"As you may know, your Highness, someone has attempted to murder His Highness by a very sleek technique, which is a poison arrow," the doctor stated when he called for me inside Eric's room. The doctor's voice trembled slightly as he continued, "We must remain vigilant and take every precaution to ensure His Highness's safety moving forward."

'' That explains the foam coming out of his mouth, but what kind of poison was used? It spread really quickly, I believe," I said, looking at Eric, who was lying in his bed unconscious. The paramedics mentioned that it could have been a neurotoxin, which would explain the rapid onset of symptoms. We need to find out what he was exposed to as soon as possible.

"What is a very good point, your highness? I was about to tell you this thing next: the poison that was used in the arrow was not just an ordinary position; it was very different and very venomous. It might be made by the blood of Leiurus quinquestriatus, which is a deadly scorpion, but I cannot confirm this yet; I will look into it a bit more.

I suggest that you stay with his highness and don't trust anyone around him because it can be anyone from the inside as well. His Highness will be awake in a day or two. I must take a leave now; the nurses will be taking rounds and informing me about his health. May our king recover soon.'' The doctor said this, looking at me pitifully. I quickly nodded, feeling a sense of unease settle in my stomach.

As I watched the doctor leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked closer than I had ever imagined.

'' Amen, thank you so much," I said, bowing as he left.

I turned around and faced Eric. His chest was covered in bandages, and a wet cloth was on his forehead to cool down his fever. I took the cloth, dipped it in water, and rubbed it on his hands gently.

Get well soon, my love. '' I kissed his forehead and took a deep breath. The worry and fear in my heart slowly began to ease as I saw a faint smile form on Eric's lips. I whispered words of comfort and encouragement, knowing that he would soon recover with my care and love by his side.

That night, I spent the night with Eric and gave him some fluids. Every five hours, nurses would arrive. I experienced so many different feelings that I was unsure of what to do

. The murderer might kill someone again; is Eric or anybody else here safe? I pondered this. I sought clarification and wanted to identify the perpetrators and the true offender.

It was well past midnight when the soft creak of the door signaled my father's entrance into Eric's chamber. The dim light from the bedside lamps cast a subdued glow, accentuating the lines of worry etched on my father's face. His presence, though unexpected, was a comforting balm amidst the tense atmosphere that enveloped the room.

"It is midnight, my dear; you should get some sleep," he said in a gentle tone, his voice carrying both understanding and concern. His eyes, usually bright with warmth, now held a flicker of worry, mirroring the turmoil that churned within me.

I rose from my chair, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. "I will, once my heart is at ease," I replied softly, my words tinged with exhaustion. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, the recent attempt on Eric's life leaving us all on edge.

"And I believe that will happen when he wakes up," my father responded quietly, his gaze shifting to the figure lying still in the bed. His concern for Eric was palpable, a reflection of the deep bond that had grown between them.

I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for my father's unwavering support. In his presence, I found a sense of strength amidst the fear and uncertainty. We stood together, a silent vigil punctuated only by the soft sounds of Eric's breathing and the distant murmur of the night.

As the minutes stretched into hours, my thoughts drifted to the perpetrators behind the cowardly attack. Who would dare to harm Eric, and why? Questions swirled in my mind, fueled by a desperate need for answers and justice.

I was roused from my contemplation when the nurses quietly exited the room, leaving us in a moment of quiet solitude. It was then that my father's steady voice broke through the stillness, offering a beacon of reassurance in the darkness.

"Delilah, my dear," he began gently, his tone a soothing contrast to the turmoil within me. "We will find those responsible. Eric is strong, and he will recover. You must have faith."

His words resonated deep within me, a reminder to remain steadfast in the face of adversity. I nodded, a silent vow forming in my heart. Together, we would navigate the uncertainty ahead, standing guard over Eric's bedside and holding onto hope for his swift recovery.

With a reassuring smile, my father placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Now, rest," he urged softly. "I will stay here with you."

"Yes, but also when I know who was behind this act," I said, looking at Eric.

My father came forward and held Eric's hand and asked, "How is he now?''

"We cannot confirm anything yet; the fever has gotten down, which is good news, but he needs to gain his consciousness back.''

"He will be fine; he is a king, a soldier, and a fighter; I know that well," he said, consoling me.

"Your words always calm me down, Father," I said, smiling a slight bit.

"That is the magic of fatherly love, my dear," he said, smiling at me as he sat next to me on a chair.

"And a motherly one too," I said, looking down.

"No, my dear, I would disagree; a mother's love is far more perfect than what I have given you," he said as his voice was getting thicker.

"You raised a princess and a warrior; you played both roles; you were an ideal father and a mother; you should be proud of that.''

"I am very proud of what you have become—a strong, sensible young woman, just like your mother,'' he said, looking at me with a smile.

I answered, grinning, "The credit goes to you and Madam Beryl," wiping a single tear from the corner of my eyes.

'' Ahh.. yes..yes, madam Beryll, God bless that woman; she helped me through everything," he said, chuckling a bit.

Finally, some light in this darkness, I thought.

"I wanted to ask you something; I wanted to for a long time," I said, looking to my father's side.

"Sure, what has been bothering you all these years?" he said.

"Why didn't you get remarried after Mom died? You must have thought about it," I asked him.

'"Of course, I thought about getting married again; you were just days old. It was overwhelming, to say the least. But your mother..." My father's voice trailed off, his eyes distant with memories. "No one could ever replace her. It felt almost sacrilegious to consider anyone else taking her place. Your mother was not just loved; she was adored by everyone who knew her. She had this way of lighting up a room, of making even the darkest days seem brighter. She was like a sunset, turning into a sunrise every night."

I listened intently, absorbing every word, knowing how deeply my father cherished the memory of my mother. His emotions were palpable, and I could sense the weight of his loss even after all these years.

"I hope Eric loves me like you loved Mom," I finally said, breaking the silence that had settled between us like a heavy shroud.

My father looked at me, his gaze soft yet filled with an unspoken sadness. "Delilah," he began gently, "what your mother and I had was... rare. It was a love that transcended words, that weathered every storm. And Eric..." He paused, searching for the right words. "Eric loves you deeply, my dear. I see it in the way he looks at you, in the way he speaks of you. But love, real love, it's not about comparing or measuring up to someone else's memory. It's about the bond you share, the moments you create together."

I nodded, taking in his wisdom. "I understand, Father," I replied softly. "I just want to be sure... sure that Eric and I are building something as strong and enduring as what you and Mother had."

He left the room, patting my shoulder. I just held Eric's hand tighter and wiped my tears. "It is okay." I lied to myself.

I was awakened in the morning by something licking my feet. I looked down and saw Axton. He jumped onto Eric's bed and simply lay there, and I petted his body. He jumped down when there was a knock on the door and barked,'' "Come in," I said.

It was Ruth; she was one of the head nurses. She came inside with a tray of medicine and food, which she placed on the dresser.

'' oh!! "Hey little one!" she exclaimed.

"Good morning, sister," I said.

"Good morning, your highness. Has his Highness woken up yet?'' she asked.

"No, not yet, sister," I replied while standing up.

She gave me instructions, saying, "Princess, after his highness has had breakfast, I want you to give him these tablets."

"Alright, sister, anything else?" I asked her, grabbing the tray in my hands.

"No princess, just let me know if His Highness's temperature goes up or down," she said and bowed before leaving.

As the nurse left, Adeline entered the room and bowed, saying, "Princess, please, you should eat something; you haven't eaten anything since last night.''

"Thank you, but I am not very hungry," I said I was feeding Eric a bit of soup; his body was cold, but he was sweating as well; he looked lifeless.

"Your Highness, please, I know you are worried about his highness's health, but you look weak; your eyes look very red," he exclaimed in concern.

''Adeline, I don't want to think about myself when a part of me is fighting death in front of me," I said in a low tone.

"And you think that his highness will appreciate you starving yourself?" she said, sitting next to me.

''Maybe not..'' I said, looking at her, and I chuckled, remembering that she scolded me when I acted like this before.

I gave Eric his tablet and lifted his head as I put a glass of water up to his lips. He drank it, and then Adeline poured me a cup of tea and handed it to me. We drank tea together.

"Do you have any suspicions on who did this to His Highness?" Adeline asked, her voice tinged with concern as she glanced towards Eric's still figure.

I took a moment to consider her question, my gaze drifting to Eric's side where he lay recovering. "I've tried to think about it, but I honestly have no idea who would do this," I replied, a mix of worry and frustration evident in my voice.

"It's all so sudden," I continued, my thoughts racing. "Less than a week since he publicly revealed he's the king, and now this. It's troubling to think someone would resort to such extremes."

Adeline nodded solemnly, her brow furrowed with worry. "Yes, your highness," she murmured softly. "It's unsettling, to say the least."

As we sat in the quiet of Eric's chamber, the only sound was the soft rustling of Axton, our loyal hound, as he nestled beside Eric, gently playing with his hand. The sight brought a pang to my heart; seeing them together reminded me of the vulnerability and danger Eric faced, even within the safety of our walls.

"I just wish we knew more," I said finally, breaking the silence. "Who could harbor such malice towards him?"

Adeline placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We'll find out, your highness," she said with determination. "The guards are investigating, and we won't rest until we have answers."

I nodded, grateful for her support. "Thank you, Adeline," I said sincerely. "We must ensure Eric's safety, no matter what."

After some time, I changed out of this gown and into something a bit more comfortable. I wanted to talk to Adrian about everything that went down last night. I kissed Eric's forehead. "I will be back in a few hours, love," I whispered in his ear. I closed the door slowly and walked very fast downstairs, looking for Adrian. I stopped by my room and grabbed a dagger just in case. as I was walking in the hall. I met Orion.

"Hey Delilah, wait," he said, and I turned around to look at him.

"Uh yeah, sorry I did not see you," I said, looking at him.

"Where are you going?'' he asked.

"To find answers," I told him

"And who knows the answers to your questions?'' he asked.

"I don't know; someone is from this kingdom," I stated.

"You cannot just walk around this castle when a killer is striking here; what if you get killed?" I said, raising my voice.

'' And you think I will be more comfortable locked in a room when I know something is not okay here? If you have known me since we were kids, at least you should understand what I am feeling.'' I said I was feeling frustrated.

"All I know is that you are putting yourself in danger for the sake of this king you met only a few weeks ago. Delilah, think this through once," he said.

If you don't have any kind words for me, please don't say anything at all. Also, he's not some king; he's the one who made me feel loved in so many different ways that I can't even begin to articulate it.

Then he grinned and said, "I would love to help you investigate this case of a secret note."

I grinned and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, "Now those are the words I wanted to hear." I knew I could count on him to support me in unraveling the mystery. His willingness to assist filled me with gratitude and reassurance.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, he said.

''I truly do; I want to know what the king of scorpions, Leiurus quinquestriatus, is and where it is found, like in which locations it is found," I told him.

"Wait, how did you know about this? This is one of the most dangerous scorpions. My aunt was once bitten by one, and she died due to inadequate care, but it was within hours,'' he said, looking worried.

"Well, this scorpion's blood was used to make some kind of poison, and it was in the arrow that struck Eric's chest."

'' woah. "That is messed up," he said, looking to his side.

"Yeah, let me know if you know something about it or anything at all; I have to go now," I said.

"Sure, princess, take care," he said, nodding at me before I walked away from him.