
"Oh, Adolphus, you know me. Is there ever a lady who didn't wish to marry me?" Arthur waved dismissively, scoffing at his threat.

"Overconfidence was the cause of your father's death," Adolphus remarked, finishing the liquid in the glass.

At the mention of his father, Arthur's face turned serious. He let out a snicker, glaring at the minister, "He was a blind man to not see the assassin's blade." Arthur pointed out, with sheer hatred in his eyes. "I shall take my leave now." Arthur changed the topic, as he got up from the chair going back to his cheerful personality.

"I am grateful for your help, Minister Adolphus. Make sure to prepare for our wedding." Arthur spoke as he walked out of the room.

Once Arthur walked out of there, Adolphus lit up a cigar and took a puff. Arthur getting married…that seemed like a dream come true. He was the most problematic one related to the throne. But…princess of Ember Moon? In no way Arthur fell in love with someone like her. Then there was only one explanation for his bold gestures; Xavier.

Arthur listened to only one man in his life. That was his half-brother, Xavier. His loyalty to Xavier and the throne was beyond question. If Xavier says to burn the whole world, he would. That was the level of devotion he had. And Adolphus had seen that devotion with his own eyes.

At the age of fourteen, he severed the head of the minister, who argued against Xavier being on the throne right in front of the whole assembly. Before that incident, Arthur's motive towards Xavier and the throne remained in question.

Even when the war broke down, Arthur was the first to come forward to join it. A fifteen-year-old, going to war while he could just enjoy his time as royalty, yet he did, bringing honours when he came back.

Adolphus knew controlling Arthur was out of the question. Xavier has always been goody two shoes, a puppet king for the public. On the other hand, Arthur was the complete opposite of his brother. Hot-headed and stubborn and most of all he won't think twice to severe his head off without a fear of consequences. If Arthur was getting married to Xavier then someone corrupted was pulling the strings of his puppet.

The image of Agatha came up in his mind. Her fierce eyes and words with no stammer still stuck to his ears. She was a dangerous woman and the only person who can fill Xavier's mind. Just thinking that his beloved puppet was no longer under his control, makes his blood boil.

Adolphus rang for his butler, and a tall man with grey hairs entered his room, giving a bow. "My lord?"

"Call Edgar," Adolphus instructed, going back to his work.

The butler nodded to his instructions and after a bow, he left the room.

In an hour or two, Edgar arrived to find Adolphus outside, in the garden playing with his ten-year-old daughter. Edgar was quite astonished by the always serious and scary man like Adolphus, laughing and getting scolded by a ten-year-old. Edgar came out of his initial shock and went up to them.

Adolphus didn't react much to Edgar there and asked the servant to put on another chair for him. As Edgar sat down, Adolphus' daughter poured him a cup of tea. Edgar was still perplexed with the situation, yet tried to keep a plain face.

"Don't mind my daughter. She is learning how to serve tea these days." Adolphus saw Edgar's hesitation and cleared up.

He looked at his daughter, "Azalea, you didn't serve tea to your mother and sister." Adolphus spoke with a soft voice.

Azalea giggled, getting off her chair and running away. With the servants going behind her.

Once all alone, Adolphus started speaking, "Arthur wishes to marry your niece."

Hearing the news, Edgar's eyes widened in shock. He was left speechless. None of those words makes sense. The biggest rake of Acarvia wishes to be married to his niece. Someone who didn't even step out of the room from the day she arrived. What was even going on?

"I promised him that you will let him stay in your manor till she stays here. If she wishes to marry him by then then I will let them." Adolphus continued, sipping tea.

"What do you mean you will let them marry? You know what the agreement was!" Edgar yelled, standing up from his place in furious.

Adolphus narrowed his gaze towards him, "Relax, you don't have to remind me about the agreement. I am aware of it but we are talking about Arthur. You know what would happen if we deny that child."

Adolphus scoffed in frustration thinking of his plans going downhill. All because of that girl who entered the scene out of nowhere. The fault was his, to begin with, he should never have asked Xavier to visit that duchy. He would have asked, that fool wouldn't have fallen for that witch and none of this would have happened.

"We have to take care of that witch before she causes more trouble." Adolphus declared, digging his nails into his palms in fury.

Edgar finally cooled down and sat back in his seat, "We need to but before that what about Arthur."

"Make sure they never meet. If they don't meet, how will she fall for him? I doubt he even wishes to marry her. He is prolly going to investigate you or her, don't do anything till then." Adolphus warned.

Edgar had no other option except nodding to it and hoping for the best. He still loved his life to directly deny Arthur. With his temper, Arthur won't think twice before killing him. Edgar could only blame that witch who caused all of this. If she didn't marry none of this would be happening. That damn woman!