First ray of sunshine

Edgar took a glance at Agatha and pulled out a sweet smile, "Of course, you are his wife after all but your Highness, he is still a king before your husband. A King on the floor is not a good image for our country." Edgar politely remarked, fixing his glasses.

Agatha didn't take the time to understand the double-meaning words, like a double-edged dagger thrown intentionally so it pierces her heart. Too bad, her heart was dead from getting stabbed. When the soul gets crushed and betrayed it does at some point and a soulless was a lot scarier than any kind of danger.

Agatha smirked, "Of course. I apologize for my naivety." She declared before peeking at Xavier. " Your majesty, please get up from there."

Agatha spoke coarsely, trying to keep her face straight. It was hard not to throw up seeing decomposed trash with the smell of rotting filling the air.

Xavier was a bit disappointed with her going back to the old ways, but it was not like he could do something.

"Reginald, please take his majesty out," Edgar instructed, staring back at Agatha. His lips never lost the subtle smile but his eyes were the one talking.

The warning glare he gave would send chills down the spine. Like a cobra with his hood spread, ready to attack anytime. Xavier seems like his precious gem, which was just dear to him.

Agatha didn't back off. That precious gem of his was going to be hers and she will destroy that gem whether he likes it or not.

Edgar noticed how unhinged she was by everything. Either she was just dumb or had plans that were not going to be changed.

"Let me check your injury." Edgar withdrew from the glare and diverted the topic. He bends down, checking the wounds and cleaning it up. While Agatha silently saw them holding her urge to murder the man.

"It's just a light scar. You are completely healthy enough to travel." Edgar remarked after finishing applying the medicine to her wound.

Agatha didn't see the reason why they were hurrying her up to the place unless something was going on. The coronation? Agatha tried to remember what happened around this time. It has been decades ago, causing her memory to be hazy.

Agatha was at a crossroads, not being able to remember something from years ago. How do people remember precise stuff from years ago? Her mother was someone to admire, she remembers the day and date where her husband was and what he was doing. She needs her mother's genes here.

Agatha just gave up and decided to go with it. She will know once she reaches there. She doubts it would be anything atrocious.

"Thank you for treating me." Agatha smiled and gave her thanks.

Edgar gave a small bow and walked out of the room. Agatha wiped off the smile, "Arse." She mumbled in her mouth, glaring at Edgar's back in contempt.

Edgar didn't hear her words and opened the door. Just by the frame, Xavier was standing trying to peek inside craning his head as soon as Edgar opened the door.

Edgar was irked at how Xavier turned into a boy with Agatha. That was not a good sign at all. It had just been mere hours since they even got married and he was already handing his lease over to a mere Duke's daughter.

His niece was the one who should have been betrothed. She was the princess, how can she compare? A Duke of northern terrain sure had wealth and a name yet it can't match royal status or blood.

Edgar cleared his thoughts to grab Xavier's attention. "Her Highness is fine. She can even travel." He declared, leaving the room.

Reginald walked Edgar out, Xavier didn't listen to anything other than the first statement and stepped in, rushing to his wife's side.

"Are you feeling okay? Let's just rest here for tonight." Xavier announced in, still worry flashing on his face.

Agatha didn't understand his worry, but she didn't want to waste time there. If Edgar was so determined for them to reach the castle by nightfall. Then there was something pretty important happening.

Agatha had no interest in missing the scene and not knowing what the enemy of hers was planning. "I am happy for your concern. However, I think we should continue our journey."

"No. We are staying here." Xavier affirmed, with his head held up.

"Your-..." Agatha gasped, her words were cut off, as he leaned closer to her, face to face.

"What did I say about addressing me?" Xavier inquired, her black orbs staring right into her emerald eyes.

Agatha gulped, as she froze to her place. Her heart suddenly started beating like crazy. Why this strange feeling every time he gets even an inch closer? The giddiness that she felt in her stomach was quite strange.

Agatha averted her gaze, coughing out to bring back her senses. "Hu-husband." She whispered in a shy and gentle voice, her cheeks slowly turning to cherry tint.

"Good. Let's spend the night here. We can continue our journey tomorrow." Xavier remarked, stroking her head lightly and left the room.

Agatha didn't have a chance to say anything. His strange gestures always take her by surprise. He was not like this.

The Xavier she remembered was a man who cared more about his throne and honours than anything in the world. He was untouchable, even when they used to spend the most intimate night together there was a coldness, a wall around him.

However, right now. He was warm and kind. Like the first ray of sunshine hitting the cold winter ground and melting the snow from the previous night. It was comfortable. A quite strange feeling it was… pleasant or unpleasant was something she still ponders upon.