Chapter 7 Out of control part 1

As everyone survived during Crash everyone begins to get plastered with alcohol and have a good celebration but do they have everything under control

(Loud music)


As loud music plays in the club while Jake drinks the bottle of vodka not a cup just straight from the bottle

Jake : (gulp , gulp , gulp , gulp)

Jake : gaaah !

There were not girls in the void he's in right now so what he can do to have a good time is just drink , but right now he makes talk to

Jake : Reggie!

Reggie : yeah mate!

Jake asked Reggie while he's drunk a logical question

Jake : I ….uhhh …uhh….how is that there's only males in this void ?

Reggie : umm…uh …we were …uh artificially created in pods …and…I I think that's about it?

Jake : (hick)….but our population is over twenty million….I mean without girls …it's boring men

Reggie ask about the females and what makes them such existence in beauty

Reggie : okay you seem to know about girl then any of us (hick)

Jake answers

Jake : umm….okay….these um ….girls area t objects they're …humans like us

Jakes describes what they look like and how love really works

Jake : to my knowledge they are very beautiful…and (hick) I mean very beautiful you can't find something around here

Jake : long hair sometimes short , beautiful physique and appearances like that is beautiful even the personality

Reggie : really ? …I never knew that (hick)

Jake : you want to know how birth

Reggie reply's

Reggie : tell me mate…

Jake : (hick) ….when if you have feelings for one and you love them

Jake : it may take time …if they're to get intimate with men …only a woman can give her virginity

Jake : we can't do it without they're consent

Reggie : why ?

Jake : it's hurts them more …and it makes them sad …but with they're consent it's beautiful

Jake : like ..a worm embrace that symbolism of real love knowing they will be forever love only one men or women

Reggie : when you say it like that …I want to meet one girl and get to know her

Jake : also you want to know how they birth

Reggie : (gulp , gulp , gulp)

Reggie : please tell me

Jake : okay they you know how a men a women get intimate with each they both-

Someone bumps into Mujeed on purpose


Mujeed : oooff!

Male customer 1 : oops …hahahaha!

Reggie gets angry and walks up to the guy

Reggie : oi mate !

That guy turned around

Male customer : something you need ?

Reggie : I know what you did just now mate how about you apologize to him right now to my friend

He steps closer to Reggie in an aggressive way

Male customer : and if I don't what are you gonna do now? boy

Jake interrupts the whole thing and tries to calm the situation

Jake : hey hey guys ….let's relax (hick)

Male customer : huh ?! Who are you ?!

Jake : shouldn't be obvious from the beginning I'm the king

Male customer 1 : oh now I remember!

Male customer 1 : your that shit king that slept your ass off during our hard work!

Jake : aye wooow calm down ! , I was in a coma and I'm trying to fix things

Male customer 1 : yeah right ! , that's what officials say and even you that's bullshit!

Male customer 1 : now why don't you and your fagget friends get outta this place

Jake : look sir as as someone with royal blood such as myself I order you to calm and cease this at once !

Male customer 1 : oh now your acting like a king huh?!


As he'd pushed Jake which made him a bit tad angry

Jake : sir don't do that

Male customer 1 : do what ?!


Jake warns him the last time

Jake : dude stop that….you sure , you want me to this

Male customer : yeah mothfucker !! , go take swing at me bitch !


Jake makes a swing which broke his nice and few other teeth lucky jake knew to hold back a bit

Male customer 1 : aaagh…fuck!!

As he looks to his buddies and yells for back in a aggressive manner

Male customer 1 : The fuck you guys standing there get him!!!

Male customer 2 : fucker !!

Reggie : time to fuck these assholes up!

Luka : oh fuck me! …alright!!

Fionn : nobody fucks with our friends !!

As fight inside the bar broke out

(Smack ! Smack! , smack! , smack!)


Mujeed : you bastard!! Naaagh!!

Mujeed tackles one of the customers that had hit him


Male customer 5 : aagh!

(Smack! , smack! , smack!)

As the fight was near at its end inside the bar

Male customer 1 : fucker don't think just because your king let's go guys!

Jack : hmp! ….

Luka : what the fuck ! …..Jake ?

Jake thinks to himself for a moment

Jake (thinking) : he's not wrong but …..

Jake (thinking) : barely even know what we have the technology and other things are just so new to me

Jake (thinking) : and the worst part of it …'s my lack of knowledge opion of the public and other government

Jake (thinking) : I guess in a way I haven't even done anything for them at all

Male bartender : you and your shit head friends should get !!

Jake : no

The bartender was angry at jake refusing to leave the bar

Male bartender : you should leave now while I am being nice

As he pulled out a mts-255 revolver shotgun and points it at directly at his forehead

Jake : oh pointing a gun at me your king ?

Male bartender : if you really want fu-!

Jake : it's considered treason and you know what that would mean right

As the male bartender begins to sweat feeling more anxious

Jake : they take you outside and put a bullet im your fucking head

Male bartender : …..

Jake : go on pull the trigger

as his hands quiver knowing the fact that he might be right

Male bartender : ...fuck me!

As he lowered his shotgun and as he begins to grab his phone and quickly runs outside

Bouncer : the fuck is going on?!

Male bartender : let's go go!

Reggie : holy shite mate …

Luka : ....

Jake : (breath & inhale) ….come on boys let's get tons of fuck up aye!

End next chapter