04. A Welcome Gift

[Initializing progress… 100%]

[A welcome gift has been sent to your inbox. The inbox can be opened through the system interface.]

[Check the inbox first to choose the specific rewards from A Welcome Gift before claiming the beginner reward later on!]

Ryūhei was dumbfounded. He didn't think that a novel-like system was linked to him. He swept his finger down, just like when Kirito in SAO opened his system interface. But, nothing happened. Then, he recited "status", "open", or whatever commands he knew one after another. After he recited "system open", a holographic interface with a blue neon-like theme appeared before him.

He tapped the inbox icon at the top right corner. There are several rewards that have been sent with the description A Welcome Gift.

The first one is a mysterious box. It randomly gives him one of the devices on the list, which contains a set of PCs, Playstations, Smartphones, or any technology from the modern world without the need for electricity or the internet.

After he opened it, it gave him something familiar.

"Woah, a drawing pad and a wireless all-in-one printer. I can use this to start a business in Liyue."

Ryūhei is no stranger to those devices as he is an illustrator. Since drawing is his specialty, he might run a business to create flyers, posters, and notices, or maybe work with a publishing company to make copies of the novel.

And then, he checked again the two remaining rewards. One of them is some system points. It was probably something like a currency that could be used in the system market since he saw an icon like the Facebook marketplace in the system interface earlier. And the other one is an ocular box. When he tapped it, he lit his eyes in excitement. But then, he scratched his head in confusion at the difficult choice pinned on him.

Inside the box, there are 3 options to choose: Tenseigan, Rinnegan, and Rikugan. Those three types of eyes are the most iconic ocular powers in the world of anime. Each of the three has several unique abilities. And if Ryūhei chooses one, he'll also get a specific pure bloodline as a bonus so it can match him as well as let him use specific techniques from each of those eyes.

The Tenseigan is an ocular power that enables the user to have a 360º field of vision. It can penetrate almost any object, allowing users to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body. It can also identify the specific energy of an individual, thus no one can fool the Tenseigan user with a sort of disguise art, not even illusion able to fool the user.

Its special abilities lie in how the user is capable of controlling gravity, controlling puppets, and absorbing natural energy. By absorbing natural energy, the user can freely enter a specific transformation called Tenseigan Chakra Mode as well as gain access to the 9 Truth-Seeking Balls that float behind the user's back in a circular formation, which encompasses the power of all five basic natures, fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind.

The Rinnegan is an ocular power that grants the user great perceptual clarity, allowing the user to imitate or copy other people's techniques with near-perfect accuracy depending on the user's understanding and prerequisite abilities.

In combat, this allows the user to see fast-moving objects and offers some amount of predictive capabilities, just like anticipating an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and acting accordingly to dodge or intercept.

The next is illusions. The user is capable of manifesting any illusion through eye contact, suggesting or coercing the thoughts and actions of the target, then divulging information or acting in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness.

And there are two most powerful and dreadful illusions the user can perform by sacrificing one of the eyes. One of them is called Izanagi. It allows the user to warp reality for a short time, changing reality into illusion and illusion into reality, thus escaping death and rewriting destiny. The other one is Izanami. It traps the victim in an infinite loop of illusion, disregarding the target's five senses.

The user is also capable of summoning Susanoo, a gigantic humanoid avatar that surrounds the user and fights on the user's behalf.

Likewise, the user also possesses particular generic abilities that differ between the users of the same eyes.

And the most important thing is, the user is capable of controlling gravity, controlling puppets, extracting someone's souls, summoning creatures, controlling life and death to revive the dead, and mastering the power of all five basic natures, fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind.

Of all these abilities, one could say that the Rinnegan is much better than the Tenseigan in terms of usability. Also, with those two kinds of eyes, the user is capable of performing various ninja arts by manipulating the user's spiritual energy throughout various network channels inside the user's body, before releasing it outside.

The last but not the least is the Rikugan. It is a rare ocular power that grants the user extraordinary perception, very efficient use of energy that almost reaches zero amount of energy lost, immense brain processing power, seeing any kind of energy in extreme detail, and the ability to utilize the Limitless, a technique that brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality and allows the user to freely manipulate as well as distort space at will, to its fullest potential.

The Rikugan is a little bit different from the Rinnegan and the Tenseigan. If the Rinnegan and the Tenseigan grant the user to freely perform ninja arts by manipulating the user's spiritual energy, then the Rikugan grants the user to freely perform curse techniques by manipulating the user's negative energy.

The mental prowess of the Rikugan user can turn one moment in reality into well over a minute's worth of time within the user's brain. The user's sight is also enhanced, allowing the user to analyze and calculate the positions of everything within view instantly, see things from several kilometers away, and be easily able to distinctly tell apart different figures within the user's vast range.

Because the user's sight is enhanced, one glance can immediately fill the user's brain with all the information from what the user sees, even in mass form. In the long run, it can overload the user's brain, so it's best if the user is wearing a blindfold or sunglasses.

After reading all of that information, Ryūhei couldn't decide what eyes he should choose.

"What should I choose? The Tenseigan is the least appealing of the other two. While I like the Rinnegan, the Rikugan is the most convenient and efficient since it allows me to travel easily by manipulating space while consuming almost zero energy. And choosing the Rikugan also grants me the Limitless instantly as another bonus besides Gojo's bloodline."

No doubt, even getting one of them would benefit him in this kind of world. He didn't know whether having one of those eyes would boost his strength at the level of Archons or not. But at the very least, he would have the power to protect himself better.

"Let me see the system market first."

Ryūhei checked the market. With the little points he had, he could only exchange the cheaper items from Earth. After considering, he decided to save his points in case he needed them in the future. Then, he went back to choose the eyes again.

The Rinnegan, its abilities are the most appealing out of the three kinds of eyes. Yet, the abilities would consume a lot of energy. Meanwhile, the Rikugan is the most efficient in terms of consuming energy.

"Hmmm, considering the pros and cons, I think the Rikugan is my best choice."

Even though Ryūhei would instantly become much stronger if he chose the Rinnegan or the Tenseigan, in truth, the Rikugan could also match the level of the other two eyes. On the condition that Ryūhei mastered the Limitless to an advanced level.

"Hell. The Rikugan can be invincible as well since the user of the Rikugan gains extraordinary perception, the user can teleport instantly to avoid any attack."

After remembering things, Ryūhei realized that no one could touch Gojo Satoru, the wielder of the Rikugan, in anime. So, after taking it into consideration, Ryūhei chose the Rikugan as his ocular power.

After claiming the Rikugan, his eyes which should be silver in color started to turn vibrant blue. A lot of information filled his brain while his thought process was sped up due to his enhanced eyesight thanks to the Rikugan. However, because too much information poured into his brain, dizziness struck him, forcing him to close his eyes immediately.

"Damn. I didn't think the effect would be this strong."

Yet, even with his eyes closed, he could still see the energy in the surroundings, creating a sketch-like view according to the flow of energy in the surroundings. So, it was no problem for him to walk around without opening his eyes.

After getting used to his new eyes, his dizziness disappeared. What's more, all the information regarding the Limitless technique had also been digested by him. Making him immediately understand the concept of all the techniques in detail, even though he wasn't sure he would be able to use those techniques right away since he had never even touched cursed techniques.