As jakes guidance had bailed on him shitty start but Jake life in the military academy starts now and makes a friend
As jake waited in line for possibly thirty minutes it felt like a living hell waiting
Crowd chattering!!
Jake (thinking) : how the fuck did this happen !!
Jake (thinking) : oh wait …I remember that shit had guidance bailed on me and left me here to wait in line in this hell and the fuck
Jake (thinking) : and I swear to god I will Personally kick that fucking nut of his !!
Jake hears a bing as it was finally his turn
Jake : oh finally !
He looks into the screen panels and scrolls down for his name and classroom number
(Touch , slide , touch , slide)
Jake : come on give me a Jake , give me Jake
Finally he finds his name
Jake : okay found it now where is it ?
As look to the right and his number was
Jake : looks like I'm going to room one hundred seventy two
One of the student asked if he was done
Male military student 1 umm …sir
Jake : hmm ?
Male Military student 1 : if your done can I look through the panel
Jake : oh yeah sure go ahead
Male military student 1 : awesome thanks
As he goes through the panel in search for his name and it turns out he is in the same classroom number as Jake
Jake : your names luka huh ? , aye we're in the same class !
Luka : really?
Jake offers to walk with luka to class room
Jake : since we're in the same class how about we walk there together
Luka : but …wait your royalty and-
Jake : oh come on man leave aside on the royalty thing right now let's go
Luka : o..okay
Jake and luka walk to the hallway towards the elevator
As they enter it jake wonders where is the floor that the classroom will be
Jake : uuuuuhhhh….which one which one
Luka : it's in the eighth floor
Jake : right thanks
As the elevator moves to the Eighth floor
(Elevator music)
Jake : (whisles)
Luka : ...
As they wait Jake ask luka why did he join the military academy
Jake : so luka what gave you the idea to join the military academy huh?
Luka answers it
Luka : well I joined in the academy because I needed a higher pay and also to do service to my country
Luka begins to explain why really
Luka : when I was little I always wanted to be strong like them to protect our home , our void
Luka : and what's more I hope that we get to explore out there to other voids and meet all sorts of people
Luka asked jake why'd he join the academy
Luka : please tell me why did you also join here ?
Jake : hmmm..well to be honest I came here to be strong and to be a wise leader to lead others into battle
Jake : I'd also like other voids to experience a better life then what they have now
Jake : I'd also like to defend my home to no matter what
Luka smiles at jake and the elevator stops as they reached to the eighth floor
Jake : I think we're here ?
As the elevator doors open they walk through the hallway which it took some time but finally they found it
Luka : finally room one hundred seventy two
As they enter they find a desk
Jake : ok here
As there was chattering in the room and mostly males were on there phones
And then the teacher pressed a button
Everyone stopped taking and was silenced no know Talked
Male military teacher : okay that's better
As he speaks up and announces
Vitaliy: my name is vitaliy and I will be your teacher for your four years of education until your graduation
Vitaliy : now everyone take out your tablet from your bag and sync to the panel on your desk
As everyone takes out a black tablets and syncs to the panel
Jake was confused how to use the tablet but luka helps him out
Jake : uuhhh…how do I?
Luka : let me help you
Luka instructed Jake how to sync his tablet to the panel
Luka : turn on your tablet press synce and lay it down until connected
Jake : okay thanks
Luka : don't mention it
Jake : okay got it
Vitaliy : if all of you can raise your hand if you synced in
Everyone raised there hands
Vitaliy : perfect now everyone begin typing military history in your panels and it'll show you some tips and don't forget to take notes
Vitaliy : and it will tell you the history of it and again take every note in this class
( typing, typing , typing)
As it shown the history and legacy
As the video plays as he has pencil and paper ready
Video audio : during the time we where much vulnerable and endangered our people but during the time we had to United to protect our future
Video audio : during our kings slumber military branches were built and established in taking training in outskirts and training exercises in mandatory fifteen years at the age of fifteen
Video audio : our brothers in arms have taken a sworn oath to protect all life with unwavering will and unbreakable relentless will
Video audio : and they will keep fighting to they're very last breath no matter the cost to ensure the victory, freedom and liberty for all life
As Jake wrote important details and the history of it he was amazed to hear about the sworn oath
Jake (thinking) : I didn't think that my people would actually be this devoted to their duty
Jake (thinking) : on the plus side at least they keep training regardless if they passed
As Jake was very satisfied but one thing that had him stunned was this
Video audio : in this void our only populations are consistent of males only none other
Jake : what?
Video audio : though we have created artificially by our breatherens we hopefully one day we meet one or many female viodians
As he sits stunned didn't say a word
Jake : .......
Jake (thinking) : o….only…..males ….WHY!!!!!