your Highness, please," Adrian interjected with a hint of frustration. "It's improper to display such affection in front of your subjects or the general populace."

Eric grinned mischievously at Adrian's discomfort. "Ne fais pas ça, Votre Altesse," he teased in a playful mimicry of Adrian's earlier French, his tone light and teasing.

Adrian sighed dramatically, casting a glance upwards as if seeking patience from the heavens. "I fear for the decorum of this kingdom," he muttered under his breath, though a small smile betrayed his exasperation.

"What was the last sentence?" I asked, leaning in with genuine curiosity, fascinated by Adrian's sudden switch to French.

"Jist is French, ma dame," Adrian replied with a slight bow and a playful glint in his eyes.

"That sounded so pretty! But do you really have to use that accent?" I chuckled, enjoying the theatricality of his response.

"Yes, I do," Adrian insisted with mock seriousness, his tone deliberately exaggerated.

Eric couldn't resist joining in the fun, his lips curving into a mischievous grin. "Mon amour, je peux dire ça aussi, je suis tellement impressionné," he said smoothly, effortlessly switching to French.

"Oh! Wow, that sounds so beautiful. What does it mean, though?" I asked, genuinely impressed by Eric's fluency.

"It simply means that I can speak French too. Adrian here seems surprised. In simpler terms, he's jealous," Eric explained, glancing at Adrian with a teasing glint in his eye.

Adrian chuckled good-naturedly, though a hint of mock indignation lingered in his expression. "Haha, okay, don't get into a fight now, gentlemen," I interjected playfully, trying to diffuse any brewing competition.

Adrian turned to Eric with a more serious tone. "Your Highness, Lord Mais is waiting for you, I believe."

"Ugh, I despise my work," Eric sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes for added effect.

"Haha, calling a meeting with multiple men 'work'? Come on, my love," I teased him, unable to resist poking fun at his reluctance.

"You're supposed to take my side, Del," Eric said with mock seriousness, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I am siding with you," I replied with a playful wink, stepping closer to him and gently squeezing his arm.

"Eric, go meet with Lord Mais now!" Adrian chimed in, his voice carrying a note of urgency as he tried to steer the conversation back to business.

"Or how about you go cover for me?" Eric shot back, his tone light and challenging, clearly enjoying the banter.

"Again?!" Adrian exclaimed in feigned exasperation, though his eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Or just cancel the meeting, please; I'm busy today," Eric added with a sly grin, glancing over at me with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

I settled comfortably on a nearby bench, watching the two men continue their lively debate over the impending meeting. Their camaraderie was evident even in their mock disputes, a testament to their long-standing friendship and shared experiences.

With a chuckle, I retrieved my sketchbook from my bag and began to capture the moment. Their animated gestures, the playful glances exchanged between them—each detail was etched onto the paper with careful strokes of my pencil.

"You both act like kids, you know?" I teased lightly, my gaze shifting between them as I focused on my sketch.

''I don't, he does,'' they both said at the same time, causing all three of us to giggle. Adrian looked at my sketch and said, ''You are extremely talented, Miss Frost,'' before picking up one of my clothing designs and saying, ''These are quite nice; can you do men's clothes as well?''

"I can try if you give me your measurements," I answered cheerfully, already imagining the grandeur of organizing another ball.

"How about we organize another ball? Christmas is coming up in a month, and Delilah, you will arrange it. Surprise me with the decorations, the food menu, and your dress. The royal garment section will be under you now," Eric gently stated with a smile.

"What a brilliant idea!" exclaimed Adrian, nodding in approval.

"What! A complete ball... everything? I don't know, Your Highness. I've never organized or managed a ball," I murmured, slightly overwhelmed by the task ahead.

"There's a first time for everything, my angel," Eric reassured me with a grin, his confidence infectious.

"Well then, I'll do my best!" I laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and determination.

"That's the spirit; hey Eric, I believe you had a little gift for Lady Frost," Adrian said in a teasing manner.

Eric cleared his throat and said, "Oh, I nearly forgot. How silly of me. Follow me, my love."

"Where's the surprise?" I asked, curiosity bubbling up inside me.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you; but I'll give you a hint: it's related to the stables," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I'll take my leave now, my king," Adrian bowed respectfully and left us.

Hand in hand, we walked towards the royal stables. Eric guided me to a secluded corner and instructed me to close my eyes, which I did without hesitation.

"Open," he declared softly.

I opened my eyes slowly and gasped in delight as I saw a magnificent white horse standing before me. Its mane was a shimmering gray, its coat as pure and bright as freshly fallen snow, and its eyes twinkled with intelligence and spirit. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and I couldn't help but be awestruck.

"Oh my, Eric, you didn't have to," I murmured, approaching the horse cautiously. I gently reached out and ran my hand along its sleek neck, marveling at the smoothness of its fur.

"It's just a simple gift. I found out you liked horses, and I had to get you one, a special one," Eric explained with a warm smile, watching me interact with the horse.

"How did you know?" I asked, still in awe as I continued to stroke the horse's mane.

"Well, you already have a fondness for archery, and I put two and two together," he chuckled softly. "I wanted to give you something that would bring you joy."

I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. I turned to Eric and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much; it's the most beautiful gift I've ever received, Eric."

He hugged me back gently, his hand brushing over my hair affectionately. "Don't thank me, my love. How about we go for a ride?"

"Really? A ride?" I exclaimed, excitement dancing in my eyes.

"Yeah, let me get Ace," Eric replied, walking over to another stall where a sleek black horse was waiting.

"Ace is such a lovely name," I remarked, watching as Eric prepared the horse.

"Thank you, sweetheart. What will you call yours?" he asked, curious.

"Hmm, Dash," I decided, looking over at my new horse. "Dash suits him perfectly."

"Dash is a great name, and he's one of the fastest here," Eric commented with a smile.

With Eric's help, I mounted Dash, feeling a surge of exhilaration as I settled into the saddle. Eric mounted Ace beside me, and together we set off gently, the horses moving gracefully under us as the twilight began to darken the sky.

"Are you ready?" Eric asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

"More than ever," I declared boldly, a thrill of excitement coursing through me.

With a gentle nudge, we urged our horses into a light canter, the wind whipping against our faces as we rode side by side. The world around us blurred into a symphony of sights and sounds, the rhythmic beat of hooves on the ground echoing our shared joy and freedom.

"Hike!" We both yelled and our race began. We both rode. It was so magical, the cold breeze hitting my face, and we both were laughing and focused on winning. We rode as far as our roses could take us. We mostly took circles around the field. Eric was in the lead, but then I eventually caught up. I was finally in the lead, and after three rounds, I won as Eric stopped behind me and clapped for me. I led my horse in his direction. We both rode lightly, now having some small chat about things.

''Eric, do you plan on telling your people that you are the king?'' I asked him.

''I do, actually, but I don't know how they will react," he said in a low voice.

"What is there to react to? People are happy, and you are the king; no one can change that." I told him

"Yes, but a hidden identity was better; I think I will have to have a lot of responsibility with a new title, you know," he said, a bit sad''

"Eric, you have been a great king. What will a small title do? You made your palace very happy. I saw it with my own eyes. When I was in the market, no one seemed sad. I believe in you."

"You know, my father once told me a phrase: 'Royalty is a balance between rules and roses.' The rules symbolize the responsibilities that a king must bear, while the roses represent the love for your family and your subjects. Eric, I understand that titles come with challenges, but I truly believe in you," I said with conviction, smiling warmly at him.

As I spoke, Eric listened attentively, his gaze meeting mine with a mix of gratitude and determination. The weight of his responsibilities as king was evident, yet so too was the depth of his commitment to his kingdom and his people.

'' Your words helped me calm down Delilah, thank you so much, I am so glad to have you in my life, thank you so much for these words '' he said with a grateful expression on his face. "I will strive to be the best king I can be, for the sake of my family and my people," Eric added, determination shining in his eyes.

I reached out and gently took his hand in mine, offering him silent support and reassurance. Together, we stood amidst the tranquil beauty of the stables, surrounded by the soft rustling of horses and the faint scent of hay. In that moment, I knew that no matter the trials ahead, Eric and I would navigate them together, guided by our shared belief in the enduring power of love and duty.

"Our journey together is just beginning," Eric murmured, his thumb caressing the back of my hand. "And with you, Delilah, I know it will be a journey filled with both challenges and cherished moments."

A wise king once said there is no need to say thank you in love," I said with a giggle, feeling a warmth spread through me as I looked at Eric.

"I love you," I whispered softly, my heart full.

"I love you too, Delilah," Eric replied, his voice tender and sincere.

As we stood together, lost in the quiet intimacy of our exchange, delicate snowflakes began to drift gently from the sky, transforming the world around us into a winter wonderland.

"The first snow of winter, it's so beautiful," I remarked, watching the soft flakes descend like tiny crystals.

"Beautiful indeed," Eric agreed, his eyes reflecting the serene scene before us. His hand found mine, and we stood there, united in our love, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of the falling snow.

In that moment, amidst the peaceful silence and the gentle embrace of winter's first snow, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and joy. With Eric by my side, I knew that love had brought us together in a way that surpassed titles or responsibilities—a love that was as pure and timeless as the winter snow.

After a while, Eric gently suggested that we return to the castle. True to his nature, he escorted me to my room like a gentleman. At the door, he bid me goodnight with a tender kiss on my hand, leaving me with a warm feeling that lingered long after he had gone.

Oh, how much I wish he would stay with me longer, but duty called and he had to leave. As I watched him walk away, a sense of longing filled my heart, wishing for another moment in his presence. The memory of his touch lingered as I closed the door behind me, feeling a mix of sadness and contentment. I knew our paths would cross again, but for now, I was left with the bittersweet ache of his departure. I held onto the feeling of his presence, knowing that it would sustain me until we met again. The warmth of his kiss on my hand stayed with me as I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the next time we would be together.